I have suffered with fibro now for the past three years. I feel like I’m one of the lucky ones as I started symptoms at 42. I’m reading a lot younger people and I feel really sorry for you.
my sister also suffers with fibro a lot worse than me and she’s had it a lot longer. My mum also.
So between us. We have tried quite a lot of medications that the doctors have prescribed, but the side-effects are either feeling more tired or weight gain or they just don’t agree with us.
I am on 150/300 mg of pregablin per day which doesn’t help with the pain, but it just helps me sleep through the night which is great for me as it really did interrupt my sleeping for awhile, but I do wake up feeling unrefreshed and fatigue hits straightaway.
I’ve been to the doctors numerous of times and they suggest exercise and talking therapies but I keep telling them it’s like a vicious circle. I’m too tired to exercise when I do exercise. I’m so tired after and I can’t walk on my feet or my legs because they are in so much pain, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
I have yet to try the talking therapist as they are just referring me at the moment, but I don’t hold out much hope that it will help with my pain.
So like like many of you I’m turning to self-help, I’m gonna go for a B12 injection. I’m also starting on calcium and magnesium and vitamin tablets. I’ve also started trying L-tryptophan which releases serotonin and melatonin, I’m also going to start trying 5-HTP.
if anybody has tried any of these, I would love to know how you found them and have they helped?
But for now, it’s just about trying to get through every day…. I just feel like there should be more out there for fibro sufferers and even for the fatigue, because that alone is a horrible disease.