DWP PIP - Why do I even bother? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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DWP PIP - Why do I even bother?

Gulfstream_Maggie profile image

After a PIP assessment call August 13th lasting just under 2 hours I was hopeful that something good would come of it, even if only in a small way.

The assessor was pleasant, even told me she was a nurse assessor.

I answered honestly, explained how everything affects me, etc, etc; while making sure I was using my worst days for examples.

However the DWP envelope drops through the door.

When opened and examined I have, of course, been turned down for any help. They “scored” me as 0 in every element,

Story of my life, I’ve never qualified for any help from the state at any point. Not that I’ve applied for much during all my working age.

Don’t know if I’ve got the energy to appeal …..

Talk about feeling upset, angry, frustrated, exhausted and any other descriptive adjective you can think of!

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Gulfstream_Maggie profile image
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24 Replies
Smilesalot profile image

Oh hun I'm sorry to hear that. I think they all say they are nurses because I don't trust the DWP in this day and age. I'm too worried to apply for PIP.I just want to show you my support Dawn 🤗

Gulfstream_Maggie profile image
Gulfstream_Maggie in reply to Smilesalot

Thanks Dawn 💕

Loobielu profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm beginning to suspect they turn everyone down first time, or as many as they can get anyway with! I hope you can find the energy to appeal because I hear so many get accepted when they do. You deserve this! Best of luck x

Jacksono profile image
Jacksono in reply to Loobielu

I think that's true. I'm hoping Labour will change this. When I received my score, the explanation was totally different to what I had said in the interview. I have an occupational health assessment that says I can't drive for longer than 20 minutes. Yet in my response, it's written that I can drive no problem and scored 0. Ridiculous x

Loobielu profile image
Loobielu in reply to Jacksono

It is indeed ridiculous and it's disgusting behaviour too. It looks like you've had some great responses and suggestions from your post from the angels on here. Go give DWP hell, not just for you, but for all those others that are suffering too who will be applying after you X

Roseabella profile image

Hi please find the energy to appeal, my husband has had serious back problems for at least 50 years, when applying for Pip and having his assessment face to face, he also got 0 on everything. Could not quite believe it, so appealed and he now receives it, having sent all his medical evidence from his GP, consultant, MRI scan reports, Pain clinic reports. You are entitled to this just make sure you provide all your evidence. Hope this helps you.

athenadark profile image
athenadark in reply to Roseabella

Appeal it, always appealI appealed once to the extent I ended up with a tribunal and I won with an increase, and then I didn't get the back pay until I went to citizens advice

If you need help, phone citizens advice and let them walk you through it, it's what they're for

Mgt8 profile image

Hello there,

I am also of the opinion that their remit it to say no to as many people as possible. I was refused but appealed. My appeal was rejected so I went back to them again and got as far as having a date for a tribunal.

2 days before this, I had a phone call from them, asking a few further questions. Then they immediately said I was successful.

About half of the people who go to tribunal win their cases! It is difficult to keep going, but keep going we must. It is a terrible system, made to make most people give up, in my opinion. It is so good to hear when you are successful in a claim.

Here's the website I used which shows you in great detail how to approach your claim, appeal and tribunal. Think of it as a three tier process and don't let them push you away. Good luck...M


Coffeefan profile image

Ask for a mandatory reconsideration and send any evidence of repeat prescriptions and letters of being referred for help i.e pain management, physio and or rheumatologist. Help this helps xx

kikimouse17 profile image

hello I am so sorry to hear this. I am in exactly the same situation having been turned down a few weeks ago. If you haven’t already call up PIP line and ask for all of the documentation the assessor had submitted following you call that they used to make the decision. Mine is full of inaccuracies and she got loads of things wrong saying I could do things that I repeatedly said I can not

Speak to your GP practice and get any additional medical information that you can get. My GP gave me my entire medical notes for the last three years. If you can get anything else too that is good

You have to call the PIP line to say you want a mandatory reconsideration. You have a month from the date of the decision letter to arrange that. Another lady from PIP called me the day after I requested one. She has given me a full month to resubmit anything extra. She said also they will be reevaluating the original assessment and all previous evidence.

I’m planning to submit a cover letter which is highlighting in detail all the areas I felt the assessor was incorrect plus a statement from me on my condition. My husband is writing a statement too on how he has to support my day to day living because of the fribro

Sorry for the long reply I hope this helps. I am in same situation and it’s stressful but everyone here has been really supportive and has said to go for the MR as well. We have a condition that people find really hard to quantify and understand and we deserve the support available to us as much as people with more obvious visible conditions

I hope you’re ok and can find the strength to appeal


Alibaba66 profile image

They get bonuses for hitting targets to deny PIP to!!Plz you must use your worst days or this is exactly what happens! I joined benefitsandwork.co.uk they explain exactly how to fill in the forms as on genuinely ill people's side not DWP!! Best of luck x

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

You can contact our benefits team for advice and guidelines on appealing

FMA UK benefits helpline information leaflet
AuntyPanda profile image

I had the same thing years ago and contacted Citizen advice and they basically said they do this to everyone/anyone they can first time cause they know a lot of People don’t bother reapplying. And it was the case with me cause I don’t NEED the extra money (it’s still crappy of them cause there’s people like me out there that do).

They also did this to my sister recently, and I told her to apply for a reconsideration like CAB told me to do and she got approved. She also knows others that had the same thing.

I’m sorry to hear that it’s left you in this state though; I hope you can have a self care day and reach out to supportive people in your life.

I would suggest replying if you can mentally recover soon x

Jacks123 profile image

Hi, I agree that they turn down most people first time too. We all have the same problem with the assessors, they either can’t be bothered to listen or they put whatever it takes to get PIP refused. It’s all such a waste of time, money and enormous stress for us. The whole point of it though is to put you off going any further.

I was like you, I thought I can’t go through this, I’ll leave it. Luckily my adult daughter came with me to the medical and she was livid when I got the report and talked me into carrying on. Anyway I ended up having a tribunal over the phone due to being end of covid and I ended up being awarded enhanced for both two weeks later. Backdated to date of application!

Please don’t give up. You’ve got nothing to lose, you got 0 points! Think positive, grit your teeth, stay calm and go for it, you could be pleasantly surprised. Sorry for long message.

Noodlenan profile image

Hi Maggie

I feel your frustrations the same thing happened to me. I did have the phone assessment recorded and a copy of the assessor’s written report.

The assessor twisted my narrative so many times.

I was like you I didn’t have the energy to appeal however after reading other warriors battles with PIP I decided to contact citizens advice bureau to help me with a mandatory reconsideration. The lady from CAB was extremely helpful on the phone. She drafted a letter for me to send with my 2 page notes of all the twisted narratives and I posted it off.

A couple weeks later a very nice man from DWP rang me, talked it all through and I was then awarded standard element in both.

I urge you to do the same.

Love and hugs


oxenhope-1940 profile image

Iv just been turned down as well

I asked to see the assesment in writing and it was all lies

Don’t trust them

Iv Appealed but it’s exhausting

Hope you appeal too but I’d look at what they have written about you

Good luck 🤞

Brenda1960 profile image

I honestly believe that because if the backlog of cases that have been reported in our msm, there just nil pointing many claims, to either get you to give up or for the "mandatory reconsideration decision makers", to deal with. My wife has been on PIP since 2017, last two reviews she got zero point's for longterm, chronic illnesses. Keep going. They seem to be doing it to thousands of reviews aswell as new claims. They want you to give up, no matter what the "new NASTY labour" government might say. Keep going. Mandatory reconsideration then Appeals tribunal if necessary. If you win they have to backdate your claim.

LadyJoro profile image

go to citizens advice and have them write your mandatory reconsideration letter

I went from 0 points to 2 off higher care and 2 off lower mobility which was always going to be a coin toss as they don’t accept assistance dogs

Lia06 profile image

hi the exact same thing happened to me I’ve got the worst symptoms possible from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis carpel tunnel syndrome few other health issues even payed £100 for drs letters but same as you was turned down and like you said didn’t have the energy to appeal or go through it again, I know people with milder symptoms and health issues that receive it there’s no justice in this system but if you can do try again you never know you might succeed

All the best x

Gulfstream_Maggie profile image

My problem is that I was diagnosed during Covid, whilst at the time going through an acrimonious divorce so living off grid. And was still resident in the midlands.

Didn’t get many doctors visits face to face, did have some physio input. Pain management was and still is over the counter paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Fast forward 2 years and now settled resident in the Lancashire area. Registered with a new doctor buy not really getting any treatment as struggle to get appointments.

Also suffered an eye condition, requiring surgery, which has left my overall vision limited by about 50%.

On top of that have had another fall within the last couple of days when my left knee gave way as I walked down the steps outside my front door!

Oh yes, not to mention holding down a new job with everything else going on! My head constantly hurts

To say I am exhausted is an understatement!

calliejx profile image

I hear you Maggie. I didn't even know PIP existed until a friend told me sbout it. I had to have a spinal op and shouted goodbye to the girls at work saying I'd see them in a couple of weeks. My Son was killed so I was suffering Grief Reaction before back probs started. I battled on as that what you do with pride. I bought up 5 children all planned sometimes two jobs, worked nights but like you though Oh I really need help now as the op didn't help.... they refused me too. I appealed and had to attend a court like appeal. I could hardly walk because of the pain, talk because of grief and the emotion and exhaustion of dragging myself there. The Doc said have you seen a psychiatrist? I felt I was begging, pleading and you've guessed.... nil points.

Years later my conditions are more and worse and eventually they listened.

You must try again my love try and find the strength.

(Iwas refused too as I maintained eye contact with the assessor!) I wish you strength to fight it. X

Jacksono profile image

Please appeal! Fibromyalgia is a disability. It affects all aspects of life. You deserve help. People here will help you if you don't know how xx

Midori profile image

They do this to everyone; we have to fight like hell for anything. You have to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration. Ask for the report, and go through it with a fine tooth comb, noting everything they've lied about or got wrong and let them know about it. Plus, have a word with the Benefits advisor here. Alternatively the CAB could help. You only have a month to take action through.

Cheers, Midori

missvenus profile image

same happened to me virtually made me out to be a liar meanwhile i struggle to carry on working can only do part time and live in poverty something needs to change as this system is all wrong and given to people who don't need the help desperately!

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