Think i have fibromialga pain in my shoulders arms hands back feet knees constantly'carnt get proper sleep as when i move my right arm feels broken all the time' tried different meds but none work long time to sleep' doc sending me to physio to see what they think it is
Too much pain alover: Think i have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Too much pain alover, sorry to read of your pain and how it’s effecting your sleep, I hope physio goes well for you, did your doctor discuss a referral maybe for a rheumatologist or is he/she not too sure yet about it being fibromyalgia ? Nothing worse than lack of sleep constantly , hoping you start to get some answers soon, I’ve posted a link if you would like to lock your posts ,it does generate more privacy for you and other members replying as only community can see. X
Hi Dining, it's good that your dr has made a start, though you might end up going to a rheumologist if it is fibro. What you're describing sounds like a fibro flare where almost everything hurts. I had this over Christmas..I know I was stressed out and my bed clothes were different and felt rough. Let's hope you get some answers and pain relief. Good luck
You need to get a rheumatologist or neurologist diagnosis on your records,a gp isn't enough,ask your gp to consider giving you a steroid Injection into your bum so it goes to all Areas affected I have had Kenalog many times with very good effect
Good morning Dining, it does sound like a fibro flare. Have you tried taking a good quality Magnesium Malate Supplement - great for pain and promotes sleep.
Hope you feel better soon
Best wishes
HI Dining, I am new here, I've just transferred myself from the Polymyalgia site, which I had for 3 years, it went into remission in March last year, and in May, I began to have all the exact symptoms you are describing. My GP did her usual guessing game, as she did with the PMR. Then she sent me to the Muscoskeletal clinic at the hospital.
The Consultant is 99 per cent certain it is Fibromyalgia, and is sending me on to a Fibro specialist, plus a pain clinic. Result!! I have read all I can find on Fibro, as I did on PMR, (I think I was more clued up than my GP by the end), so far I have found this thing to be more hideous than PMR, and that was BAD. 😱 I am trying to peel myself off the bed at the moment. It's agony.I feel like I've been in a car crash. Everything is stuck, (Rigour Mortis springs to mind) and it feels as though I am being stabbed all over, even the ends of my fingers.Hopefully when I get on the right path there will be some pain relief. All the usual pain Meds hardly touch it, but I do get some relief in bed by using a TENS machine, it doesn't take the pain away completely, but somehow it seems to break it up for a while, long enough for me to get to sleep, till my usual 3-4 am wake up,pain. It does seem to take a long time to be properly diagnosed, I suppose that's because they have to eliminate everything else. I wish you well on your journey.