I was on this for my fibro it helped me sleep but unfortunatly made me put 2 stone on in weight its taken me 2 years to lose that weight and now im suffereing with no meds because im afraid to put weight on are there any that will ease my pain and help me sleep without the weight gain?
Amitriptyline: I was on this for my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

been prescribed Duloxetine but not taken it as afraid to
hi amy i take nortryptiline ive been on it a year and seem ok althou i always watch wot i eat anyway coz my cholesterol was high xx
I have found the same on Amitriptyline, I take 75mgs daily and since starting this medication I have put on about two stone even though I eat at least half the amount I used to before I was diagnosed. Also I am really inactive, so exercise just doesn't happen. I'd like to lose a stone, but at the moment I can't see that happening. Hopefully with some nice warm sunshine I will feel more motivated and well enough to ride my bike etc.
I have been on Amitriptyline for about 9 months now and if you are carefull you won't gain weight, I've lost 15lbs since January. Granted it's not been easy but just watch what you are eating and do a bit of exercise if you can. x
I have been prescribed Duloxetine for my fibro but to be honest I dont feel it helps me that much. In the beginning I thought I was going to be better on it but as time goes on it doesn't make much difference. I think Amytriptyline is usually taken at night and is supposed to help with sleep but I was advised to take duloxetine in the morning and don't have anything to take for sleeping. I do get a prescription periodically for sleeping pills but only for a week at a time to try and help the sleeping pattern.
Take care, Angela x
hi amiejo,i take naproxen,tramadol n pregabalin.i was changed t the pregablin fm amitriptyline cos it stopt helpin me relax.the combi im on now is not workin as gud as it was but im not goin bk t doc yet cos she`ll only up the dosage or gi me sumat else n i feel eventually that i`ll av the same prob...i no my body...but that dosnt mean the same will appen t u,we`r all diff n Mr fibro n he`s bestfriend Mr ME effect us in diff ways,gud lk in findin a solution...p.s i did find that pregablin elpt me 4 quite sum mnths xx
thats so funny not in that way it is just that i have been on this tablet for 2 years and i have lostr stone and half i was 8 to 8 half stone i am now 7 to seven half even though i eat all that carrot cake ( see other blogds you will get it) but seroisly thats strange isnt it how they affect people in different ways love to you diddle x
Iv had pregablin and gabapentin and i cant take tramadol nothing seems to work for me so am suffering im still waiting for acupuncture its been nearly a year of waiting
suffer in silence i recon
The optimum treatment of Fibro requires a multidisciplinary approach. This often means a combination of medications, not just one medication, alongside non-medication treatments.
Have you discussed your concerns about Duloxetine with the doctor that prescribed it?
The evidence suggests that Acupuncture is not a good treatment option for Firbo as any benefits tend to be short-lived.
Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, on the other hand, definitely have a role to play in treating Fibro.
These blogs may be of use:
I have been taking amitriptyline for 10 years now, 50mg then when I went to the pain clinic 3 yrs ago the dose was increased to 75mg and I was also given pregabolin (lyrica) The pregabolin caused me a lot of problems and I only took it for 6 months but in that time I had put on about 20lbs in weight which I can;t shift now. I tried tramadol but that didn't do any thing at all which just goes to show that everyone reacts differently to all the pain killers that are prescribed for fibro. Personally when I am struggling to get past the pain, 400mg of ibuprofen a large slice of carrot cake and a coffee works wonders ( ibuprofen mustn't be taken on an empty stomach so there's a good excuse for the carrot cake )