I have a dental appointment in the morning but I know I'll end up with myofacial pain as I have to extend my mouth. I also need dental work. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am left in agony x
Fibro and the Dentist: I have a dental... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro and the Dentist

Hello, you have my empathy with pain and your having too have treatment as well, could you asked too be sedated for further treatment as your not fully asleep but normally cannot remember after what has been going on and in a relaxed state, seek advice from the dentist or your GP if you can take any pain killers after the procedure wears off . It is hard keeping your mouth open and my hygienist does let me open and close my mouth in between cleaning too get threw. Also if it’s the check up only and no treatment tomorrow can you ask your doctors surgery what pain relief you can take an hour before you go , hope all goes well x
Hi, it may be best to explain your problem to the dentist and ask what they recommend. Good luck.
If I open my mouth too wide my jaw dislocates but trying to explain that to my dentist is like talking to a brick wall - I live in Spain. He pushes, pulls, not gentle at all. After my last visit my face hurt worse than the abscess I went in with
My next treatment is a 2 hour slot to remove crowns, extract tooth now abscess died down, fit temporary crowns. So not looking forward to it! I have told him I will need a break half way through just so I can stand, stretch, have a pee - let's see if he abides by that agreement! I am stressed just thinking about it
ask your dentist if they can use a mouth prop, they can take it in and out when the jaw starts to hurt for a rest, moment used on children, but you can ask.
Good luck, hope it’s not too painful
I would definitely recommend the mouth prop. I also suffer with this. I needed a root canal filling recently, my dentist suggested trying this when I explained how much pain I get. I was amazed at what a difference it made.
Just wanted to wish you luck with your dental visit.
I’m sorry I can’t offer any suggestions as I honestly can’t say how I am. I haven’t seen a dentist since before Covid and can’t get registered with an NHS dentist since relocating to the North West.
Been on a waiting list for months!!!
Thank you for your kind words. I'm on my way now absolutely dreading it. Took some top up meds before I go. Thank you all for your support and I'll let you know how i get on xxx
Please do and I’ll have a virtual “tea & sympathy” session to pick over the bones of your visit 😉
OMG I surprised myself and went, it was fine. I took meds before I went and the dentist was so lovely as he knew about FM and myofacial pain. He said I needed a couple of fillings but again reassuring said he could start work when I was ready and break the appointments up. What I worked myself up to (dread/nightmare) was actually a positive experience. Not that I’m keen to go back but a little less apprehensive. Xxx
I also have pain whenever I've had dental treatment but the past two visits I've not needed any treatment. When I've had a filling or any other dental treatment, I've been sedated and it's been ok. As others have said, you don't remember what has happened, which is good. I've just taken my normal painkillers a couple of hours after the treatment. Check with the dentist as some dentists send you to a specialist clinic for sedation. Good luck and hopefully you won't need any treatment.
hi just catching up, I hope you got on ok at the dentist. I dread going myself, because the pain in my face /jaw is awful. I usually take extra painkillers before I go to help, and my dentist is very good with stopping to let me rest and she works very fast. But it does probably stop me having the treatment I need. I’m intestinal in the sedation idea, I will have to ask about that as it’s never been offered x
Hi Loobyloo1966,
I was having dental work before covid kicked in so the hospital was only doing emergency work, I had a chipped front tooth from when I was growing up, I fell over and bashed it when I was young??
I eventually went to my local dentist, I just couldn't bare it another moment, A hop,skip and a jump later.......
I have 2 teeth left and waiting for surgery, I have an appointment
for a final pre-op on Thurs and then wait for a date to get these out and embedded teeth trapped in my gums.
I started with the dentist but no matter how much of the numbing stuff she jabs in there, I still feel everything!
I know I'm going to feel it after but I'll know I can start a new chapter when my dentures let me eat proper food instead of soft food!
You have to do what you have to do, Good luck and take care
hi everyone who has been so kind to me. Well I went and it was fine. I took meds before I went and the dentist was so lovely as he knew about FM and myofacial pain. He said I needed a couple of fillings but again reassuring saying he could start work when I was ready and break the appointments up. Thanks to you all I went and it turned a nightmare into a positive experience.
My jaw locked for 3 weeks following a trip to the dentist due to having my mouth open for so long. Had to eat soup and soft foods. Now I make a point of keep shutting my mouth during treatment even if it takes a bit longer. I also read that having an injection after lower teeth dental injection or dental extraction can cause problems and I had had a lower jaw injection. I'd discuss with your dentist beforehand. Sorry just seen that you've been. So glad it went OK x