Hello my lovelies, sorry I've not been here for a while I've been trying to sort out my life and to understand whats happening to me..... I will like to ask if anyone has suffer intense arm to shoulder pain before. It started suddenly yesterday night and it was so intense that i could not lie still. Had a horrible night it was combine dose of every pain tablets that finally sent me to sleep. I've not experienced this kind of pain before and i wake just now still having the pain.... Help!
Pain in the arm: Hello my lovelies... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain in the arm

I have, in my right arm just as I got into bed. At the time I was still waiting for an app with my doctor after my diagnosis. I DO NOT condone this but I ended up taking 6 of the 8mg cocodamols and 4 25mg of my amitryptaline. I eventually fell to sleep but the pain was still there. So basically what Im saying is....nothing helped 😣 sorry my reply is a bit pointless in the help department but you're not alone.

Thanks i appreciate that, i will try to book GP appointment too.
I have the same problem at the moment the pain is also affecting my neck I am considering getting a heat thing you put in the microwave and trying that to see if it helps only I dot have a microwave so I am going to try heating it up in The dryer too see if that works i will let you know if it works
Hi, I'm the same with my right side of my neck and shoulder, also pain and cramping in my arm. I've been told not to take most of the painkillers. So heat does help, I use a hot water bottle , not too full so it bends over my shoulder. I used to use the microwave ones but my partner doesn't like the smell..lol.
All the best X x
Hi hun, I just had cortisone jab in my shoulder today coz I have calcium crystal deposits and some OA it does radiate down from shoulder to muscles, it wont let me rotate my arm, and is mega painful, if its anything like this then ask gp to get it scanned

Ok thanks
I am so genuinely sorry to read this, and I also get a very severe pain in my right shoulder and arm (especially after sleep). If this persists or gets any worse it may be best to get it checked out my friend? Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I've had similar pin for almost 18 months. Consultant and GP says it's fibromyalgia but pain clinic practitioner and my physio both say it's tennis elbow. Is the pain worse when you rotate, so that your palm is up and thumb to the outside? Does your bicep hurt or feel hardened and do you have any related pain in your fingers? It's horrendous at times, I can't carry anything, changing gear is difficult and even holding hands with my grandchildren feels like I'm hauling a ton weight. It keeps me awake most nights too - hence writing this at 2.45 am. I've been keeping myself dosed up with painkillers/anti-inflammatories but nothing really alleviates it. I'm going to try strawberries and cream next -it works at Wimbledon- can't possibly hurt can it? 😀
Here here to the Wimbledon- tennis elbow, I have a device that I wear under my elbow, you buy them from e bay they are effective, just type in tennis elbow, I wear mine all day and rub in voltarol at night. Hope it works for you, something so simple to relieve pain!
Thanks to everyone!