Hey guys ! I had my first covid jab in august 2021 of the Pfizer which flared my Fibro up for about a week . I had the moderna on Tuesday and I’ve had a headache since. The headache gets worse when I stand up or bend down . It’s my 3rd /4 th day of these symptoms . Is this normal ?
Covid vaccine : Hey guys ! I had my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Covid vaccine

My motto is "when in doubt check it out". If it were me, I would ring 111 and get advice. Hope this help. Best wishes J
Hi I called them earlier and they were hopeless 😩 they couldn’t give me any answers and asked me to see my GP. My gp did my blood pressure which came back normal and checked my eyes which were fine. I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced the same
I am sure you would not want them to make things up Peoples bodies are moving targets from day to day and it is more about likelihoods than certainties. As others have said we will react the same as the general population. The die effects you have had are more uncommon but are within what has been reported.
General advice is if it lasts longer than 5 days then contact your GP. Take appropriate meds. Anxiety and stress will more things worse in all likelihood.

People with fibro are likely to have no different reactions to the vaccines than someone without.
Some people have reported reactions, but just as many have had the vaccine with no adverse affects
I had a migraine with first and second Astra Zenaca. I phoned 111 and they said take migraine meds. It took three days to feel better from this 'expected' effect. The doctor said unless your feel like your head is being split by blows from a hammer it's ok. I got an appointment at a local walk in centre for other symptoms. I had to get an appointment via 111, I do not know if this still necessary.
As the vaccine made me feel ill, i do not want my 2nd one or ithers, as i feel ill a lot and dont want to add to thus. I've had Covid twice, so that'll do me!
The general medical opinion is that it would be much better to have the vaccine to stimulate your immunity than relying on post infection immunity. Best of luck.
Maybe, but you'd need boosters so regular, that they couldnt keep up and I wouldn't want to keep injecting myself with this nasty virus as we dont know enough about it yet.
" I wouldn't want to keep injecting myself with this nasty virus as we dont know enough about it yet."
It is not the virus and depending on vaccine it contains no element of the virus whatsoever.
It is the most tested vaccine in history and it is not new either as it is built ont he shoulders of so much other work and that goes for the RNA and the the likes of the AZ. It is no longer under the experimental authorisation in the US ie it has passed their full scrutiny checks. Longitudinal data is immense never mind the depth of population data.
What we do know is that those that go to get the vaccine with anxiety of side effects tend to have more (severe) side effects so plenty of nocebo effect going on.
We also know that being under or not vaccinated puts you at a much higher risk of severe effects of covid and follow-on consequences of long covid.
Boosters are very likely to reduce in number but 3 in 10 months was no hassle for me and better than the people I have seen lost or affected by it but that is my opinion.
I had fibro flare up with each of the doses and seemed to take ages for it to calm down. Thinking of you
I've had a new condition triggered by both my Pfizers, MCAS, which I'd labelled "multiple oversensitivities" before. There are similarities to FM, but not one of the 25 symptoms are just a FM-flare. The fatigue is taking months to subside, but I've got the allergic-type symptoms under control with supps, exercises & an antihistamine.