my vision gets more blurred as the day goes on!
does anyone else have vision problems?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
does anyone else have vision problems??

A side affect of my anti depressants is blurred vision but on a fibro symptom web page I visited said with fibro your eyesight can change quite a lot very suddenly it happened to me aout 2 years ago I went from using my glasses for reading only to needing varifocals I wear all the time. If you haven't recent,y had an eye test it may be good to book one I was a little shocked to find out how much my eyesight had changed.
Hope that helps
VG x
my sight deteriorated to such an extent I was sent to the low vision clinic. I'm waiting for an appointment at the eye hospital again now. It has to be one of the worst side effects of fibro.
I can no longer read books, tv is a nightmare & it hurts to look directly at something. Dark glasses have helped a bit. I've tried just about every combination of lenses & have about 8 or 9 prescription glasses that don't help.
yes mines always later in the day, but not every day....x
yes I have same thing and ended up with cataract op 18 mths ago at age of 43. I now have one in my other eye but thankfully isnt growing as fast as the other 1 did so dont need an op just yet. I went from perfect eye sight at an examination in May till needing a cataract op 4 mths later in Sept. Definitely recommend you get your eyes checked as soon as possible
It isn't uncommon to have visual disturbances with Fibroymalgia, but anything like this needs to be checked out by your GP so please have a word with them about this. It's always best to discuss this to rule out other conditions and also to ensure you get a referral if need be or the correct treatment.
Also by speaking to your GP hopefully this will reassure you too. Please let us know how you get on. Take care. Here's a hug for you (((hug))) xx
I saw an eye specialist some years ago, he told be my eyes were wonky enough to be corrected surgically but he wasn't going to do anything about it because the fibro was probably affecting the muscles in my eyes so he'd just be wasting his time!
These days I have 3 pairs of glasses - one for distance, driving etc, one for reading and the other pair for the bit in the middle as I was struggling when working in the darkroom - luckily my optician was a photographer too
I have had huge eye problems - blurring and double vision being but two of the minor things. I had rapid changes in my pupil size and rapid changes in my eye pressures in my left eye, together with left sided face pain and left eye pain, which couldn't be controlled by anything and I had to have an operation to change my lens for a plastic lens. My eyes imporved remained really stable after that for a few months, but I do have some eye pain and damage to my nerve just now just one year afterwards, but I have a pain flare and I am hoping that when it stops my eye will stablise again.
I have had 20 20 vision in my eye tests in the past but I know there supposed to go worse after your 40's but I have been getting blurred vision on and off for 6 months or so now.
i think my vision is worsening as things seem more blurry but then i ahve had pain and swelling in sides my nose.around eyes and in forehead.Dr offered no clues as to whether its an infection or not.
I had my eyes tested a couple of months ago as I have felt them getting worse over the last few months. They have concluded that my eyesight isn't actually worse but due to the Fibro, the fatigue and muscle spasms, it takes my eyes longer to focus on something than other people but once I had, I could see fine. Luckily it does not have any impact on me driving, though I can only drive between 10 and 20 miles due to pain.
ive been getting blurred and double vision since i started taking diazepam to help stop the shakes. i have had my eyes checked and been told they havent changed in prescription since eyes were tested two yrs ago, but I have found that having a pair made up for close work only, in my prescription, not basic reading glasses as both eyes have completely different prescription, but ended up costing me £300+ for what are not much more than reading glasses. Unfortunately its a small opticians but he is very good but the cost of his lenses are so much. they do help me on the computer, i think as i was wearing varifocals when i started getting the problems, i think they made it worse. I only wear them if i have to, but it has made it now that I cant drive. If the police were to stop me even if my eyes are feeling ok, if they know you have been having problems they would through thebook at me, so for over three months (well its been a year nearly since) havent been able to legally drive. must admit the longer I have been taken them, although im most prob addicted to the drug my eyes are getting used to them and the effect isnt so bad apart from when i first put my glasses on, it takes awhile to get adjusted….. but you have to remember that being close vision leneses watching TV is blurrred and must take them off before getting up as you stand more of a chance of falling over!!