I think we shouls all start thinking along the lines that our glass is half fu;land not half empty and we should all think about the things we can still do and not the things we cant do and the things we would like to try and do not the things that we wont even try to do we must all start to think more positively and instead of a frown a smile instead of tears of hurt and frustration tears of laughter and joy instead of lines of pain etched on our faces laughter lines lets all try to give it a go i know its hard but lets try and see if we can start to turn this fibro into a friendnot an enemy because although obviously we will all NEVER love it or WANT to have it it is always going to be with us so we have go to learn to work with it not against it love to you all diddle xxxx
NEW TRAIN OF THOUGHT!: I think we... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Thanks Diddle that brightened my day up, now I feel the need to sing monty pythons " Always look on the bright side of life .....". I'll be whisteling all afternoon!!!!! LOL
Hugs xxxx
dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah always look on the bright side of life la la la la la la la la as long as it made you smile thats good and its worked love to you diddle xx
Hi Diddle yes so right, what a truly brilliant thought, that's the only way to get through this long term complaint, that doesn't mean we can't all have the odd day where it gets to you but then get up dust yourself off and find a way round doing what you wanted to do even if its not to the same extent as before FMS
yep get yourself up and dust yourself down thatis totally true love to you diddle x
I often think like this, although I am also guilty of letting it all get me down, too.
I have learnt stuff about myself that I would never know, if I still had the manically busy,hectic lifestyle I had before my collapse.
It's true I've lost an awful lot of my pre-fibromyalgia lifestyle and I do allow myself time to grieve, I think it's important so long as there's a sense of perspective.
But despite this, I've learnt about stuff I can do and stuff I enjoy now that my lifestyle has slowed down. I also use skills at work that may not come out as often, now that my body and brain don't function in the same way.
That's a lot of stuff to be thankful for!
Hi Diddle, this is a deep and meaningful thought but a really good one. Its so easy to look at the negatives and forget the positives. As soon as I read it I thought of that song "Always look on the bright side of life" etc. but Jessy, you beat me to it!
I dont have the life or lifestyle I had before but there are different things that have come into my life in the past few years that have truly made up for that. At least I have a roof over my head, food in my cupboard and a warm bed to sleep in so what else could I ask for?? Except chocolate maybe!! xx
Love Angela x