Hi Everyone
I am really struggling. I have had ME/CFS for over 20 years and last year when I saw a different doctor to my usual GP, he said I had Fibromyalgia as well.
I am having great difficulty in sleeping, when I do get to sleep I only sleep for 1-2 hours before waking again and struggle to get back to sleep again. I am in constant pain and I think that is the reason I can’t sleep. The more pain I’m in the harder it is to sleep, the less sleep I get the more pain I am in. It’s a vicious cycle.
I have spoken to my GP about this but haven’t really got any help, the only pain medication she prescribes me is paracetamol and very occasionally she will prescribe Co Codamol but not often.
She prescribed Melatonin once but that gave me horrendous migraines so I couldn’t take it, it didn’t help with sleep anyway.
Due to not sleeping it causes me to be bed bound on some days, I literally don’t have the energy to get up or even eat properly.
The pain gets worse during either hot or cold weather.
I am on a waiting list to see a rheumatologist due to a low white blood cell count, have never seen one before.
Does anyone have any suggestions on things that might either help the pain or help me to sleep?