So, woke up in so much pain this morning that Rich called out an emergency doctor.
This is now the 5th doc I've seen about the fissures . I've given birth twice for goodness sake I should be able to take this pain.
He had a look ( had to peel me off the ceiling afterwards ) and says I have multiple fissures, one of them very deep and he's not surprised I'm in so much pain .
He's now ordered me to take as many pain killers as my body can physically take to try to give the area enough relief so it can try to start to heal them. He's even told me to take codeine , which I'd been told to avoid as it causes constipation , because he says dealing with the pain is more important at the moment to try and give me some quality of life at least .
He's had to write down what I should take and when as Fibro fog meant I couldn't take it all in.
On top of this I have to to chuck laxatives down me, eat regularly and drink water like a fish to counteract the codeine bunging me up.
The prognosis is apparently not good as the surgical options have poor results on the whole, so the future is looking grim to say the least .
He was here for almost an hour , was very calm and reassuring and as helpful as any doctor I've seen , but it's obvious there is little he or anyone can do .
I'm totally exhausted from all the pain and have been unable to get up for the second day running and for the third time in the last 7 days.
I guess it's just one more thing I'm going to have to learn to cope with .