Hi, can anyone please have any advice for me regarding terrible sinus problems, even my hearing is low. I have been on antibiotics several times but unfortunately made no difference. Thank you in advance. 😔
Sinusitis : Hi, can anyone please have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Pain relief Paracetamol
Plenty of hot drinks
Steaming with obus Oil in the water but done open your eyes while doing it .
Hot Wheat bag
Or one of the Salt Water rinses like Sterimar
Good Luck hope something works for you '
Rose54, what is Sterimar. Is the hot wheat bag for headaches and placed on your forehead..? Take care and thank you. 💚
Morning, my husband suffers with sinus problems and the specialist told him to use a nasal wash. He uses Neilmed. It’s a bottle that you put a sachet in and warm water then gently squeeze it up each nostril. It then washes through and out the other nostril. It takes a bit of practice and getting used to! Make sure you’re leaning over the sink and have a tissue ready! He has been so much better since using this
Hi dear I have the same . I have been operated already..
but still the same damn problem 😣😔
I hope there will be a solution for all of us with this problem 🙏🏻😔
I have suffered with sinus problems for years in and off so I feel your pain. It affects my eyes even gives me toothache aswell as all the other extreme pain you get with acute sinititus. I have been waiting for an appointment with ENT consultant for about 19 months now and unfortunately due to the pandemic have no idea when that appointment will be. Now apparently there is different things they can do which your gp can’t also it could be acute enough that you get put under and have your sinuses scraped back which is apparently something that’s necessary when the antibiotics just don’t help. Suggest a referral to your GP although it could take a while.
I use menthol crystals, you can ask over the counter at local pharmacy, they go a lot further than olbas oil, only need a small amount in a bowl of hot water, its strong, can smell it all over the house so if someone else in the house with you shut yourself in a room with it
I feel your pain I have had issues with sinuses for qboutb2 years now and repeat chest infections from when they clear. I am waiting to see q ent specialist. I am on an antihistamine full time it helps a bit and when they start to build up I take an extra one at night for a few days which seems to be making a huge difference since I started doing that. Hope you feel better soon z
I suffered with sinus pain for years, but not any more. If you can handle the heat, take a small bite of a green chilli (small green chillies from local Indian store)these are quite potent so start with small bites.
Sinusitis is incurable and an absolute pain to live with! Steam, heat, eat drops if there's any infection there, you could try a prescription nasal spray, talk to your doctor about seeing ent at the hospital.
I have read some articles online about the use of Xylitol added into the nasal sprays which helps to fight infection. It has scientific research behind it. Xylitol has many reported health benefits
Can this be bought OTC.
I live in the U.K. where it can be purchased in supermarkets and health food shops. A word of warning…..check it is Xylitol made from birch as some cheaper brands are made from corn and they do not have the same benefits.You will probably find it with the sugar.
Another option would be a good quality, high strength Manuka honey.
Although the Xylitol is less expensive and has been shown to be more effective during research
I’ve suffered for years and going through a bad time with it at the moment. No real pain just inflammation 😒 . It’s very annoying more than anything.
Also try looking up sinus massages and do them regularly, even when your sinus are not inflamed. My GP prescribed mometasone furoate as well and I find if I catch the sinus infection soon enough these two things can keep it at bay , hope you get it sorted soon
Hi , sorry to hear you are suffering so much, it can be hellish. My suffering ended when I was advised to, remove milk from my diet, no milk worked for me, I hope you find relief 🙋
Hi its me again, have you tried vick vapour rub, in your ears, up your nose on your lips on your forehead, below your tearducts and follow your cheekbone down to your earlobe this will help remove the gunk and take it to the lymphatic system, its not instant but you will notice a difference hth x
I am waiting for a operation for mine always yellow at the back of my throat still on antibiotics horrible and spray for my nose.