Hi all
Sorry not been on for a couple of days... been in hospital
First i would like to thank Flange1967 and Jazher for your kind words on my last post (change of meds)
Anyway started the new Fencino patches Thursday morning and all was going well, they had taken some of the pain away and i was feeling very positive... went to bed and had my anti depressant tablet and was snuggling up to hopefully get some well deserved sleep.... then it all went wrong... started to have really bad chest pains... felt like someone was sitting on me chest and crushing me... the pain got so bad that my fiance called an ambulance.... this lovely paramedic arrived and did and ECG and all the usual tests and couldn't find anything.... said i may be having a reaction to the new patches and wanted me to go to hospital to get checked out.... so there i am in an ambulance at 12.30 am being taken to the hospital.
I was in hospital for about 16 hours, in that time they did 4 ECG's, a chest x-ray and took so much blood i'm sure i've got none left...lol
Anyway they couldn't seem to find anything wrong, said all the ECG's were normal and so was the chest x-ray, so nothing wrong with my heart.... i don't know how many different doctors i saw and how many times i explained what was wrong.... they didn't seem to think it was the patches as they had not heard of anyone having that sort of reaction to them before.... they said there was no reason why i shouldn't start using them again... they seem to think i may have had an 'anxiety attack' which i can't quite get my head round as i was quite chilled and relaxed when i went to bed.... anyway they sent me home and told me to just rest....
i decided today to have another go at the patches as they did really work for the pain.... again so far so good... i've made sure i have rested... been great fiance and kids waiting on me
Going to ring doctors tomorrow and see if i can get an appointment as i'm still concerned that there still may be a link and see what she suggested
Sorry for the long post
Hope everyone is ok and has had a lovely Mothers Day
Take Care
Sarah xxx