assessor lied in my pip report - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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assessor lied in my pip report

Lh1979 profile image
84 Replies

hi everyone just to say for anyone having future pip assessments please ask for it to be recorded.

I don’t cook at all !!

I said only microwave meals and in the report they aid I enjoy coming 3 times a day with my children !

for a start they are in school 5 days a week it would be impossible to cook 3 times a day EVEN IF I WANTED TOO !!

I’m on 17 tablets a day /night 100mg of duloxetine and she wrote standard dose in the report .

also I have no therapy or counselling when I have both !

my occupational therapist is writing me a letter to confirm I have symptoms of anxiety etc and what we have worked on .. I’m unsure if the pip decision maker will accept evidence at this stage ??? .. even though I told the assessor I suffer with all these and palpitation and my mental health she also wrote no symptoms no memory loss .. how on gods earth can they decide that in 40minutes ??

I was very very distressed when I seen all the made up lies .. even added on that I’m having adaptions to the the home for rails etc for my mobility when I didn’t with OT but then in the next breath said I have no therapy .. so many times they contradicted themselves . I’m so unhappy with their capita assessor !! Just here to see if this has happened to any one else ?? Xx

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Lh1979 profile image
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84 Replies
Winter_night profile image

Yep, been there and had ZERO points awarded. I made the decision not to request the report or appeal and instead reapply when I feel mentally able, with new diagnoses I have since had, because I just couldn’t go there I was so disgusted. Despite sobbing at times during the assessment, clearly distressed when talking about fears of losing my job and my future, turning up on the wrong day due to brain fog/confusion, losing my train of thought multiple times, being heavily medicated, not being able to move or bend certain joints… I was deemed to ‘appear’ of normal weight and pallor with good concentration - what!? I reckon they have a handbook for fibro… which says believe nothing and manipulate everything. I wish I hadn’t been so honest… months earlier while I was on long term sick a DWP assessor put me in the ESA support group and was very empathetic and helpful… clearly they put the nasty Capita ones in the PIP setting….

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toWinter_night

I’m so sorry you had to go through that . It’s appalling!! It is distressing And inhumane.. they should not be able to lie and should be reported xx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply toLh1979

I totally agree and I’m sorry you had to endure similar treatment. It really is inhumane x

22pagets22 profile image
22pagets22 in reply toWinter_night

Hello so sorry you had that happen but I would get a copy of assessment so you can see what they actually wrote and see if it matches your answers I would bet that your version is completely different than what you gave I had a experience in 2014 when I had assessment and I got copy of my report and found 30 lies or emissions on their part and I rang up and insisted they look again at my paperwork and in the end they accepted the assessment wasn't done properly but nothing happened to the person who done my assessment and carried on letting people down . But in 2019 I had review and insisted I had recorded copy and after assessment I asked lady if she had treated me fairly and put truthful info down and she was shocked I had a terrible experience first time and gave me assurance she had done fair job and gave me her mobile number if I wasn't happy with the report fortunately it worked and I had a fair assessment and awarded what I was due please don't give up .just get copy of assessment and see what they actually put so you can use as a guide for when you reapply best of luck don't let them wear you down

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to22pagets22

Thank you 22pagets22 - I’m definitely not going to give up, I’m feeling better in myself now so I’ve reapplied as it's been over a year and also, I have two new diagnoses since. I’m feeling much better prepared and forewarned this time. I’m going to use a different centre this time (I live equal distance from two different ones) to minimise the chance of having to go in front of the callous witch I had last time again!! I’ll be requesting the report and appealing if I get a second negative decision, and my GP is supportive of it too… fingers crossed! I’ll report back when I get the outcome 🤞🏻

22pagets22 profile image
22pagets22 in reply toWinter_night

Good for you but the copy of your first report will be valuable to you as to see why you didn't get any points for certain things and how they worded it as I had lady from harc a charity who help with paperwork filling for people like us and she used be an assessment taker and she was appalled at what she was told to do basically fail people who had a right to money award but had used up her quota of passing awards of pip so some assessors can lie and betray us

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to22pagets22

It’s shocking isn’t it. I’m convinced I was deliberately marked down as Ive managed to hang onto my job. Do you think I could still get a copy of my first assessment? I guess I’d be entitled to it under a subject access request/FOI even though it’s been ages?

22pagets22 profile image
22pagets22 in reply toWinter_night

Hello yes I would still ask for copy if possible as I learned hard way they act so friendly and nice and write down completely different stuff I had one answer put down for the examination I was asked to bend my knees and I replied it was physically impossible due to titanium rods and screws holding one of me knees together and bends only to about 80degrees and is very painful to stand let alone bend down like a squat .but when I explained this and showed my scars on leg she put down I refused to do the examination I said I physically can't not that I won't do it that was one of 30 different things from white lies to damn full on lies so yes I would get copy and keep as future reference

22pagets22 profile image
22pagets22 in reply toWinter_night

Also I noticed now they only send part of report as when I first requested copies going back to my first one in 2014 I've always asked for copies as if you ask for recordings or copy they seem to feel held accountable as you are checking what they put actually to what you say and what your gp or consultant provides if you send that also I now ask my gp for supporting letter and I had to pay £30 last yime but I find it valuable support and you can photocopy it so you got copy yourself I do this everytime now but then they brought out rule they will only accept evidence no older than 12months so I have to get copy updated again at my cost

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to22pagets22

I’m learning so much here, thank you for all of the advice and tips - it’s really kind of you to take the time to explain how to give myself a better chance of success - I feel more prepared now for sure x

22pagets22 profile image
22pagets22 in reply toWinter_night

No problem hope you have better luck next time applying good luck

CM1EDSUK profile image

Sadly many assessor's reports are of poor quality, & can cause a lot of upset. I wouldn't worry about not recorfing your assessment as that would only really help for your personal use. Try & now put that behind you & concentrate on where you feel you should have got points.

You can do a Mandatory Reconsideration where another decision maker will look at everything again. This should be put in writing & you can also add your OT's letter.

If you haven't already done so, give a couple of recent, detailed examples as to the difficulty you face for each applicable activity/descriptor, i.e. when did it happen, where, what happened, did anyone see this, & were there any consequences to attempting/doing an activity?

Say if you can't do an activity 'reliably,' i.e. safely, to an acceptable standard, repeat as often as one would reasonably expect, or if it takes you much longer than someone without a disability. Remember PIP is about how your disability affects you the majority of the time.

With your Mandatory Reconsideration put your name & National Insurance number on each page. Keep a copy, & get a free Certificate of Posting from your Post Office when sending it off.

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toCM1EDSUK

Thankyou so much for this message . It will help me massively xxx

This is for a review assessment.

If the decision maker agrees with the assessors report does that mean I will be knocked off and will have to reapply ? OR can I appeal against that decision before stopping my pip claim . It’s confusing. I don’t expect anyone to have all the answers but it certainly puts me at ease if someone has a bit of knowledge.

I’m very grateful xx

CM1EDSUK profile image

You're very welcome. If a Mandatory Reconsideration is unsuccessful, then you can appeal to a Tribunal. If you have an award of PIP, this would continue until a decision is made by a Tribunal, & the success rate for this is currently about 70%. Also if successful, then you would receive a back payment going back to the date of your current decision. If the tribunal don't think you'd be successful, say you already have an award & they think you would lose it, then they warn you beforehand, & you would then not likely proceed.

It is better to proceed with appealing rather than re-applying for PIP because of the time involved; having to go through another assessment, etc. if you don't currently have an award (you didn't mention this, so I'm unsure), then you have nothing to lose with going for a Mandatory Reconsideration.

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toCM1EDSUK

Thankyou that’s a great help . Yes I have an award already .. I’m definitely not letting them get away with this because like so many other people I knw I am entitled to it .

Thankyou again xxxx

jonelmes1978 profile image

They do tend to copy and paste answers if you look at the reports. You should always ask for a copy of the 'medical' assessment. But yes, ask to get recorded and do not go alone as they are less inclined to tell. Porkies

They did exactly he same to me ,my daughter was there with me at the time ,and what I told him and what he wrote down was a pack of lies .The way he lied was I was totally fit and healthy ,when I suffer chronic pain ,and breathing problems ,and other issues with my health. It’s like every one in the medical profession they don’t believe fibro is real ,and the assessors are not even medically trained .

Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply to

Hello I think correct me of wrong but all the PIP assessors are from a medical professional and have to be on the register. To often the claimant submit wrong or incorrect information statements about theirabilities or inabilities and when asked at the assessment or phone consultation they either don’t understand the questions or give insufficient answers leading the assessor to presume or assume certain things from the assessment answers and the application from submitted. Read as much as possible about the process of the assessment process look up the site Benefits and Work plenty of information being a member with a paid subscription allows unlimited access to their website resources. More information is better than less.

in reply toFarmerboy

my dear friend I am neither stupid or incompetent ,for you info the person I had was a paramedic which has a very limited knowledge of medical issues .I was diagnosed by three different doctors ,also all my info was written down in front of him also which I help from welfare rights ,so basically he was liar .And also a few years ago the was a undercover program on channel 4 about what they think of disabled people these so called medical trained professionals .I suggest you watch it ,

Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply to

Hello Nightowl64, nobody was suggesting that you or claimants of PIP are stupid or incompetent. You happen to have an assessor who judging by your experience and comments had an hidden agenda and needs to be reported reprimanded and investigated for any wrong doings in the assessment process. After a full and proper investigation on individual complaints and the numbers are clearly showing a high incidence of non awards of PIP which are duly awarded after a mandatory reconsideration or taken to tribunal then there must be an obligation on the DWP and the Assessment company to terminate his position as an assessor, for gross misconduct.

Sw584 profile image

Same happened to me. Go to tribunal if you have to. Citizens advice are really great at helping. I got a full award and it all back dated. It's horrendous and I really feel for you. Please take care of yourself and slowly fight back. Xx

ow_u_doin profile image

Hi, I had the same thing, she even wrote down that I owned a reptile, I've had many pets in my life but never a reptile... Sadly when you raise a complaint with the company they just basically say that no one can prove if you said it or not and go on the side of the assessor. Why would we lie in the assessment when the written evidence says otherwise..... The good thing for you is that she got your medication wrong which proves she did not look at the written evidence and therefore the report is of a poor standard. Write a letter of complaint to the company,they hopefully will admit it is of poor standard and also do a mandatory reconsideration. Send any more evidence you have to prove your case and the letter you receive back from the company. I did this for the same reason, a small adjustment was made to my claim.

Alecinthesun profile image
Alecinthesun in reply toow_u_doin

Wow, a reptile! That's a new one!

Onedaymore1 profile image

I’m afraid to say YES happened to me. The report said I have suicidal thoughts & that my mental health issues are managed with support network of medical professionals and family! Absolutely none of this is true and never has been. Then to make it even more unbelievable, in the PIP decision makers summary it said ‘not suffering with any mental health illness & no support needed 😳 I actually burst into uncontrollable tears 😭 when I read how far off the mark the assessment report/PIP decision was. The DWP obviously allows the assessors to just use previous reports to copy & paste statements in & out of documents! That’s the only possible way that could have happened to me. I appealed & said I wanted to make a complaint about it & they ignored me completely. That was last Autumn & if I could appeal or lodge a formal complaint I would. At the time I was still in a flare & had just gone back to work after 7 months off. I had to try to keep stress levels down otherwise another incident of sickness would see me at employment review & dismissed (my employer had pre-warned me) !

Reading all these comments makes me feel sick to my stomach. So many of us have been through the trauma of going to a "healthcare professional" and been made to feel like we are liars or hypochondriacs. The impact is massive on our mental and physical health. Something needs to be done about the way we are treated. It truly disgusts me

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toJust-keep-swimming

thank you for reading & for understanding what the effects of this this unfair process have on us x

LhasaMomma profile image

Please lodge a complaint about your Assessment Report. I was so ill following my mother's death that I couldn't face it when I received an inaccurate version. When I next applied, I ended up having to go for a Manditory and they commented that since I had NOT argued or complained about the previous Assessment, I must have agreed with it. It was only because I had a letter from my GP to say that I was suffering after my mother's death but had mentioned to him how wrong the Assessment was, that they finally acknowledged that I didn't agree with the Report. Get it on record now!!

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toLhasaMomma

oh no, that’s terrible 😢 to here. There is no compassion at all in what happened to you & at mandatory review as well. I will lodge that complaint.

redcharlie profile image

Hi I had the same problem. My claim for pip was denied so I requested a copy of the assessment. She said I like going out on outings with my son. Don't go on outings don't have a son. Said I have panic attacks and when I get back in my car I do deep breathing to calm myself down. I don't have panic attacks and no longer drive and this continued through out the report. I wrote a letter explaining this to the DWP and phoned them. They then passed the complaint onto the company that did the assessment. They passed it to a independent medical advisor who said the report should never have been sent as it was completely wrong. I was then given the pip. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toredcharlie

I am so glad you got some action after your incorrect report. I definitely think they just copy, amend & paste wordings. It’s not personal it’s a process that can go shockingly wrong.

22pagets22 profile image

Hello sorry you had misfortune to have an assessment similar to my first one in it I found 30 lies and rang up got a copy of report and rang them and point out the 30 lies and told them I was willing to go to court of appeal then within a week goy letter saying I was getting my award and got my money I was legally entitled to but there was no action taken against assessor as they said they misheard me etc . I was so angry that now before an assessment I insist for recording and copy of report on my last esa review I asked lady afterwards if I had been treated fairly and said about my experience with 30 lies and she was good and let me record copy and gave me here m9bile incase I was unhappy with what she put but in my experience most assessments I've had been very liberal with certain things

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply to22pagets22

thank you for sharing your experience. It’s awful that this Mis-reporting keeps happening x

Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply to22pagets22

many people attend assessments without knowing that there are many CCTV cameras watching you as you enter and move around the interior of the center. When I had my very first assessment I was on crutches and the receptionist offered me a cup of tea how I was mento carry and hold it using crutches I had know idea. Anyway I sat in the back row near the disabled toilet and looking round there was a CCTV camera in each corner of the room. Yet people came in had cups of tea played on their phones ect. From the time I was called for my assessment during it the assessor had compiled a A4 page report on my abilities, appearance, dress since , mentally cleanliness and mobility capabilities. Plus the questions asked it felt like the Spanish Inquisition. But having researched and read a lot of information from the site Benefits and Work site I was a head of their game and know or had a heads up on things they do. For instance they ask how did you travel to the center? I had a taxi door to door at their expense paid and claimed it back. But they know the distance from the nearest train station and bus stops and car parks. So if you walked from either car park or bus stop then your mobility part is suspect straight away.

Jam1861 profile image

Oh yes this happens a lot I had silly things like she has to have her partner put her socks on and he takes the dog out we have never had a dog and I don't own any socks then there was she spoke clearly butt softly however I have a very bad stammer and even my esa report stated this and the original assor who called me stopped tge first pip assessment cause she could not understand me very well I also called for a copy of my assessment 10 weeks and 24 phone calls later a woman called me and said she was from the dwp asked why we wanted a copy of tge report cause I need not think I am getting any more money and if I try to question it will probably lose money I was so upset with her told my welfare rights guy he wrote complaint in and we got tge report within a week then but never heard anything else about the complaint they are horrendous how they treat people the lies they tell God only knows what will.happen when pip becomes tge gateway benefits and assessment once the wca is scrapped I am terrified this has to stop and unfortunately labour giverment don't seem to be to bothered about people with long term health issues and disabilities either

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toJam1861

I am so sorry to hear this happened. It’s shocking how bad you were treated.

Jam1861 profile image
Jam1861 in reply toOnedaymore1

I think they should change the name to the hans Christian Anderson review lol they may not specialist in tge area of the claimant but they do seem to have one thing in common across the board they are all specialists in fair tales

Cockerspaniels2 profile image

This has happened to me recently, I had my review telephone assessment a few weeks ago and asked for a copy of the report to be sent to me. The woman that did my assessment has marked me down on quite a few questions and going by the lies she has told I’ll be lucky to get any PIP now. When I was high rate living and standard mobility. I’m just waiting for DWP to send me the award and then I’m going to ask for a Mandatory consideration as what she has put in there are just pure lies.

I don’t understand how someone who has been on PIP for years and have degenerative diseases can suddenly get an assessment like this

My health is rubbish at the moment along with my mental health, I could really do without this.

Farmerboy profile image

Good morning members, it annoys me when people say or post stating the assessor lied when writing my assessment report. It could be the way the information was presented in the application form that gave the assessor an idea that you or I are capable of doing certain descriptors. I gave very clear reasons as to why I was unable to do certain descriptors. But because I use mobility scooters and drive an automatic car the assessor assumed or presumed that I could do all the descriptors and kept my award the same. Bring in receipt of my assessment report I knew well in advance before my award letter arrived what my award would be. So I spent a few days composing my a mandatory reconsideration report to send once I had the official award letter. It consisted of 10 A4 printer pages one for each of the descriptors stating why the points awarded were wrong and why and what they should have been minimum or maximum. My new award came going from my previous award of 8 points to 14. We have to be very clear on how we give information remembering that each descriptor has to be done in a timely manner, repeatedly and safely for 50 to 70% of our daily lives..

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toFarmerboy

hello can I just say when I said they lied “ they made up sentences that didn’t say .

Added things I didn’t say .

They pulled this from thin air ..

I was very clear with my information. They LIED !

Because you had an okay experience it doesn’t mean other people haven’t .

I don’t mean to come across a certain way and would never be rude to anyone .

You have been lucky I guess !

I had all information written down days prior and pages of it . They were off by a mile !!!

I will be making a complaint it was horrendous at the level of lies MADE UP xx

Farmerboy profile image
Farmerboy in reply toLh1979

submit a mandatory reconsideration phone to say you are or want to do a MR. If you had the evidence of your abilities then write stating why the points where awarded wrongly stating the reasons why for each of the descriptors. If you where awarded 0 but you think it should had been 2 minimum or 4 maximum say why you think this giving evidence to justify your opinion.

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toFarmerboy

I did the same as you & they ignored the lies. How can the assessor mis understand anything I said to write that I am suicidal & have a support network of family /GP etc. I don’t even take medication for depression! Nothing in my medical records/my health form to suggest this. It was obviously 🙄 not taken out of another report the assessor had completed (for someone unfortunately living with that situation). Remember, not everyone has the ability /feel well enough to write 10 page complaint. It shouldn’t have to be this way if the process didn’t start from the angle of they are lying 🤥

Turquoisesummer profile image

Oh my goodness!😲😣 why would they do that?🥺🥺 That's awful! I'm so sorry!! I hope you can get this resolved. I'm assuming pip is something like disability support pension where i am? It's super hard to get dsp here even and i was lucky to have a good genuine OT assess me. Even then he said his report might not be accepted by the determining agency. I was able to get dsp but it took a long time and its not enough to live on so i can't live alone unfortunately, but I dont know what i would have done if I wasn't approved. I really hope you can have this resolved and wish you all the best!❤

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toTurquoisesummer

Thank you x

khaleeseebrown1 profile image

I had same treatment from capita, I was booked in for an assessment miles away from my area the office was not well signposted . My son drove me and we were 3 mins late due tocto car park being a distance from the office and no signs etc . The desk staff incredibly rude said I was being sanctioned the doctor did see me lied about everything on report I was told I was able to work . When I turned up at job center no seating area only very low sofa thing . The assessor was amazed I was there at all he was helpful and recommended I be put in a different group not capable of work . I was thank goodness. The next was a home visit for pip the lies he made up I didn't recognise who he was talking about I had to go to a tribunal which I won . The last 1 was to drive even further away with no car park no dropping off point due to roadworks which I understand have been there for years and are still there . Had to walk a distance to the offices in pouring rain trying to use a umbrella and elbow crutches when the doors swung open I almost fell into lobby plus the marble floors were slippery the offices on floor 4 but a lift . I saw an amazing sympathetic doc who listened and reported correctly but I was in a state from the journey to the building plus the walking involved the staff told me to complain due it not being fit for purpose and they were fed up of the complaints. I did write and phone local councillors, nothing was done it's still operating they did say it said on my letter in small writing on back page if you can't manage stairs in the event of a fire please phone and change destination. We all know what it's like when you get that fearful letter so I was too worried to rebook . They have us over a barrel there are so many people who can play the system they treat us all us the same as if we are lying plus the kickback the private company gets for denying benefits . I will be recording my next interview,.

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply tokhaleeseebrown1

That is terrible 😞

Alecinthesun profile image
Alecinthesun in reply tokhaleeseebrown1

A long time ago, my grampy pushed me in a wheelchair to a meeting at the job centre for benefits. The lady was in shock. I said, I already have a job, I was involved in a car accident and I am trying to get better to go back to my job, my grampy chipped in, he stood up for me and said, why is she here? She's worked hard all her life, she has a top degree and she has been involved in a car accident. She doesn't need you to find her a job because she has a marketing job at a very good company, she has just been involved in a car accident and she needed a pensioner to get here today, otherwise, she will have no money to live on. That's our glorious benefit system!

Buildashed profile image

Hi, just to let you know this happened to my husband, so we appealed straight away. They said my husband could walk up the stairs using both hand rails, we only have one! And he was able to cook and prepare meals using a high stool. We didn’t have a high stool!

It caused so much stress at the time. We did appeal in writing pointing out these two declarations and asked for explanations, they wrote back with an apology but no explanation but we did win his case, so don’t give up. Take care

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toBuildashed

Thank you

Sazza57 profile image

I applied a few years ago and the assessinator wrote the exact opposite of what I’ve told her and I was knocked back. Having severe depression, anxiety and ptsd I could not bring myself to appeal decision. I have a sneaking suspicion it happens a lot when the conditions are mental health related.

I reapplied this year as I’m running out of time before I am 66. My physical problems are a lot worse.

The lady who assessed me on the telephone seemed to be a lot more understanding. I got my decision last week:

Daily living ….standard rate

Mobility …. Enhanced rate

Please do re-apply or appeal as not every assessinator has no empathy

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Please get on touch with our benefits team on 0300 999 0055 (Mon, Wed, Fri 10.00-12.00) or email and they can send you guidelines on how to appeal the decision

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toHazel_Angelstar

thank you I will x

juiceter7 profile image

Hi,Unfortunately the majority of these assessors are told not to take some conditions seriously such as Fibro. Its going to get a lot worse with this new budget by the Tory monsters. Helping inactive people back to work means in simple terms more "Austerity ".

Alecinthesun profile image
Alecinthesun in reply tojuiceter7


Mayye profile image

They are well known for lying and they've been doing it for too long. They make up their reports and put people in more mental stress then they're already experiencing. These assessors needs to be sacked, they have been getting away with for years, people having committed suicide because of these false reports they're making yet nothing seems to be able to stop them. Appeal the decision and make attach your evidence as ask them to do a mandatory reconsideration if they still refuse to award then take it to tribunal. I don't get why on earth are still getting away with it because once it goes to tribunal you'll get your reward in that case these assessors should be sacked because of them lying. It's makes me so angry that they can do this

CM1EDSUK profile image

I have to agree with Farmerboy - an assessor is not there to write down what you've said word for word, otherwise there'd be no point in having an assessment, but rather to form their own opinion. Yes, they do often get it wrong, & the 'copying & pasting' of generic responses (which is one of my bugbears), really doesn't help.

Now, legally how would you prove an assessor lied? You'd have to have proof of their intent, & you can't know a person's thoughts. What you can do is mention a couple of irrefutable 'inaccuracies,' but that in itself may not gain you a PIP award/higher award. As mentioned, a person needs to concentrate on identifying where they should have got points & why.

Like Farmerboy, I went through a Mandatory Reconsideration(MR) as I felt my mobility award should be higher. Now you may call this lying, but the assessor had written 3 times in their report that as 'I didn't see a pain management or physiotherapy specialist' I could walk further than I'd stated on my claim without being in pain. Now I had mentioned 3 times in my claim form that I'm a retired physio, as well as mentioning this as a courtesy to my assessor! As I understand this now, several years later, this was an example of a 'cut & pasted' response.

Like many of you, I was so incensed at the time, but with my MR I gave documentation about being a physio. So, perhaps that's an example of an irrefutable 'inaccuracy'; did it help increase my award? ....well I'll never know!!

With the OP, tho they gained (presumably) 2 points for being able to microwave a meal, could more have been gained? The unlikely scenario that she cooks meals 3 times a day with her school-age children is definitely 'inaccurate,' but doesn't necessarily contradict the points recommended.

Unfortunately, as many have found, complaining about an assessment doesn't necessarily go very far, but anyway that should be separate from a MR.

As Farmerboy says, giving a detailed explanation (if not already done in your claim form) of real life examples as to the struggles you face is the way forward.

Assessors are not told to take fibromyalgia, or any other disorder less 'seriously,' they are just there to assess a person's functional ability to do any applicable activity/descriptor reliably.

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toCM1EDSUK

Thank you.

ShelWhitt profile image

Will just add my twopennyworth. Not really relevant to your situation but is similar. In 1994 I was made redundant after several weeks off work suffering with chronic left sided head, neck and shoulder pain. I was 54 at the time. I had been suffering with chronic headaches, migraines, spondylosis, stiff neck and back pain for several years, had been attending hospital for physio on a repetative periodic basis and was at the time being prescribed 8 cocodomal tablets a day whilst working. I had also had a complete hysterectomy five years earlier for extensive endometriosis, from which I was still suffering, although that could have been resulting adhesions, and also was diagnosed with IBS. Added to that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and prescribed levothyroxine. As I had been paying a reduced married ormans stamp at the time I could not claim dole money or any sick pay so I applied for disability benefit. I too was turned down with the report saying there was nothing wrong with me and that I was fit for work. I was so demoralised and depressed at the time as I was in constant pain and had never before been out of work since leaving school. that I was unable to pursue the claim. Fortunately my husband was working so we were able to manage but I was a broken woman.I had been suffering for years and felt no one was listening. I continued pressing my doc but to no avail. I honestly felt like a hypochondriac. Eventually, after trying hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and the usual physio and medication to no avail I eventually paid to see a rheumatologist and after a few months he diagnosed my with polymyalgia, plus degeneration of the spine and several bulging discs, put me on steroids and sent me to a chiropractor. Twelve months of that treatment with no improvement the consultant retired. The new one took me off steroids, said it wasn't polymyalgia, but fibromyalgia and referred me back to my GP. That is were I am now. For the last 15 years. Have got progressively worse, physically, and my mental state is not good either as for the last 5 years I have been a carer for my husband who has dementia, COPD and can barely walk due to arthritis of the spine, knees and feet. The worst part is I look OK-ish, so no one realises or acknowledges just how much pain I am in constantly, or the effects the stress and anxiety plus brain fog is having on my mental health Even my own family tell me not to moan it is old age. I feel so ill I am convinced there is something else wrong which they haven't discovered but because blood tests are not showing any major red flags my doc puts it all down to fibro. She does does listen, if and when I can get an occasional appointment, but I think she has exhausted her her options of help ,because on top of everything else my digestive system is out of whack and I have tummy and bowel problems and eat very little. I have asked but she seems to think further tests are not necessary, which in itself is a worry when you feel so ill all the time. Sorry to rant on for so long, but wanted to show you , you are not alone. there must be hundreds of us all suffering similar problems, and with the health service in the state it is, and me and hubby now being in our 80s, I don't hold any hope out for things improving any time soon. Nevertheless I am sending you my best wishes for the future and hope you do manage to get your finances sorted soon, and that your health problems at least remain reatively stable. xx

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply toShelWhitt

Thank you for sharing your situation, what a horrible experience you have had & are still living with. Even the medical professionals cannot agree on what is FMS or not. I honestly believe it’s a cop out diagnosis & then your just left to get on and exist (not always a good quality existence either ). It’s horrible and cruel.

Alecinthesun profile image


Sorry this is happening to you. Yes, I too had similar experiences. I found out that the assessors have targets to stop benefit payments, the third party contracts are awarded by government to remove the benefit. This knowledge changed how I view the whole process, at the end of the day, it's corrupt politics. Don't take it to heart, and don't get upset or stressed, that's what they want. They have already won if it has a negative impact on your health. Unfortunately, they are not there to help people like us, they are just doing a job with targets, so there is no point in getting emotional.

Play them at their own game. Be strategic and catch them out. Recording the assessment is essential, they have lied so many times, I lost count. However, don't worry, you can still turn it around. The advice on here is great. Submit a mandatory reconsideration and take it to tribunal. There is a strong chance that it will get overturned at tribunal.

Submit as much evidence as possible with the mandatory reconsideration. I think evidence is key and don't give up and try to put up a mental barrier, think that this is not going to touch me, they are not going to upset me. Hard I know, but believe that you will get a good outcome in the end and don't stop until you do.

Lh1979 profile image

oh my goodness I did not expect to have this many comments from real people going through the same kind of scenarios . I have read every single reply and My heart goes out to everyone on here …

Thankyou for your replies it means so much .

Only now I’m coming around mentally to be able to reply . Because the whole thing has been so overwhelming. I will keep everyone updated on how my situation goes .

I will fight it to the end and go to to court if I have too xxxxx

Sarahlois profile image

Sorry to hear this. This is very common and I had a similar experience. I don't cook but they said as I'm able to eat snacks and my husband cooks that's fine. I also have ADHD which affects almost all of my life but the only thing I got points for was incontinence. Definitely go for mandatory reconsideration, I didn't and regret it. Hope you get what you deserve eventually x

zepo profile image

yep that is normal. They are only interested in their commission. I had this 4 times and 4 times I took it to tribunal. The last time, she gave me 0 points. Tribunal awarded me high rate on care and mobility. I got CAB to help me. Good luck.

ellilu58 profile image

So sorry you're going through this. I've been where you are too and its a nightmare. I got a copy of last PIP assessment and the lies were incredible. BUT, I was able to counteract every lie with a fact - from my consultants etc.

I also wrote a letter of complaint to the DWP. They are REALLY behind with dealing with complaints but when you feel up to it, write one and tell them every lie that was in your report. After I'd done mine, about two weeks later, I had someone from the Complaints department phone me and apologise for the report and I got my full PIP back. The success rate after complaining is quite high too so go for it.

Make sure you send your send your MR by Recorded mail and then you can track it. Good luck - there's a lot of support for you on here and just don't let the b********s grind you down. xxx

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toellilu58

Thankyou for sharing a bit of your story .. I am on the case tomorrow !!

Can I ask do you remember where you sent the letter of complaint please ? The address ??

I don’t know how they are allowed to bare face lie and then decision makers have to trust them., they should never be allowed in the field they are in . It’s scary!!!!


ellilu58 profile image
ellilu58 in reply toLh1979

They really are scary! It was a nurse who did my assessment and TOTALLY lied about after page. I'm a retired staff nurse so I even complained about her to the Nursing Medical Council about her because her assessment would not have stood up in a Court of Law!

I can't remember where I sent the complaints letter to - it may have been the 'Complaints Department" at the address on my DWP letter. Have a good google round for it. Make sure you keep copies of everything you write too...which I'm sure you're doing. Don't email the complaint..write it and again, send it recorded. Keep in touch with us about this and keep've got this! xxx

Gutfeelings profile image

HiI have been through this too, it's just so wrong to put anyone through this and it's very hard to cope with as it brings up all sorts of feelings and further distress ontop of going through the assessment process which is in itself, difficult to go through. I found having to discuss and list things that are a struggle or that I can no longer do without help very upsetting but you will get through this.

Please do not give up.

I tried once many years ago for dla and was turned down, I didn'trealiseat the time that many if not most people are turned down at first attempt but I didn't pursue it.

Years later after taking a career break in a last ditch attempt to stop losing my job I was put in the support group for ESA. I eventually applied for PIP but my assessment was just before the pandemic. So when I had my report and found zero points plus a huge list of inaccuracies and lies I immediately requested a mandatory reconsideration on the phone. I then had help from citizens advice from a lovely lady who went through it all with me on the phone and wrote out my appeal. It was draining and too several hours and two phone calls but I was determined to be listened to by the assessors this time. The lady from cab emailed it to me to be checked and it went off very soon. I went to tribunal which when I'd read up on it and found how many people end up going to tribunal it wasn't as scarey as I imagined. The judge was very nice and there were two others with her a doctor and oh gosh I can't remember who the other was..brainfog again! Honestly they were very calm, very thorough and treated me with respect. Due to covid restrictions it was done on the phone.

I had been told by dwp that I would not be offered an 'award' (I hate that term) of more than standard rate for 3years. After my tribunal I had enhanced rate for 5years and backdated.

Just keep going it's hard but get plenty of support and as much evidence in writing as you can, reports of scans, xrays, a supporting letter from your consultant, a letter from someone who lives with you and sees how your condition/s affect your daily life, any proof at all of how your conditions affect you they will select what is most relevant but will look at all of it and it will help them build up a picture of how you are struggling and what needs you have. I included emails I'd sent my specialist nurse where I'd mentioned how I was struggling with various symptoms and fatigue which prevents you doing a task repeatedly. I also requested a summary printout of all my issued medications over the last few years which was very long but may include trials of medication you may have forgotten about or something you tried that caused side effects etc.

I also had been keeping a diary of my symptoms and what made me worse or better so I took some out of that to show what I couldn't do or what I may be able to manage with an aid of some sort but would have to rest afterwards and would not be able to do it again. Its how you are affected by your illhealth, if you go through each descriptor for pip and see how you can show how you are limited in carrying them out then get some evidence to support each point. It takes time but you will get there.

I hope this has helped a bit.

Take care

Kaspinallsgr8 profile image

I’m so sorry you got one of those types of assessors, as did I. I got so overwhelmed and frustrated I couldn’t face going back That said, I’ve gotten progressively worse so I’m considering following my own advice.

The only way around them is to file an appeal. I’ve read numerous articles saying that’s the best thing to do.

1. You should bring in reports and full details negating her audacious lies.

2. Have several doctors reports, OT and PT statements, (others ?), …

…include ones from: psychiatric and mental health professionals, social work-specialists, caregivers.

3. Use precise language in your reports and make each statement in a point by point layout on paper. Something where they can’t miss anything (accidentally on purpose).

4. Don’t be over dramatic but use emphatic statements like these

This [name pain] ( or condition) makes me feel ( …, be specific)

This [name medicine ]. causes (…) and keeps me from attending to (…say what it does like - helping family, or eating food, or being able to …?)

I must do ( …) # of times per day

I can’t do (.,. be specific)

and it causes me (how you feel … )

severe headaches ….

physical pain …

mental issues …

other .,.?

5. List everything that’s diagnosed and issues that affect you even if not fully diagnosed : State each physical and mental condition separately and precisely and be concise

6. If allowed ( read the rules and regulations thoroughly first ) ….

…..have an attorney

……or some other official person

……( one aware of your details )

to represent you and file your commentary at the appeals meeting. It will be worth the price in the long run.

Good luck

ladybob1 profile image

The same happened to me a couple of years ago but I contested it and went to a tribunal with help from Citizens Advice. It was a lot of work and stress but the tribunal found in my favour. I don't have the award for life so will have to go through it all again in 2024 which I am dreading. Having said that don't let the assessor get away with not telling the truth about your situation.

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

Wow the world is getting more and more evil, day by day.

BeeBee50 profile image

Hi this happened to me too. The capita assessor asked me to do the pathetic tasks of 'stand on one foot' etc, what does that prove? 20+ years they've been asking that 🙄 capita have alot to answer for!! She was typing away for 30mins and I couldn't believe the report that came back. I have an incurable heart condition, mental health issues for 35yrs and the start of fybromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis...after crying and almost bursting a blood vessel I appealed. After 32 weeks of waiting I had my chance to go to court and the 3 medics took 15mins to decide I was entitled to P.I.P. Please don't give up get angry with that last little push and appeal, appeal and appeal and get your justice 👍 good luck 🥰

Guppy_mama profile image

Yes, it happened to me. More than once. It's not just the lies, it's the lack of respect. Apparently my depression and fatigue doesn't stop me going out happily four days a week! That is impossible for me even on a good day. The assessor said that I had written book and can cook each day. While I'm aware that some of us are capable of this, I'm not. I was just ignored and felt patronised. The good news is I won my appeal and managed to set the record straight but I shouldn't have to. I hope you get the support you need with your review.

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toGuppy_mama

hello again everyone once again I can’t Thankyou all enough for sharing your stories and encouragement.

I have made an official complaint to capita today !!

I had to go through page numbers and line blah blah blah took me nearly 2 hours . 2 hours of stress !

They then told me it was upto her senior manager to look at it and see if there was any inconsistencies I’d be able to go ahead and complaint about !!

The medication in my report said 60Mg of duloxoteine - it was wrong it’s actually 90mg

They didn’t write my propanalol medication down that I take for symptoms of anxiety, sweats , palpitations and tremors . (But wrote in report NO symptoms of anxiety , depression etc ) ARE THEY FOR REAL !!

They didn’t disclose my menopause treatment !

100mg uttogestan one daily and patch I change twice a week !! It wasn’t in the report at all like my propanalol !!!

They said 120 mg of iron tablets one time a day - I’m actually on 210 mg twice a day !!

They said no specialist counselling or therapy but I have both . And I’m absolutely thrilled to say I have a letter of evidence from my occupational therapist saying I have been referred to a speacialist counsellor that the assessor called a charity !! I gave this black and white !! Proof that there is so many inconsistencies!!

My doctor is also writing me a letter to confirm

My medication , mental health and anxiety .

My therapist has wrote information about fibromyalgia for the decision maker to understand how it affects people who have it . But I can’t imagine they really have a clue unless they suffer with It !!

There’s so many other lies I’m just so mentally and mentally physically exhausted xxxx

BeeBee50 profile image
BeeBee50 in reply toLh1979

I totally agree, why do we have to justify our illness/disability to prove that we genuinely have these problems 😞Which in turn result in having another illness-depression!!As I'm typing this I haven't managed to get to bed so I'm spending the night on my recliner chair with my dog, candles burning in the dark with my headphones in listening to some relaxing music as I can't sleep as in pain 😢 these assessments should be set up on a camera for a week to get a real insight to our daily life in chronic pain!! Love to you all and fight the fight 💪 ❤️ xxxx

Cotswolds25121 profile image
Cotswolds25121 in reply toBeeBee50


0dd0ne profile image

Yes, this is standard, it seems. I had all that and more. I applied for a mandatory reconsideration, which was also denied, so then I put in an appeal. About 2 months after submitting the appeal, they called me and said they reviewed my case and offered me what I had been expecting to get when I applied, which I accepted, of course. Apparently, the appeals courts are more than fed up with the amount of appeals coming through their doors that settled in the claimants favour, that they've threatened to start fining the DWP for every case they overturn. This is making them think twice about allowing cases to actually reach appeal. They still turn down a massive number of cases, even at the MR stage, but if you're determined and follow through with the appeal, you've got an excellent chance of them either offering to settle before it reached the courts or, it will be overturned actually on appeal. They rely on most people not wanting the hassle, or not having the strength, to actually follow through with an appeal. It's disgusting behaviour!

fmlife profile image

a microwave meal is cooking in their minds.

the only good thing is about this, is your bloods boiling with anger, at least your warmer. slight hair frazzling, however warmer

look forward to hearing about your Tribe court thing, am assuming are responding to these

gentle hugs

Katiepc24 profile image

had my letter back last week, rejecting my PIP claim and was awarded zero points.

Assessor kept going back to the fact I can drive a car which in itself is a multitasking activity requiring significant physical function in terms of grip, power and upper lower joint movements. Also kept mentioning that I have no memory issues as I was able to provided the details of a complex medical history and undertake the assessment without any support.

It’s taking me a week to claim down from reading his report.

I was able to provide the information he asked for as I had spend 3 weeks preparing for the assessment and had everything written down along with dates.

He also used a lot of abbreviations in his report which is not a good Thing.

Got a call with citizens advise on Friday for help with a mandatory reconsideration

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toKatiepc24

oh my god isn’t it degrading !!

It’s not acceptable as they don’t see you on a day to day basis and only you know how you suffer . I’m sorry you also had a bad experience xxx

Katiepc24 profile image
Katiepc24 in reply toLh1979

it is very degrading, and now thinking should I be appealing as I can drive, because in my head what the assessor states is that as I drive I must not be in pain or have memory problems etc etc

Dee188 profile image

There's good and bad assessors carrying out these assessments and they need to be screened and checked more thoroughly. I've been fortunate as I have lots of written evidence to support my claim, plus Citizens Advice helped complete my forms and said they would help me appeal if needed (I didn't) and I got a decision in 3 weeks.

My cousin who had a severe disabling stroke some years ago and lost his job as a mechanic as he can no longer lie underneath a car or put his head back to look up under a vehicle from an inspection pit as he blacks out, he also has difficulty walking and tires easily, his son who lives at home has to ring during the day to check on him and has to help him access bath/shower and cook main meals.

His initial application was completed by his sister in law and was turned down so after I advised him to reapply he is in the process of submitting new evidence via his solicitor with GP support letters etc.

I hope you get a better result on reapplication :)

waylay profile image

Me too. The errors were shocking, and obvious. The assessor clearly hadn't bothered to even read my form, never mind my evidence. Examples:"No specialist mental health treatment": Oh, like the NHS secondary service I'd been attending for years, charity group therapy for years, individual therapy for years (letters from all 3).

"No specialist pain care": Like the 1 year NHS pain management programme I was currently engaged in (letter from them).

"No self-harm or suicidal ideation/attempts": What about this A&E discharge form from 2 months before stating that I'd been taken there and treated due to self-harm and intense suicidality?

"Driver's licence has not been returned to DVLA, thus she can drive wafflewafflewaffle": I have never had a UK driver's licence.

It went on and on. 0 points. I became suicidal for weeks. Won Std, Std at Tribunal.

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply towaylay

I’m glad you took them to tribunal . The way they make you suffer by lying clearly is absolutely disgusting and contribute further to more anxiety /mental health etc is appalling.

It should not be happening!!

I think some people go through too much stress and stop the process as it’s too much for them .

I bet there are thousands of people that give up !

I also had my pip award after sending in further evidence .

Although pip complaints department wouldn’t budge on their assessor there were obvious lies!

The dwp made pip make changes in the new award which allowed me standard rate daily living . I didn’t want to push my luck !

I settled for that . 4 years claim for me . I can relax a little where that comes into my life .

hi, so many experiences, so little support and understanding.

I used to think that civil servants employed in the public sector in a position that means they are earning their living from our national insurance contributions , would only too happy to help and support those in need. How wrong I was 🤦‍♀️

I now believe that the pip department is being run by an evil being and his followers of FARCE (fictional ailments r clearly everywhere) 😱🦹‍♂️

We need a fibromyalgia superhero to submit all of our claims and make it stress free👏👏🦸🏻

Failing that we will have to try to keep trying and sticking up for ourselves and this site and other groups are here to help as our (superhero) support, along with friends and family and occasionally medical staff 😏 we need a whole team !!

The pain management team have said they will help me with completion of pip after I said I didn’t even want to apply due to stress and anxiety. I helped my sister apply for it as she also has fibromyalgia and she went all the way to court. It was awful and we both wanted to give up, but my friend and close family have been there helping and she has finally got it 👏 the phone call with the complaint assessor was hilarious with my sister trying to answer and my friend who has experience of pip applications , jumping up and down, with sign language and lip reading 🤣.

You have to keep laughing and you need the help and support of others.

We’ll get there, stay strong, but fluffy on the inside 🤗🤗🤗🤞🤞🤞

Lh1979 profile image
Lh1979 in reply toTiggerlostherbounce

I’m so happy you took it all the way …

They have no compassion what so ever and also twist anything and everything you say !!

It’s a horrendous time and I wouldn’t wish that extra pain and stress on anyone …

I’m over the moon to you and your sister xxx

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