After having to give up driving myself, thought I was just bad if being driven by my son, he's very impatient, now find can't go anywhere at normal speeds in a car, end up shaking , feeling physically sick and racing heart,can't do airports, railway stations or crowded shops so now spend a lot of time at home.
Was listening to the radio the other day-the case of a gay couple separating and what made me smile was the one who had stayed at home the most -when asked what he did he said he managed projects and designed the garden(used to be called running a home I think) anyway that's what I am now a project manager and garden designer (albeit often in my head and from the chair)and I've taken on an apprentice---bless him he's not very quick to learn and his memory seems worst than mine at times, has particular difficulty with machines, washing machine, hoover, iron, lawn mower but is very adapt with stereo, radio, video and television, they do say training needs to start young,bless him he does try but missed out on early training but he's got his NVQ in bed-making I'll be having a little ceremony to award him a certificate.