Silly question but does anyone else suffer from constant upset stomachs 💩 which afterwards causes mega fatigue & widespread physical pain ?Not talking constipation 💩.
Being on medication or not.
Also feeling nauseous after a nap or sleep as well.
Silly question but does anyone else suffer from constant upset stomachs 💩 which afterwards causes mega fatigue & widespread physical pain ?Not talking constipation 💩.
Being on medication or not.
Also feeling nauseous after a nap or sleep as well.
Definitely! Most days or at least every other day I have an upset stomach. Seems to be every other day and then every other day I don’t go.
I get really worried if I don’t go before I go to work as I hate using public facilities to go for number 2’’s I’d rather drive back home to go.
Lovely subject eh? 😂😂
Hi there, yes, if you read your handy leaflet (do they still give leaflets?) they gave you at diagnosis, you will see IBS mentioned.
If you read your IBS leaflet, (have you got one of those yet?) they will probably mention FODMAPS and being careful with your diet, trying to figure offending foods.
You will soon sort it out. No worries. Or you wont, (up to you?) but your doctors wont want to help further until you want a Colonoscopy or endoscopy, looking for Cancer and the like. But maybe that's just my surgery and yours is better?
I does though feel like tummy issues are treated as no big deal even though for the sufferer it really is and holding it in (or squeezing it out? TMI) is simply adding to the already unbearable stress load of Fibro.
Sufferers can hear you and sympathise but it feels like our drs really can't. Their empathy is MIA?
I was reading the majority of UK Drs now have Compassion fatigue. They admit it. Eesh that is both dangerous and shocking. Read all about it if you don't know and are tempted to think like IBS, it is nothing.
I think Fibro will eventually be understood. I think it has multiple causes. I think it has an auti immune component. That being the case, it stands to reason food sensitivities etc go hand in hand.
Oddly there is a high incidence of Auto immune issues in ADHD and I think Autism too? Hence how they get so cranky over food and eating? It's the 'new' big thing; Auto immune. Something in our crazy modern world appears to be attacking/trashing the immune systems of at the very least, sensitive folks but probably all of us.
Up to us to try to figure what that might be. My money would be on... Ooh, lots of things. Chlorine etc in the water? Glyphosate and crops sprays in the air and in all of our foods and water supplies. Anti-biotic use; Both in medicine for us and used in the raising of animals for food. The list is likely endless. Pollution, chemicals you name it. I don't know how we avoid the triggers, esp on limited incomes, which tends to be the lot for many Fibros.
Sorry, I'm not helpful here, am I? I do heartily sympathise with your tum tum situation. It is miserable and obviously limiting. You simply have to do what others do, read all about it and experiment the best you can; Sensibly, of course! Don't lose your mind starving yourself and getting weird about food.
My wish for us all is a better world that is more geared towards overall health and wellbeing for all the inhabitants, humans, animals birds, plants etc.
Both of those. IBS and I can feel really ill after napping.
Hi Yes definitely I go to the toilet three or four times a day in various amount I feel sick when I need to go and faint afterwards and I'm positive that is making me sick now I spent the whole day on New Year's Day being sick but no food came up and I didn't have a bad stomach. even though I don't go out much and I don't work I still seem to live my life around my bowels take care 🙃
Thankyou for your wonderful reply here.Know how you feel exactly 💯.
The feeling of nausea is dreadful if not more etc.
Feeling weak and in pain after toilet visits is soul destroying & fatiguing.
Loose stool medication I was told at the hospital is not good as this causes severe bowel blockages 😔.
So what is one to do ?
I'm fed up with being told to rest 😠 & eat little & often.
Don't think 🤔 I've ever had a good day yet with fibromyalgia.
And when will the medical world 🌎 stop saying how are you feeling 😠😡😠😡
Hi I have chronic fatigue Syndrome as well which is my biggest concern I'm in low grade pain all over but the fatigue is so bad I can't get out of bed some days then I'm running to the toilet all it's so draining and I'm hungry 🙃
Hi really understand the symptoms you describe as I have the same syndrome and pain with fibromyalgia. It may help if you can have something for the pain to at least lessen the pain and reduce one thing. I find that for nausea and using the loo is helped by taking peppermint, either tea bags or capsules. So sorry you are so unwell and feeling ill. My GP said that people with CFS often have IBF and peppermint will help.
Thanks for your reply I do take Peppermint oil for the IBS, Peppermint Tea, polo's.I take Tramadol and Paracetamol for pain and have a cream called Dynamint muscle cream which is brilliant, but the fatigue is the biggest problem I spend my life lieing down watching TV, Meditation and sleep take care
Be very careful what u eat find out all the foods to avoid an arthritis diet is good. for Fibromyalgia avoid MSG use your own seasoning I only use garlic powder,salt,onion powder, herb seasoning. Side affects can be really bad it’s in restaurant foods,canned foods,deli meats,it’s a good additive makes fibro worse headaches, flashing, sweating, face, pressure, numbness, tingling, a burning feeling fluttering heart, chest pain, muscle pain, weakness feeling sick. Hot bath with green alcohol or absent salt help me a lot drink a lot of water stay hydrated. Make sure and take your supplements. with green alcohol or help me a lot drink a lot of water stay hydrated. Make sure and take your supplements. Cokes I’m not good at all eat as little sugar as possible. Avoid gluten if possible alcohol makes me hurt a lot. Makes my hands burn. I also get muscle spasms. I take liquid minerals for that in a little water. It does taste horrible but it does work Celtic sea salt is very good for spasms. Also put a few pieces in your mouth under your tongue. Let it dissolve and drink a little water. Don’t exert yourself rest when you have to and everyone else just understand when you sleep always sleep on your left may help you not to be nauseous get my there is so much to fibromyalgia I go on and on and on God bless all of you look up all the information that you can look up.!!!
I am sorry about the green alcohol. You bathe in it with Epson salt. You do not drink it. I’m sorry I wasn’t watching what I was writing. Everybody have a great day lol
My Doctor put me on to FODMAPS. See Monash University. Helpful I think. -Meanwhile there is new and negative thinking about sunflower and rapeseed oil that might be worth looking at. Good luck!
Everyday, doctors think it's Co-codomal as been on it for years, along with loads of other medication but without all my meds it's unbearable 🥺😭
Hi everybody. So sorry to read all your sad messages. I agree - it’s awful. Can I just say where my research has led me. Sulfites/sulfates.
These chemicals are everywhere. They have no nutritional value and are used as a preservative. They are added to packaged foods/drinks/medication/toiletries/swimming pools. I can confirm that even with the best of intentions - you are unable to avoid them completely.
I have read that only 2% of the population are intolerant to sulfites/sulfates. I disagree. I think a far higher proportion of us are suffering - but there is no test available to prove this.
If I do my best to eat a ‘caveman’ diet - only fresh food prepared at home - I don’t feel too bad. One takeaway or restaurant meal (prawns are lethal) and I’m really poorly. Fibro symptoms go mega.
I suggest you look at a list of sulfites containing food on the internet - you will be amazed.
I would add that Costa and Greggs now have ‘sulfites’ on their list of allergens. But when you try to talk to a doctor about it - they deny it is a problem. Why?
Best wishes to all from Dianne xxx
My lovely Lady Doctor put me on to looking at Low Fodmaps years ago now. I expect you know all about that though.... Monash University guidelines. I am planning to get back into it for a bit after the unusual stresses of last year! ... No need to reply... May we all get well!