I wrote a reconsideration letter to go in the support group a month ago and paid 15 pounds for a gps support letter to go with it . I phoned up today and yes you have guessed they say they never recieved it . The times i have heard that . So i have to do it all again and pay for another letter ( they not have a photo copy ) fuminggggggggggggggggggggggggg x
job centre plus: I wrote a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
job centre plus

hi rosehip what a pain in the ******** i always photcopy the letters and pay for them to sign on recipt at their end youre able to track the delivery on line with a tracking number and see who signs for it as the signiture is shown on line
they cant say they havnthad it as you can record its journey if you want.
hugs poppy xx
I also photocopy every single paper and send them recorded delivery even if its free post it only costs for the recorded, this has stopped all of my "no we never recieved it" now I check online. xx
Exactly the same thing happened to me at the beginning of april, I waited til the beginning of may and ramg them an it was the same as you rosehip, sorry we never received it you will have to send it all again. I always photocopy everythin so got all the paperwork together but I then went to my job centre and asked them to fax it all to them which they did. I rang up a few days ago and was told I had got my re consideration an they have put me in the support group and back dating my money til end of april. I hope this is a good oman for you rosehip and they put you in the support group, my fingers and toes are crossed for you, good luck Hilly xx
HI rosehip every 8 weeks when I hand In my sick line they loose it so they have to phone my gp to have it confirmed, try asking them to phone your doctor and have a copy of the original letter faxed over to them. Good luck x
hello rosehip'
can I just ask a question i'm just in the process of facing my appeal for ESA benefit !! can you tell me a little about these groups they put you into ? I am finding this so stressful and upsetting because i hvae only just been diagnosed with fibo ! did you have to go for a appeal as well ?
burecrats again they like messing us about