Well guys, at last. After nearly 3 years of fighting. I have finally got it! LCWRA! This news couldn't have come at a better moment, have just come out of a horrendous flare. I've been in bed for last 3 days!I am so pleased this is finally over.
Universal Credit and LCW: Well guys, at... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Universal Credit and LCW

Hi Littlefighter82, that’s terrific news. If you don’t mind me asking why has it taken 3 years to get UC & LCWRA.
I actually thought new awards for LCWRA had been stopped but if you had one in progress I can understand why you got.
Pleased to hear flare up almost over too.
It’s great to hear that you finally got it! Although I do wonder why it’s taken that long to get?I’m in the middle of the process; I’ve completed the written forms and have a face-to-face health assessment (which I’m dreading) this week, at the end I could be found fit for work or LCW (mo extra £) or LCWRA - currently this is unchanged but I know there had been to try and scrap/change it.
I suspect I may be dreamed ‘fit to work ‘ my biggest issue is that I am unwell for a lot of work but not well enough for most work and with my health inconsistencies it severely impact my ability to get or keep a job, and what job is really going to take you over someone else well and it isn’t inconsistent with the time off.
if someone looks at me, I look fairly good. A lot of my issues are hidden: fibromyalgia, long Covid, head fog, widespread aches and pains, IBS, migraines or amongst some of the basic bits without going into anything else like dyslexia et cetera, frustrating as I used to be a teacher and have a masters degree but in some respects that seems to hind me finding jobs as I’m qualified, and there’s just no way I could go back into teaching now unfortunately.
I actually want to work and be able to work but around me it’s very much physically demanding stuff, few office jobs and no real remote work; I’ve been out of work for almost 2 years ( but do some very limited Self-employed stuff and not gainful Self-employed) my work coach has told me she has no solutions, I was on the restart program that could do absolutely nothing, I’ve been with a couple of other places that support the job who also had absolutely no idea , you hear on the news about the wanting to help people back into work but how I’m realistic is that really!?
apologise for the length of this comment I started writing and just flowed, not trying to take over the thread but reading with great interest over the thread but reading with great interest!
Oh David. I'm sorry you're going through this. My advice to you is be brutally honest. Especially how it is affecting your mental health. Tell them what you are like when you have a busy week and how often, if at all you experience crashes. It might work in your favour to, if there is someone who knows what you're going through to accompany you to the assessment.
Good Luck!!
Hi DavidCB, my health situation mirrors yours. As for work, I’m currently on sick leave due to severe flare up which I initially thought was brought on by cold weather but now believe it’s the pressure of my job and the stress it gives me.
I’m not reliable anymore and have been able to disguise this in the last few years as work from home. If I can’t get out of bed for work at 8am I can make up the time later in the day or at weekends. Employer tracks amount of work I do over a month and as long as I hit their benchmarks it’s ok.
Honestly feel my mind & body are totally worn out and need a complete rest. This is longest flare up I’ve ever had & think ive caused it myself by not giving in earlier and taking a break when I could see the signs. Thing is you just keep trying to push through until the day comes and the body says No.
My first Workplace Assesment in January 2023 came back with that I was able to work. I wasn't quibbling that, I work 14 hours a week split over 3 days. The jobcentre wanted me to find another 20 hours work to bring me up to what is currently the earnings threshold. I haven't been able to do this for at least 10 years.
My health has taken a nosedive so I requested a new assessment.
thanks for clarifying, did you have a face-to-face? If so what happens in them? I’m flaring atm and thick it’s subconscious stress of it.
No, my assessment was completed over the phone. Have you tried contacting them to ask if it can be changed to a phone call?
They are not allowing (I asked when I also requested it was would be recorded as I’m told itus recommended ), I have read that you’re more likely to get PIP or LCWRA et cetera with phone assessments. I supported my dad’s partner in completing her PIP (which was a lot easier as it’s a very clear issue due to needing hip replacement), after phone assessment a week later she got the award.
Hi there Su55anr. I have no idea. Everyone who I work with knows how much I struggle.
Thanks for replying. It takes a very strong person to keep pushing forward with DWP and it has been a long battle, very happy for you that you won.