have spent the last hour trying to get to sleep but in so much pain from my ribs-like they are being pushed further up into my chest and more protruding than ever.What is this and why cant doctors take it seriously.?the dr I saw on Monday just gave me codeine to take as well as paracetemol in already taking.feeling nauseous too.
another sleepless night: have spent the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
another sleepless night

Hi Anbuma,it was nearly 4 years ago i was getting a pain like there was something under my ribs pushing my ribs up and i was vomiting it turned out it was my gallbladder it had to betaken out.
There's quite a lot of people with fibro that have had to get there gallbladder out I'm not a doctor but maybe you should get it checked out.sending gentle hugs hope you feel better soon x
Sorry ment to say it was my right hand side only but everybody is different.The next time it happens or if it doesn't go away maybe you should go to accident and emergency i don't know where you live but that's what I did.xx
Hi Joanne.it cannot be my gallbladder as that was removed in august-after being detected by a private dr I saw in January.my own dr never investigated fro gallstones.unless its an after effect of the operation.several doctors have felt my stomach and it Is very sore and they accept that but they haven't accepted or refuse to acknowledge the fact that my stomach is so hard.ive been to A&E twice once recently when I had severe abdo pain and swelling on my legs and after few hours there all the f.......dr said was "I dont know why you are here,on Monday I went to my local hospital as couldn't get thru to doctors,the nurse there went away saying she was goign to get details of the appointment I had on the friday and came back with an appointment fro me at teh surgery.taht doctor seemed to acknowledge that I had the problem with my ribs and that my stomach was sore and just gave me more pain relief meds.i have had enough of sitting around hospitals and no one listening or taking me seriously.i have an appointment on 23rd to see my own dr if I can last that long.following an op last year to repair pelvic floor muscles ,now feel strange whenever I pass urine and pain in pelvic bone on left side.did tell dr this but he is putting everything down to FM and IBS,
Hello anbuma. Apparently thre is a condition called,,costochondritis..that we fibros can get I am hope less at typing so it woul tak too long to type the symptoms, but you coultry looking it up,If its not on this site, try the fibro myalgia support site. ill get back to yuo later, bd fog coming down fat...sue

Hi there .I have heard of this not from my dr but from a friend who had it 10 years ago and other people on here.and that its is to do with the ribs /sternum??but what about the pressure -that is casued by a cyst or other solid mass.??
hi ive had this condition since march and my gp said it would last about 10 weeks but its still here 8 months later
Good afternoon anbuma,Iam so sorry to hear of all your trouble and although I can't help you I just wanted to say that Iam thinking of you and sending you lots of gentle fluffy hugs.I also always get everything put down to fibro when I go to the Docters and my g.p at present doesn't even believe it is a proper condition.Have you had blood tests done to check for thyroid problems?xxx
Hi anbuma
I have costochondritis and it comes and goes on a regular basis. Strangely it only seems to affect me from the middle of my chest all around the right side to the middle of my back. I have had my gallbladder removed, (and the heaps of stones inside) so I knew it wasn't that. The pain is bad especially when it first starts, and can be excruciating to try to take a deep breath, so I'm really sympathetic to anyone that suffers from it.
Lupus specialist diagnosed it, usual thing blame fibro!
Hi anbuma sorry I am so late getting back to you.I have done a little research and from the symptoms you describe it could be costo whatever. I think the thing to do is to go back to your doctor and ask him straight out if this is what he thinks it is or if not what is it that they do not seem worried..... good luck and hugs sue
thanks for your replies everyone.i have had this since sept 2011 and only told "Inflammation".will put it too my dr on 23rd add to list of things to ask him-CA 125 and to refer to gynae or oncology.expect to be refused! nothing done today ??took dogs out slept .had lunch slept.short dog walk in pm and slept.struggling to stay awake to watch tv.where did I walk the dogs this morning?was it to the beach or just a short walk near home?cannot remember?oh this fibro!! trying to finish knitting a baby jacket and when finally finished the collar (trying to keep my eyes open)realized I had knitted it the wrong way round.unravel and start again?story of my life!!