Just wondered if anybody with fibromyalgia suffers with sinusitis like a throbbing in the nose headache and blocked nose reaf that its common in fibro
Sinusitis and fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sinusitis and fibromyalgia

Hi there, you may be interest to read the post we already have going on this subject. It can be found here.
I have had fibro for 40yrs but have never thought sinus problems to be fibro related. And yes I've suffered with sinus problems all my life.
It may just be me but it seems every little thing we get is been attributed to fibro. Sinus issuies and many million of health problems are stand alone health problems. It just so happens I have fibro.
I mean if I didnt have fibro would then all the health issuies be attributed to my OA for example?
It could be something as simple as a nasal infection maybe? This of course is just my personal opinion.
Have you tried the nasal wash/ spray. I bought one from boots last month and found it very helpful.
Yeah trying nasel flush and steroid spray but I have read it is common in fibro
Ok, I hope you can get it sorted out soon. All I was trying to say is not everything is fibro related no matter what we read. So please be weary of taking every thing you may read as gospel👍
Forgot to mention that the consultant as well as my optician thinks I have Sgrorens syndrome (I can't even spell it). My nose does get really dry but I also get the other symptoms daily. I've tried the nasal mist, wash, spray, flush, etc and nothing works. Later this year I will find out. 🤞

I have non-allergic rhinitis, while not directly related to fibromyalgia is a common comorbid condition xxx
yes I do very bad at times
I also suffer from sinusitis and have done for years although I have never thought it was related to fybro.
I did see a ENT consultant before Xmas last year and have been prescribed steroid nasal sprays for life which I didn’t think you could use long term.
Mia and again it flares so I need an antibiotic but the constant said it wasn’t worth being operating for as the waiting list could be up to 5 years and the steriod sprays would keep it at bay.
I’m suffering from this now. Was only saying last night that I feel it all in my nose, I hope you feel better soon xxx
I have had sinusitis for decades (following glandular fever) & had major sinus surgery in my twenties. That stopped the headaches & infections for a few years as they took away a lot of boney matter. About 10-15 years ago I I saw a consultant again as I had started getting worse symptoms again. They can't do any more surgery (dangerously close to brain cavity) so I have a steroid spray. I used it daily for many years but now tend to use it when I need to for a few weeks/months at a time. Every so often I need antibiotics. To be honest I hadn't related it to fibro although I have just had a major fibro flare up & now I have sinusitis again. Could just be acoincidence though? ?
You could still have EBV in your sinuses in its latent stage. It flares up in me when I get really tired. Read instructions for your nasal spray. Some should not be used if there's any chance there may be some virus infections present. EBV also loves linking with some forms of gum disease, so can spread from your sinuses. Try researching natural remedies for recurrent EBV, including improving your gut health.
I’ve had it for years now along with fibro, always put two and two together.🤔
Yep take it from me its fibro related , had fibro all my life , am 60 , had a sinus wash in hospital, quite unpleasant process especially when they pull loads of packing out of the sinus chambers like some kind of magic trick given the amount they put in / pull out , then had an operation in my 20`s , made no difference , even found that my biological mother of which I only met after 49 years " was adopted " she had developed fibro , she also had had a sinus wash procedure , its due the nervous system , chemicals via the brain , fibro is a brain malfunction which effects the nervous system which in turn harms the entire body
I have post nasal drip. I think it's caused by amitryptaline as it dehydrates. My mouth is very dry as a direct result of this medication but without it I'm like the princess and the pea - every little wrinkle in the sheets feels ike a rock!
yes I have done for a long time now it gets that bad I feel like I carnt breath & I choke on food often.
yes I have both fibromyalgia and chronic sinusitis
so there definitely is a link
Yes I have nose, throat & mouth issues every day. You may find this interesting
hI I suffer with sinusitis really bad ,I have really bad headaches,eye pain ,pressure on bridge of nose , I have to use a nasal spray-dymysta.
I suffer with ringing in my right ear. Used to be both ears but fir some reason the left one stopped. It's all day everyday!
yes I also suffer every morning for several hours ,my nose runs constantly I take a antihistamine which seems to help but definitely linked to fibro
Hi... yes I have sinusitis and post nasal drip, has been ongoing for ages, prior to fibro. Can't seem to get rid of it, despite doing nasal rinses a couple of times a day. Found out my maxillory sinus is blocked so am being sent to ent to look at it. Don't fancy the op much... slowly losing the will to live.!
For me, I used to think it was a sinus headache, I never put together the shoulder and neck pain with my sinus headaches.
After physio therapy, I learned it was the fibro. But I still do get a blocked feeling on that side of my nose. Especially when lying down. Yes. also throbbing inside the nose, too.
yeah my neck and shoulders are worst part of fibro and are really bad at the minute so that could explain it
Yes I have suffered with this since I was 18. Finally had 2 operations the last one being in 2016. It was private as I claimed from my husband company insurance. He’s retired now so had an NHS ENT appointment recently. Consultant prescribed a months Doxycycline, Flixonase nose drops also for a month and a week of steroids. He thought this would do ‘The Trick’ 😳 The steroids helped with Fibro but obviously short term. Not sure how this month of treatment will cure my Sinus problem. I’m due to go back in 3 weeks for possible further investigation. I think it was just a ‘ticking’ exercise. So will see what he offers me going forward. Sinus pain is really debilitating leaving me having to go to bed and making me feel sick. Not great when you have Fibro pain as well to contend with ☹️
yes had it for almost a month now been using beconase nasal spray from the doctors
yeah becolometasone like a steroid spray about 3 weeks for me
HI Craggsy22 , you read my mind ! The past two days my nose is swollen and hurting, around my eyes especially under is hurting , can't breathe properly, basically it's awful 😢. I was thinking to put this on the forum and ask people if it is part of fybro ? It was definitely better while I was on steroid nose spray for hayfever 🤧, and since I stopped it as no more hayfever this problem re started again. I will go to the GP to make sure it's nothing else but your post sort of made me ' happy ' another problem to deal with but atleast I know WHY and that's important to me. So thank you 😊 . I wish you all the best 👍 and I do hope you find the treatment which works well for you 😊.
Take carecare.
hi I think by all the replies the sinusitis thing definitely is linked to fibromyalgia I've had it regular over the past few years and what I've read medical experts link it to fibromyalgia I just wanted to ask the people who suffer from fibromyalgia take care
HI Craggsy22,
I was diagnosed 3 months ago. Consultant asked what the hell my gp was doing as it was blatantly obvious I had it years ago! Anyway, I have those symptoms along with excruciating pain inside my nose next to the bone, dribbling/wet inside of my nose and never ending headaches/migraines. Sometimes my nose decides to bleed for days or weeks at a time. I find the Fibromyalgia group on Facebook fascinating as well as very helpful. Also signed up to the website fibromyalgiauk.co.uk which gives great information, advices and shocking insights. Sometimes. All the best 😍
Hi Craggsy22,
I can’t manage to hold my phone for long enough to read 38 replies to your question but just in case this hasn’t been mentioned already the American Fibro expert Dr Jacob Teitelbaum believes that sinus problems & post nasal drip are highly related to Fibro. If you can get your hands on a copy of his book ‘From Fatigued to Fantastic’ you’ll probably find it in there. I had consultations with him back in 2019 so this isn’t hearsay. Anyway thought I’d mention it. Best of luck with your search for answers.
Yes, it seems I have it too. I have never thought it was related to fibromyalgia; I also have Sjogren syndrome (dry eyes etc), So one more symptom to add to others to this condition which to most doctors does not even exist. And when it does, they have no idea how to help us, anyway.
Hi. In answer to your question. Just recently I have been getting a lot of sinus pain. It's awful I feel like there's a brick on top of my head and a feeling of a very blocked nose. It's driving me mad.plus the fybro.pain in my legs. I suppose we shall.jydt have to grin and bear it. Good luck.
my sinuses are horrendous. When they flare up I have night terrors which include being buried alive (stuffy nose makes breathing hard work at night) so I can fully appreciate how hard it can be!
Another possibility could be MCAS and there from histamine, but then it'd happen more caused by certain triggers, in my case the jabs and food, other triggers might be mould. MCAS experts say that fibro may be a part or aspect of MCAS. I've always had skin and gut oversensitivities, which MCAS explains well and diet & supps help keep the burning sinuses and post-nasal drip down (incl. GABA which also helps my fibro by increasing serotonin and thus apparently decreasing histamine).
Yes I do, doctors say it is all part of Fibromyalgia.
hi Just been reading everyone’s sinus issues here and I have every single one. One not mentioned that I get often is a “I’m not here feeling” slightly light headed/ wooshy feeling ? This only happens on the days when my sinus pressure is really bad- anyone else?