GOOD MORNING ( Excitment for the Chor... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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GOOD MORNING ( Excitment for the Chorleys )

chorley profile image
17 Replies

Good morning to one and all..

Are we sitting comfortably ( fat chance we are all in pain with the fibro ) Then i will Begin

Once upon a time there was a strange man who called himself Chorley, for that was the area that he lived...

Chorley was gettin fed up with all of the pain in his body especially after trying to sleep at night, MRs Chorley thought it would be a good idea to buy a memory foam temper materess but MR Chorley said " They are so expensive, how ever will we afford to buy one" ? MRs C said " We can get one from the catalogue and pay weekly so it will be cheaper "

So this is what Mr & Mrs C decided to do, they looked on line and found a great deal on temper materesses or as Mr C called them a TEMPURA matress, Tempura being a funny little batter that the Japanese use in ther cooking hahaha, So the order was placed for 2 materesses, one for Mummy & Daddys bed and one for Baby Chorleys bed ( Ok so baby Chorley is actually 14 but it wouldnt have worked in the story LOL :)

A phone call was recived about 3 weeks after the order was placed to tell the Family of Chorley that there order would be ariving on the 6th of March in the year of 2012, between the hours of 11:30am and 2pm, The chorleys were very excited to here the news of there delivery :) Mrs C even took the day off work as she knew there would be no way that Mr C would ever get the materesses up the stairs on his own. :)

Mr Chorley woke up on the the day of delivery in alot of pain, his back,legs and arms were very very sore, after about 20mins Mr C finally managed to get out of bed, he made his way down the stairs where he was greeted by Mrs C who was holding a nice cup of coffee and medication (AWWWWW BLESSS :) she is so nice )

Mr C took his meds and drank his coffee and was then reminded by Mrs C that he had to go to the Dentist to pick up his gum sheild ( NO its not for boxing, its because he grinds his teeth at night ) so off he went and collected his gum shield, When Mr C returned to the house the Materesses still hadnt araived, so he dicided to go into his garage to see if his beloved Motor Cycle would start as he had somebody coming to look at it with the intension of buying it from him. ( He dosnt want to sell it but he feels that with the fibro it is no longer safe to ride it ) BOO HOO :(

The Motor cycle took some time to start but after about 5 atempts to get it started the bike coughed and splutterd into life. Mr C was happy that it was running and decided it was time for a coffee..

SO thats all that has happend this morning, part 2 of the story will be posted either later today or tomorrow morning :)

Hope you all enjoy, look forward to your comments :)


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chorley profile image
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17 Replies
lynz profile image

well that was a story and a half look forward to 2nd part chorly and as usual you made me smile :)

I was really into that lol then you stopped you should have that put in print and then i could purchase it on my kindle lol. oh well cant wait for next installement or chapter 2 if you want to be posh!!!!! very well written too with lots of explanations of words such as tempura( a batter) lol very good top of the class and AAAAA******* hurry up and get next bit done i wan to know what happens ???? love and soft hugs diddle oh and p.s if you sell the bike you can pay for the mattress/s out right or is that a SSHHH diddle no we cant sort of moment as you had other plans for that lol take care love and soft hugs diddle xxx

chorley profile image

Hi Lynz, yeh it is a bit long but its a Bloody good read LOL :) gald you enjoyed

Diddle, part 2 will be writen after the materesses arrive, as for the bike, the money i get from that we will be using to go towards byuing a new caravan :)

OK we have to pop out for a while bit i will be back soon :) :) :)


Hiya Mr and Mrs C. :)

I was really into it like Diddle too! I hope you sleep well on it when it arrives, I hated mine at first. Took me a while to get used to it. Mrs C must be a strong girl if she's going to help you carry it up the stairs, they're ever so heavy.

What kind of bike do you have? I used to love biking. We had a few over the years. I'm partial to the Honda CBR. :) Not sure why, maybe cos it was our first bike. The last one was a BMW K1. Many years ago now.

I know I tell you nearly every day that my Grandad was born in Chorley, he lived in Anglezarke. Do you know it? Brilliant name for a place. I'm doing our family history and hadn't heard of it before.

Sue :) :)

chorley profile image
chorley in reply to

Hi Sue yes Mrs C is a very strong girl she has to be strong to put up with me hahaha :) although she is only 8stone wet through LOL :)

My Bike that i have to sell BOO HOO WHAAAAAA SNIFF SNIFF :) is a kawasaki ZZR600, the one beore that was a Honda CBR1000, and yes i know angelzarke it has some great roads for us bikers to play on :)


in reply to chorley

Well yeah, we know she has to be strong to put up with you but I meant is she physically strong too LOL :) I used to be 8st too. About 100 years ago.

Oooh a 1000 cc. Fantastic. We had the 'big ones' too. What a shame you have to sell it.

I must visit Anglezarke sometime when I'm up there. I'd love to see where Grandad was from. I'm half Yorkshire and half Lancashire though I'm not sure which half is which :) :)

Rach1977 profile image

Hahaha, great story.....hope that matress comes in time for bed!!!......and not too late for you to write part 2!!!!


chorley profile image



But only if i am not too knakerd from shiffting materesses around :)

YAY They have just arrived, now we have to get them upstairs and bring the old ones down and get them to the tip...........

So when all that is done, i will be able to write Part 2

Be careful! And Mrs C too!!!

chorley profile image
chorley in reply to

Dont worry we will be VERY carefull, plus it will be fine as i will use my Jedi Knight training hahahaha :)

in reply to chorley

*Like* LOL

chorley profile image

OK The tip run is done,the materesses are fitted and the beds are made Ready for Snoozing on YAY :)

Now i need to wotk on Part 2 that should be ready to post sometime after 7pm :)

penny41 profile image

I purchased a thingy mattress lol best thing ever my bed is comfy my bits sink into it, but if I ever sleep away from home I know all about it. Has not helped with the waking but has helped my hips ...

in reply to penny41

lol, a thingy mattress. :) I've got one as well but mine is quite hard, my bits don't sink into it, what have I done wrong???? I have plenty of bits..... :(

I slept in a hotel recently (had to go up home to scatter Mum's ashes) and I knew about it too, I was in agony in the bed and could hardly get out in the morning. Horrible.

Huggybear16 profile image

Mr and mrs Chorley loved this please carry on its so fibro typical lol x

chorley profile image

PART 2 Is Now being written and will be posted Before bed time, but that all depends on what time you go to bed and howlong i can stay sat here without going up to try the new materess :)


in reply to chorley

Well I can't stay up till 1am when you take your next meds mate :) :) I'll have to wait till morning now. :( Have you had a little lay down on it yet?????? lol

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