My pain is getting worse and have been tired all the time and problem with my urine and penis pain grion pain had blood tests test for infections and urine tests, ct scan, etc. Had small traces of blood and high protein in my urine. But they told my doctor that they could not find a bleed or anything from the camera test. But I still have the problem went to see my doctor the other day about my pain and urinate problem had another blood test and urine test waiting for the results. My doctor said that my urine problem could be because of my fibromyalgia. The last two weeks my pain has been of the scale. Plus I have been getting bad stomach pain and feeling sick. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know if anyone has had this problem and has any advice what I can do. Thank you.
My pain is getting : My pain is getting... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My pain is getting

Hi there, I am not a GP. But I would find it hard to believe pain and blood in your urine is fibro related.
Have you been x-rayed to rule out kidney /bladder stones? Both can cause the very painful symptoms you mention. Also maybe the GP could check out your prostrate.
Personaly if I was you I would ask to be seen by another GP and strongly express the need for further testing.
Blood and pain in urine is neither fibro or normal. Please call the GP. If the pain gets worse call 111 or go to A & E thats what I would do. Please keep us informed of your progress xx
I have had xrays, ct scan and had camera. I had another blood test and urine test sent to urology department i will phone the doctors for my results. I have had micro no visible blood in my urine when I had the test's done. They told my doctor that send me back to urology only if the blood is visible. I am taking tablets for my prostate so I can urinate properly.
I've heard of people having to urinate more frequently since they have had fibro but not with the other symptoms you have. As Dizzytwo says it could be kidney stones or Prostrate problems. I agree I think you need to see another doctor at the practice and have appropriate tests. Kidney stones can definitely cause terrible pain and blood in the urine. Let us know how you get.

Sorry too read about your problems and I hope these recent test results come very soon , I would differently stick with the same doctor getting too the bottom of this if you can, anytime you feel very unwell @out of hours for your surgery like dizzy has said call the 111 helpline ,they take your details and get a doctor too call you back. And agree A@E If you need too, let us know how things go for you .Take care
Thank you I will take care and I will let you know what happens. Bye
Hi, when I had blood and protein in my urine, I was sent to the RENAL CLINIC, although that might be because when I was 18 months old I had kidney stones removed and they think it may have caused scarring and therefore why 40 years later why I had this. My point is that is here they sent me when it wouldn’t go away, although it did years later.
See another GP.