i got up this morning out of it i didnt even know where i was my legs are like jelly and in pain my daughter threw her small teddy at me that hit my arm and it really hurt feel so miserable and fed up just wanted to moan
legs like jelly: i got up this morning... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
legs like jelly

I have jelly legs most mornings. That is the hardest part of the day for me. The slightest touch on my muscles can be agony. Keep your chin up it is better some days. My kids know not to get in my way until the drugs have kicked in. Soft hugs Sasa
Hi sarah,
I have jelly legs quite frequant too.
It is usually a sign that i have over done it for me, but everyone is different hun.
Hope it doesnt last too long.
kel xxx
i have jelly legs too lol it funny you have to laugh dont you love diddle x

yeah i thought it was funny lol then i nearly fell down the stairs so now im worried
I know it is awful , i was worried too as one time i was at top of stairs and i had my youngest grandson in my rms luckily my daughter was there and she grabbed my arm, i did not mean it funny in a flippant way , i do laugh at myself and my jelly legs but deep down i do think to myself why am i doing that so sorry if you felt i was nt taking you seriosly as i was it is awful but that is me putting on my mask and trying to cover up my own worries with laughter , but most people on here are the same and we all nearly have those jelly legs and it is not nice but you take care and perhaps it is worth a trip to your Gp to tell him at lest it will be logged on your notes then love to you Diddle x

no hun i was agreeing with you sorry if it didnt sound like that my hubby keeps saying he worries when hes at work cos we have a 2 yr old he said we should try to get a bungalow with the housing place we with what do you think do you think we going over board
no not at all its a good idea you may as well apply for one now could be a while waiting.my eldest daughter is 25 she has got a 4 and 2 year old she lives in bungalow and absolutely loves it she has not got any disabillity but she jus says it is so much easier to keep up with the housework no hoovers up the stairs and she can stand in her kitchen see kids in the bath see them from the lounfge where ever they go so she love sit so you go for it if it will help you love diddle x