I think I've gone over to the dark side,
I knew my sleep is 💩 but now it's proper,proper 💩
I went to sleep at 8.30 this morning from the night before, Fell back to sleep after Hubby brought me lunch in bed and then fell back to sleep about 1ish,
Woke up at 6.15 and the only reason I knew it was not AM was the dog laid next to me!!
I can't help but laugh at her, Head on my pillow and front leg over my shoulder, I opened my eyes and she gave me the biggest slober and made an adorable little sigh as if she had been waiting for me to wake up! Bless😊
Since none of my sleepytime meds no longer work and I don't think my GP will up them again,I am stuck in a loop,
I wouldn't mind if the sleep was refreshing but it's not and it makes my pain management pretty useless,
What's a girl supposed to do??
💤💤💤😴🥺🥺🥺💤💤💤 what is emoji acceptence these day? Lolx