Has anybody with this condition put weight on ??. I have no appetite and sometimes go 3 or 4 days without eating and in the last 8m have put 2 stone on x
Weight: Has anybody with this condition... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I have and i find it impossible to loose i not sure if its cose of the medication the lack of mobility to exercise or just not eating properly .. I know i dont loose it as quickly as others when ive tried .. hope that helps xx gentle dyslexic hugs
Hello Paula
Yes, I went up from 7 stone to 23 stone at my highest. Once I got a diagnosis, changed my lifestyle as advised, ate a good diet ( devised with the help of a nutritionalist) did what exercise I could....swimming in the warmest water I could find was the best for me, cold water just stiffened my muscles up, took up meditation and yoga, followed a good bedtime routine and listened to my body instead of fighting what it was telling me I lost weight slowly and was gradually able to up my exercise.
When I retired my daughter gave me a puppy. Now I can walk a mile at my own speed which differs depending if its a good day or a bad day and having my dog means I have to get up regardless, although I do have good friends and family who will walk him if I am having a bad flare up.
So between 1997 and today I have gone from 23 stone to 10 stone and I am fairly steady at that weight. For my age and height I should be between 7-8 stone but I am happy with what I am.
I am not saying that my lifestyle has cured my fibro, I suffer the fatigue, the pain the stiffness and numerous other complaints I cant be bothered to list, but with regard to my weight it certainly keeps it under control. I still crave carbs because of the fatigue and often give in to the lure of the danish pastries and chocolate because they are easy to grab in the shop but I try and keep good carbs in my bag and in the car, like bananas, homemade flapjack made with honey and coconut fat rather than butter and sugar and little bags of nuts and dried fruit so that really I have no reason for eating bad carbs other than that drive from my brain and that sometimes "a little of what you fancy does you good".
I do hope this helps in some way, it may not for you but the point of posting on this forum is that your experiences may help someone.
Gentle Hugz, Loaf n Peas
aww thank you for replying to my question, ive only been diagnosed since january but been fighting for answers for 2 years. yes your answer has helped me and thank you , hugs paula x
hi paule u will put weight on if u dont eat coz yr metabalizmn needs fuel to get yr body working so it will b a combination of meds,lak of excersise .n not eating properly why ur putting weight on ,eat three meals a day nice n healthy n a snack mid morning n afternoon like fresh fruit or a few walnuts n dried fruit ,n a little excersise n u shun loose weight hope this helps hunni xxx
Small meals six time daily, this will keep metabolic rate higher, don't forget u are now not doing as much if u are a sufferer, Your body craves chocolate for energy, but your body does not have it cos of the syndrome, I realised this by having a jar of cheap chocolatey spread in the house and having a couple of spoonfuls, this is better than eating a whole bar!!!!
Terri xxxx
I agree about craving for carbs with the tiredness, also a craving for something sweet. So try not to have sweeties indoors. Even writing about them make me want one.
I'm doing exercises so hopefully that will help
I think its safe to say we have all put on weight with this condition.
What medications are you on???? some of these can cause you to put on weight.
As Tofty says if you dont eat for a while your body thinks its being starved so when you do eat your body holds on to the food and stores it.
Hi all and thanks for answers , its not that i dont want to eat, it because i have no appitite and carnt face food, the meds iam on are oramorph, tramodol , paracetomal antideppression tablets and clonazapram , i think it will be because iam not active anymore as once i used to be on the go all day every day xx
Hi - Well I had my appointment to day at the hospital to confirm fibro from the specialist as Doctor wasn't 100%.....and had to stand on the dreaded scales - and in the 2.5 years since this began I have put on almost 2 stones - no good when you are only 5'3! I came away today feeling awful - but I now know that I need to take up something in order to get a few pounds of. I feel since I have had this fibro I have not done much with my life as I seem to be down a lot with the pain - hence sitting about and doing nothing - weight gain - I don't over eat - have the odd treat but not greedy!!! I must make an effort - having fibro and being overweight makes me feel worse!!!!