Sorry really long post.
needing to let it all out.
firstly a bit of context regarding below.
I have an older disabled brother that. has Down's syndrome and heart issues. My parents both have some mobility disabilities themselves and are struggling with all the care including his personal care
During covid,he got diagnosed with dementia and went downhill very quickly,losing lots of skills and several bad falls.despite having some Limited support he became very ill and ended up in hospital for 7weeks and i stayed with him 24/7 and my gp signed me off sick with sick lines stating stress and fibro due to family circumstances.
Eventually recovered enough to go into a care home permanently and was classed as end of life and receiving palliative care.
Amazingly he perked up and was doing well until this July. He asphyxiated during a seizure in the care home and ended up on high dependency due to pneumonia in both lungs. He was not expected to survive and again I stayed with him 24/7 for weeks 2 .
Within this time I had a few days off sick for myself due to my fibro being the worst it has been since being diagnosed and I was struggling due to pain.
fast forward to now,I'm on new meds,fibro under control with them and brother doing well and back in care home and I'm back at work.
I had a meeting last Friday with my managers at work regarding my absences due to looking after my brother and I've hit triggers that mean I'm now on a 6 mth probation as per their absence policy, and if there is any more absences that cannot be justified I can lose my job.
My boss is telling me I need to stop the knee jerk reaction of going sick so I can be with my brother 24/7 and I'm to contact them so they can look at my shifts to see what they can do so I can spend some time with him not constant time. I'm supposed to leave him alone so that the hospital staff can do their job of caring for him rather than me and I'm to work.(when I was there withhim they feed him or change him sometimes)
I'm also supposed to not give so much of myself to the rest of my family despite being in the unique situation of being sometimes carer for 3 people.
I've not spoken to anyone about this as my sounding board is my dad and I know he's not going to react well so have kept quiet. But it's eating me up inside as I don't know how to be the person work want me to be without damaging my family relationships and adding to my guilt as it goes against the grain of who I am.
I do understand where work are coming from because they concerned about the effect on my health but more bout how it impacts on them too.
I just feel so stuck and lost at the moment. The stress of this pressure is causing more pain again.
Sorry for the vent. Just needed to let it out. Xx