whats happening to me?: i just want to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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whats happening to me?

gypsycrafter profile image
19 Replies

i just want to cry tonight. i feel so unhappy and alone all of a sudden. is this what acupuncture can do? I cannot even eat properly or get things into perspective.

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gypsycrafter profile image
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19 Replies
gypsycrafter profile image

i was alright till about 5pm then i started getting over the top about something and it has just escalated.

Ang01 profile image

Hi Gypsycrafter, so sorry you feel so down. I think this could be the fibro cos I have had times like that, I can wake up feeling good and within a matter of hours I go down with a bump. I think Chris is right and it could be depression so it would be a good idea to see your GP if you are not already on antidepressants. It has happened to me even with the antidepressants though and then its time to either increase them or change them.

Try and get some sleep and hope you feel better tomorrow. Take care, Love Angela xx

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to Ang01

i am on sertraline and have been ok till now. on my own for this week, no carers either. xxx

gypsycrafter profile image

thanks for your answer Chris. I went to gp friday and was fine. wont get in again for at least another week so will have to deal with it till then, it was just so sudden! xxx

tofty profile image

hi gypsycrafter ive had accupuncture n it made me feel good ,it does relax u a lot so maybe it relaxed u a little to much ,it sounds a bit like an anxiety attack or panic attack maybe things got a little bit out of perspective hunni ,try n stay positive keep coming on this sight for support love tofty xxx

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to tofty

Thanks tofty not been like this in years. xxx

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to gypsycrafter

calming down a bit now. could hardly see last time i spoke to you. have no idea what that was all about.! xxx

gypsycrafter profile image

thanks Jules i will prob be ok in morning = just feel like i need a good sob and let it out. it was like hitting a wall. xxxx

hi so sorry you are feeling like that but just go with it we cant be happy all the yime and full of life and bubbly evry now and then we all fel down and miserable and just want to cry and that allpart of this so dont worry i dont have accupuncture and i get like that in fact i was like it last night it is just a natural thing so jus go with the flow i hoe that you feel better tommorrow but if you dont well hopefully you will feel better the next day but just come on here and we are always here to listen and to help you through love diddle x

gypsycrafter profile image

It was horrible Diddle - just came and went so quickly and so very hard! like just after birth of a baby when your hormones are playing up! It seems to have passed now. I would like to thank everyone for pitching in so quickly and helping. hope you all have a good night xxxx

Ang01 profile image

Aw Gypsycrafter, so glad to hear that as we were worried about you. Hopefully you can get off to sleep soon and have a nice long rest so that tomorrow you feel much better. Just remember that old song "Always look on the bright side of life .....".

You know you have everyone on hear looking out for you, take care Love Angela xx

sarah111 profile image

Hi Gypsycrafter, I go like this sometimes and i put it down to the fibro..You should defo talk it over with your doctor,and sometimes a good cry does us the world of good so if you feel like that its best to let it all go.One things for sure your never alone being on this sight..plenty of suport and ppl to share your illness with whom have mayb had the same experances as yourself.I hope you feel better in the morning,

Soft hugs

Sarah Xxxxx

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to sarah111

thanks Sarah, feel better now. it was odd. you are right - always plenty of support here! everyone is wonderful, xxxx

Morning Gypsycrafter,

Hope you feel much better now.

I would make a note of what happened, how you felt etc and when you can get in to see your GP, tell him. I say make notes because I have to cos always forget!

As everyone has already said, we're always on here and here for you.

Hugs Sue xxxx

gypsycrafter profile image

I keep a diary when I remember (on instruction from specialist) and have written in what happened.(i forget stuff too!) I will also tell acupuncturist and gp. It was an odd feeling and not at all nice. Thanks Sue. xxx

julieann39 profile image

hi Gypsy hun, i know how you feel hun,i was like it this afternoon,crying for no reason,fed up,bored and felt very alone. You really need to be firm with gp receptionist and insist on seeing gp tomoz hun,dont ever feel alone,we are all here for you and i find having a warm shower or even listening to some music makes me feel slightly better hun.

Having a good cry does sometimes help too hun,i hope you feel better hun and sleep well,big hug for you hun.xxx

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to julieann39

i still think it had something to do with the acupuncture as it came and went so quick. some of these alternate therapies have strange effects on people. I had a wonderful relaxing sleep last night and feel refreshed this morning. at the time it was scary and horrid. thanks Julieann, i hope you are ok too. xxx

Glenys profile image

Hi Gypsycrafter. Acupuncture cleans out the system and for a few hours the toxins get into the blood before they are eliminated, so you usually get a rush of yukkiness until its flushed out (helps to drink lots of water after a session) it could be that it took you unawares and made you more vunerable to a panic attack or weepy session. Hope you feel better or more prepared next session, but its worth mentioning it to the acupuncturist, in case she can suggest a course of action. It is supposed to get better as you have more treatment and your body cleans and sorts itself out, but it may mean you are suscepable to depression as a reaction to this type of physical intervention. Accupressure is a little less invasive, but might be more uncomfortable at the time, and still may involve a cleansing after, but maybe not as bad?? XGlenys

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to Glenys

i think the sneezing fit was part of the same thing. I am depressive anyhow but on medication for that and panic attacks. A friend is going to pick me up some arnica tablets this afternoon to help with this. I have usually got some remedy tabs with me but cannot find them. I will mention it too her, she may reduce the time. have had all sorts of alternate therapies over the years and this is the one that has made the most impact, so I am hoping this one will work! xxxx

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