Does anyone have experience of blurred vision that comes and goes. It lasts up to 7-8 hours and this is happening most days. I've had my eyes checked and glasses - they are fine. I am finding this so hard as I use my vision to do my crafts, use my computer which I work from and when everything is so blurred all I want to do is close my eyes. I couldn't bear to lose my sight as this is the one thing that gives me sanity to live with severe fibromyalgia day by day. I've spent months bed bound with fibromyalgia and feels like my coping strategy is being removed.
Blurred vision: Does anyone have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Blurred vision

Hi there, maybe it could be due to eye strain?
Hi, I get blurred vision before I get a migraine, it can also be caused by diabetes, if the optician says your eyes are all ok I’d check with your Doctor , it could be something else.

Occasionally, but normally when I'm really exhausted
Yes, I get this is I have overdone things or have another illness as well as the fibro. Mine seems to come and go some days my eyes are fine another day my vision seems to be blurred.x
Hi, yes I do get it occasionally, normally if I spend a lot of time on computer, or crocheting. When I first got it, I had my eyes tested and was told it was eye strain, my optician recommended massaging my eyes and applying hot and cold flannels.
I do try to rest my eyes more now, I was very scared at the time it was an awful feeling.
I get blurred vision too. Comes with eye pain, fatigue and sometimes with fibrofog. Verifocals helped a lot. I've had it for over 40 years now.
I also get blurred vision, I think it’s because I get so little sleep.
I do mainly when I first wake it lasts about 10 minutes x
Please see your doctor I had a similar experience kept getting blurred vision I thought it was high blood sugar but when my blood pressure was taken it was quite high and this was the cause of the blurred vision I’m on meds to control it.
I was diagnosed with dry eyes, and usually use a saline eyes drop without preservatives. Get your eyes checked, though. Recently, after discovering mould in my flat it's been worse as I had an allergy reaction, so was antihistamines and more moisturising drops. Either eye drops deal with the issue, I think mine is partly because of taking domperidone for IBS and I get hayfever.
Hi... I've recently had problems with my vision which I went to my gp about. After mri, ecg heart monitor. eye clinic etc, and blood tests to eliminate gca showed nothing wrong... they put it down to high blood pressure. So am now on blood thinners. My chloresterol was also high. Both of which were unusual for me before the fibro. As you are in pain a lot this will automatically increase your b.p, possibly of lack of exercise... because of the pain, doesn't help either. I'm convinced that there's some connection between the almost constant neck and head pain as on those days, I find my eyesight tires very quickly too. ... but it has improved since my bp has come down to a reasonable level. Hope that helps.
Do get your bp checked... if you can't get in a the surgery for an appt, they should have a blood pressure monitor where you can do your own... and try not to worry. x
That’s really interesting as the vision is worse when my neck & facial pain is worse. My BP is fine & I’ve had so many blood tests which haven’t shown anything that would explain the vision
Hiya Butterflybeauty,
I have blurr vision. I use glasses for driving, watching Tv and computer. The opticians found no issues.. he said it maybe part of fibromyalgia but not concerning. Opticians advised to take a break BTW task from computer and screens. Hope this helps 🙏🏾
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), also known as benign intracranial hypertension or Pseudotumor cerebri, is a rare condition with an unknown cause or causes. The condition is associated with raised fluid pressure around the brain. This is a co condition with fibromyalgia and often missed! It is easy to diagnose.
Hi, My blurred vision was due to my thyroid. Now on correct thryroid hormone replacement and hardly have to wear my glasses at all. Just goes to show. Hope that helps. Also my hearing started to fail and this has improved no end too since on meds. I also think my bad neck could have an effect on eye sight.
Yes I do suffer with blurred vision , I have read it is a symptom of Fibromyalgia.
I get blurry vision at times. Usually when I am very fatigued. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and then later Myasthenia Gravis. Blurred vision, double vision, muscle fatigue and aching are symptoms of Myasthenia and Fibromyalgia I think, but I sometimes wonder if all my symptoms are down to the Myasthenia. If u get double vision it might be worth asking about testing for MG.
Hi, yes I also have blurred vision, it’s called dry eye syndrome. It doesn’t mean I have no tears, means my tears have too much salt and not oil, RA , also dry mouth and dry feet. I have drops from my GP, I had this confirmed at Eye Hospital. So look (lol) this , treatment helps.