Hi I wonder if anyone here can help. I was diagnosed many years ago with fibro . hit by sudden other problems I wonder if anyone can enlighten me. I dont get much pain more stiffness aching and weakness a biggie. breathing problems , exercise intolerant ,heat intolerance,ankle wrist joint pain, tongue and top lip swelling, ptosis fluctuating, red rashes with blood spots, blue sclera and brown dots on eyes, huge inflammation ,skin indentations, atrophy of wrist and fingers and feet ,cannot spread finger or move toes or turn feet and hands up, blistering elbows with small lumps, thickening of knuckles with white chalky substance first coming out of, small white lumps in palm areas, bleeding gums, hair loss, weird sensation either side of spine, visible pulsation in leg, dry eye, blue line top lip with breathing problems ,facial swelling and bruising hives scale skin lesions hives and all different rashes, huge bloated belly, urine and bowel incontinence ,chest swelling and pain, neck pain unable to turn one way and cramp if stretch shoulder,erythromyalgia, gums turning black, skin on arms turning bronze colour, cramps toes if move, rectal and ovary pain,urine urgency, bowel urgency sudden pains in hands that curl and cannot move ,feeling of walking on pebbles, bad bruising , intermittent bruising under eyes, smooth tight forehead one side only, sleep like a log, extreme tiredness, snoring which comes on suddenly, sleeping with eyes open ,neck and collar bone swellings, red v rash on chest with white areas and darker red marks, swollen breast with big blue veins showing.
I appreciate the criteria has changed for fibro thankyou