Hi all
I just saw a link for the site on fb & thought Id pop on n have a look its so nice to know that there r other ppl that will understand rather than just pretending to .
Ive always had problems with my legs since I was a teenager then 5 years ago I ended up on crutches for about 6months . After being sent for various scans , mri's x-rays ect the hospital finally diagnosed me only took them a fair few years ! I have my good days n my bad days like im sure most of u do . But its thanks to my gorgeous 8 month old son that I carry on n keep my self together without him ( as much as it kills me to entertain him sometimes cus of the pain ) id prob just sit in bed all day !
Gosh fibro is a pain in the bum :/
Hope u all have a fab day
Take care
Donna xxxxx