I was worried about my partner today as someone had put that they were splitting with theirs and fibro was a major part of it, so i was talking to my partner of 8 years today ( we dont live together) and said to him that he does not have to be with me or stay with me because he feels guilty or that he has too out of pity as i would hate that but he told me he knows what i have got and that things are different to how they were but he loves me and wants to be with me no matter what the outcome is so i thought that was nice but i do worry sometimes that he may change but there you go i have enough to worry about as it is so that on top wont do me any favours so i have got to learn to chill out and jus go with it and i am sure we will be ok, it must be hard for partners at times to see their lved one in pain and also hard when they really cant see what the problem is i think i would find it hard to understand, i find it hard and i am living with it so what chances have partners got. Well it blackcurrebt and popcorn time for me so happy evening to you all enjoy what ever you do and love and soft hugs Diddle xxxx
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