Hi everyone, can anyone recommend something for severe groin pain. I can barely walk. Went for X-ray but showed up nothing. Thanking you. Take care.
Groin pain.: Hi everyone, can anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Groin pain.

Hi there, I am sorry to see you are still suffering with this kind of pain. I see you posted here about it 10/11 months ago.healthunlocked.com/fibromya....
What does your GP think the pain maybe?
Hi, GP thought it may be a hairline fracture in femur, but x ray showed up nothing. I’m in absolute awful pain. Back to the drawing board again! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone.
Hi, I have this to, do you suffer with your back to, and into your bottom !The only thing that I find helps is heat pads and rest, there isn’t much you can do for this area, and small shuffles rather than walking, not that the pain will let you get far.
The pain clinic and my doctor are baffled as to what causes it, other than I have strained it some how, but it keeps coming back.
I hope it eases soon.

Hi, do you use the heat pads that are put into the microwave or something else. I’ve tried the ice packs but no good to me. I thought it might be strain also, but I don’t know.
Yes, I kind of sit a bit on them, either side, so the heat hits the area.My doctor said how easily I get Costochondritis, that may be it’s the same for groin pain, apparently fm people are prone to groin pain 🤷♀️🤔
Hi, you're probably already using or tried but just incase you haven't what about an anti inflammatory tablet or gel?
Stretching exercises for groin pain might be helpful healthline.com/health/groin...
Hope you feel a bit easier soon 😊
Hi there. Have you had a hip x-ray?I have arthritis in both hips and orthopaedic surgeon is always asking if I am having have any groin pain - apparently this can be significant.
Just a thought for you, best wishes
The minute I mentioned groin pain to the consultant at the pain clinic I was immediately sent to have my hips x-rayed and there it was as clear as day - arthritic changes in both hips. As we all say on here, so easy to blame fibro for every ache and pain but sometimes it just isn't. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Wow you guys are lucky. I've always been fobbed off and lied to about my illnesses. Gp told me the other day there's nothing he can do about my fibromyalgia but I'm no giving up there. If I have to report him then I will 😡
If you can get to London ask for referral to Guys & St Thomas’s fibro clinic. Took me two years until I worked out 1. Put request in writing 2. Follow it up with telephone consult. 3 have meltdown on phone. The clinic is one appointment only I saw rheumatologist, physio and psychotherapist. The sheer relief of being believed and listened to had me in tears.
They put together a plan of action and sent it to my GP.
There are other nhs clinics but I can only speak for Guys.
Hi Aoibheann - I'm sorry you've been suffering from this. Have you been offered a physiotherapy referral? As your X rays haven't shown anything, then it's likely a musculoskeletal problem, i.e. muscles, tendons or ligaments. I've had this 2 or 3 times, but as a retired physio knew how to help myself. Gentle stretching, as mentioned above, may definitely help, but you'd be best guided by a physio who can actually see you.
Hi, thank you for your reply. I’ll phone on Monday for an appointment with a private physio. I think that is the best way to go rather than more x rays through my GP.
Do you know what would cause musculoskeletal problems?
Often such groin pain is due to a sports injury. I have the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), & with this you might just turn the wrong way yet get an injury such as a rugby player might have had.
I can't say that fibro is the same, yet there are some similarities in the pain that some of us with hEDS have compared to fibro.
I can't guess over the internet, which is why it will be great for you to see a physio for an evaluation, & hopefully a way forward. Kindly let us know how you get on.
this is something I would see my osteopath about 🙏
Hi o get this too and very uncomfortable whilst walking and painful. I have always thought because its uncomfortable when i sit too in my lower back and buttocks its something to do with my irratable bowel which ive had all my life as it seems worse when i have a flate up with that too.
Please keep going back, this happened to me, I had awful groin pain stopped me from walking, was awful to sit and stand. But they kept sending me home with clear X-rays! You need to plead with them for an mri, unfortunately my hospital misdiagnosed me that much it turned into a full fracture and ended up having surgery 4 weeks ago! Please keep going back!!
I can feel your agony! I get this for months on end and then it goes for a while (and then comes back). Two theories from rheumatologist - fibro or could be my hip starting to go. It stops me walking and no painkillers stop it. I really empathise with you!
Hi, my Tramadol or Lyrica doesn’t touch the pain at all. My husband bought me Co-codamol over the counter from Chemist and they do help for an hour or so. It’s wonderful that wee bit of short term relief. X
Hi there, I get groin pain sometimes when walking, I have osteoporosis in my hip so I am sure that’s the culprit. Nothing seems to work to ease it except not moving. Not very helpful I know but I hope you get some relief soon.
It could be coming from your hip. I get pain in my groin but my hip is bad
Hi Aoibheann. I have pain in my groin most days & I also get sharp ripping pains about 4 inches down from there. I think it's muscles, but it can happen whenever it feels like it & catches me out sometimes that I call out in pain! Very painful walking most of the time, also when getting up from the chair. Seeing musculoskeletal consultant 5th Aug & I'm hoping very much that they come up with a solution!Keep pestering doctor for a solution!
Take care, hugs for everyone suffering xx
Hi Aoibheann sorry to hear you are in so much pain I have suffered with groin pain for 2 years now the first gp said it was linked to my back as I have curvature of the spine but nothing helped even tramadol I find mine is worse trying to walk and it sometimes sh99ts through my groin like an electric shock and has caused me to fall I now have to use a walking stick recommended by physio at hospital however the excersises he gave me were back related so didn't help as the pain was so bad I went back to another gp who said he thought it was nerve related and increased my amytripteline but I'm still suffering and at times it is very debilitating but I don't know where to go from here, sorry I don't have anything useful to say but I sometimes feel better when others explain their pain and you feel you are not on your own Take care please post if you find something that helps I will try almost anything
Hi there, My Tramadol or Lyrica don’t help me either. As you say it’s like an electric shock.
Try Co-codamol from the Chemist over the counter.
I have a physio appointment this Thursday. 🙏
HiBeen watching replys over last few days waiting to see if anyone else has same problem. Thanks to you I'm not alone you explained exact what ive been suffering for 4 years now. I had a fall slipped on diesel at an unmanned petrol station and slid under car door was painful straight away. Had many Xrays but all come back with fluid pockets Bursitis. Had physio for some time. My physio at the moment said she is referring me back to orthopedics as she says it definitely needs a proper look a scan. As it now affects me so much after her help its only given light relief. I'm also under pain management as meds I was on Gabarpentin and Zapain no longer working. Awaiting to have a medication review fingers crossed we will both have someone listen to us. Thanks for making me feel like I'm not going mad. God bless you all the best. 🌹🌹
Hi Aoibheann, I have had episodes of sharp groin pain for a number of years. My private Physio diagnosed it as (symphysis pubis dysfunction) SPD, the loosening of the pelvic ligaments, usually seen in pregnant women, but can be seen in other scenarios. He suggested I buy a pelvic girdle support and it made a huge difference. I no longer need to wear the belt, though I still have the occasional pain if I forget and move wrongly, but things are much better than they were. Hope you can get some relief soon. physioroom.com/pelvic-suppo...
MRI!!! Definitely the way to go. X-rays don't always show up the cause of pain as I know to my cost.
I think it’s a good idea to go to the physio if you can afford it.I had groin pain a few months ago.It was more on the right side.
I have auto immune disease,including rheumatoid athritis.I go to the sports physio on a 3-4 weekly basis.she does acapuncture ,tens doesn’t suit me..
She said the problem was in the pelvis,she did acapuncture and massage.gap sh gave me an exercise.
A month later I had hip pain.it was really debilitating.physio said it was in the pelvis.
It turned out I had been doing the exercise standing,not sitting.
Anyway 2 weeks later the pain has gone.
I keep exercising and back to 3 weekly visits to physio.
I've had this pain. I'm so sensitive that I could feel it creeping along my upper thigh, around my groin and back the other way continually. Severely painful in the groin area. My gp said it is arthritis. 10 years later I've been told it is inflammatory arthritis. It did settle down and went away for brief to long periods, but always comes back. I've been told there's no help or cure for it and it's something I have to live with. Hope you get some good advice.
Hello Aoibheann, so sorry to hear of your pain and suffering. I have similar pain it’s in my back in my glutes/ buttocks hips and groin and shoots down my legs very sharp stabbing pain takes my breath away and makes it difficult to walk any distance especially climbing steps is excruciating. I’m waiting to see a MSK doctor in August. Hope you get some relief soon I sympathise with you. Take care x