Hi. Has anyone tried CBD oil for fibromyalgia?
CBD oil: Hi. Has anyone tried CBD oil... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
CBD oil

Hi there and welcome to our group. Have you tried the search engine. I'm sure you will find many helpful replies. This is a question we have talked about many times.
Also why not check out our related posts about CBD use.
We tend to be a bit quiet here on the weekends I'm afraid.
I see you've left your post unlocked to this community only for privacy reasons you may want to lock it xx
Hello. Thank you so much. How do I lock a post?!
Your very welcome. Please follow the link below 😊healthunlocked.com/fibromya...
Can I ask what is the purpose of locking posts. Surely we would want people to be able to find our posts so they can help if they are looking for other sufferers of fibromyalgia.
If they cant find us it may cause them to suffer.
What harm could anyone do if the posts were not locked?
I'm pretty sure I only found out about healthunlocked by searching for a specific symptom on Google asking if anyone else suffered the same symptoms and it came up with a post on healthunkocked.
I assume Sunny shadow also stumbled on healthunkocked by a search also
Some people do not want their posts publicly available - and new members may not realise and think they are posting privately
The choice is always down to the individual member to lock posts or not
Hi there, if you take the time to read through how to lock your post link you will see that people are still able to find the forum.
The diffrence is a locked post will only allow the first few lines of a post to be read. This then allows the reader to join if they wish to do so to continue to read posts. This also applies to any other HU group.
Also many members do prefer to reply to a locked post. We have to respect others privacy and choice. I hope this helps explain we all have options.
Locked or unlocked that is our members personal choice. But it would be wrong not to make sure to our members that these choices exist.
PS also in my experience people are more inclined to join a group after reading only a partial post ratherthan the the whole thing.
Like your good self it may encourage them to interact and post more rather than just reading posts.
As with most things on thsi community it has been discussed previously and in variable detail.
Search results - healthunlocked.com/fibromya... from this forum
Contribution from Mdaisy one of our former mods here: healthunlocked.com/fibromya...
And another from theauthor another former mod - healthunlocked.com/fibromya....
I have also posted a reply at one point from HU about it. There is no one solution and everyone has different comfort levels. I do not tend to lock my posts but then my name is attached to a lot of things
Hi Sunnyshadow,
I have tried CBD oil alongside exercise for fibromyalgia! Initially I thought that it was working but I continued to suffer from my symptoms and it was difficult to tell exactly whether the CBD oil or exercise was helping me. I haven’t given up on it completely though, I stopped taking it for a few weeks and I’m going to give it another go soon.
Good luck ☺️
Yes I tried it. Unfortunately, it made my IBS worse and 9noy had minimal effect on my pain levels. I did try the sort you vape which has more effect on the pain but gave me an awful headache.We are all individuals so what doesn't work for one works for another.

I use cbd as an oil, tea nd in cream/foot spray etc
To me a long time to find one that works for me personally, and please also remember that there is no regulation of cbd products and there are sellers who are charging large amounts of money for poor quality products.
I was thinking the exact same but I'm nervous to try it
Thank you everyone so much. It’s so good to have a group here who relates, and all the threads I read are so interesting and helpful. Have a good day everyone 💕
Hi, the over the counter CBD oil didn’t do much for me but I’m now on medical cannabis as part of a trial called Project Twenty21 and that helps me sleep better.
Hello, can I ask, how did you get on the trial and what is Project 2021. Thanks
Hi it’s a national project which helps subsidise the cost of cannabis products to people with chronic pain or certain other conditions. You can find more details here. It still costs around £100-£150 a month though, depending on what is prescribeddrugscience.org.uk/twenty21/
I have just started using it. My symptoms feel a lot easier at the moment. I would give it a try.
Hi I use the strongest cbd capsules . 1 a day with food to not upset my IBS.It really helps with anxiety and I feel calmer .
I also use water slouable drops as a top up if needed. I also use cbd balm.
I use the strongest of stuff from Holland and Barret and find it takes the edge off .
The only thing that really seems to help is hot baths and hot water bottles and trying to keep warm so thermal base layers and warm gloves etc
Good luck
Jo x
Hi, I have tried cbd oil, gummy bears and cream and for me none of them worked. However, a friend of mine with rheumatoid arthritis found that one gummy bear in the morning, not only releaved the pain but also reduced her blood pressure so I suppose it depends on the individual. Not a lot of help sorry but just wanted to show that it depends on the individual.