I was diagnosed 5 months ago with fibromyalgia and was told I had probly had it for some time and although I am on pregabalin 300mg a day my pain is still unbearable and I have an high pain tolerance. My main pain is coming from the top of my right arm and going all the way down ,even writing this is painful ,also terrible pain that affects the same side going from hip to thigh pain both keep me awake at night but I'm more worried about the increased pain in my arm .I'm worried something else is going on .
Pain in the arm: I was diagnosed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain in the arm

Hello, sorry too read of this constant pain , have you been too see your doctor recently ? Not getting a lot of sleep with pain is very wearing as well on you ☹️x
bless you! the nights are definitely the worse (and when you wake up!). I too struggle with sleep and I know how tough this is. I've been doing some gentle physio exercises to help where I have the worse pain which at the moment is also arms and shoulders and I'm finding this helps more than drugs. I was able to see a physio at my GP practice for free. I also rely on a large heat mat especially at night. Have you got anyone that can give you a massage/rub? I find this helps too. I find I just have to keep moving around as staying in one position for too long just makes things hurt more - even sitting to read a book! It never hurts to discuss things with the GP just in case something else is going on as we are quick to just say to ourselves its just fibro so put up with it. Best of luck, I hope you find some relief soon x
Thankyou ,it helps to get some feedback I am seeing the doctor today and will ask about the physio. I agree it's worse when sitting down for too long so I try to move about and keep busy when I can .I have had to give up work now as I carnt cope with standing for any length of time or be able to manage the pain very well but I'm 62 so 5 years away from retirement .I just need to get my head round everything I feel my life has gone so downhill I need help getting back up again x
oooh fingers crossed with the doctor. We do need to keep badgering them I'm afraid. I think the polite expression is be our own advocate! lol. They are so busy that I think they are relieved if we go to them with a suggestion, especially if it means they can move us onto someone else - eg the physio lol! You have done so well to get to 62 before giving up work. I'm 49 and now only work part time. I work for myself so I can work when I feel up to it. Yep, sadly I can understand the life going down hill feeling. Life with fibro is just different but can still be positive, but it's hard not to mourn the old life. Similar to getting old I suppose. Best of luck with the doctor 🤞 x
Hello, I've been on pregabalin twice. First time I really fought it. The pain clinic Dr said 300. I never got that far. Do to brain fog. Now I am on it again, I asked for it this time due to pain. I am only on 75 twice a day so far. My Dr did ask on my last chat if I wanted to up it. It came out as a very abrupt no! I know I need to try, but worry about it. The pain is now in so many places I don't know what to do with myself. I am 66 just a pensioner. So work isn't an issue, but I've not worked for 20 years due to an accident I had at work causing a mild brain injury. I also have osteoporosis and had 8 infusions now, which so far in my spine is only maintaining the condition at its similar rate. Not improving it as I was told. Like someone else has said, keep moving nothing dramatic but do try. I now take painkillers when I wake sit and spend half an hour or more before getting up. I really do think that helps. Fibromyalgia is a rotten roller coaster ride some days it's not that bad others absolutely awful. We are here to all moan when things are rubbish. Someone will listen and answer.just to cheer us up. Take care.
Hello we all have our battles to get through and it really helps talking to other people who are going through the same thing I also have osteoarthritis so pain is daily .I try to keep moving and stay positive but it's hard going some days .I saw the doctor yesterday and she has put me on duloxatine to take along side pregabalin so I'm hopeful this will help more with the pain .I appreciate your reply take care