Is this chat site only for fybromyalgia and polymyalgia suffers please
other ailments: Is this chat site only... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
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this forum is only for fibromyalgia but the site has other health related fora.
This forum itself is about fibromyalgia, but not just for sufferers, also for friends, relatives...
You can click top left under "My hub", then "Find a community", to find forums for other health conditions on the HealthUnlocked-platform.
Thank you. Can anyone help as I havent a name for my problem so I dont know which forum to go on. My body feels very hot all day and night I can also feel that it is cold outside. I can feel Very hot and cold simultaneously. I There is a lot more I could tell you but I really need to chat with someone who has any idea what my problem is. Thank you
Hello, I would recommend making a note of these daily symptoms and book to see your doctor 1st, probably the best place to start.
Doesn’t sound like Fibro to be honest
As a single symptom, it might be related to hormones (menopause or thyroid); panic attacks / anxiety disorder; fatigue / migraines / flu-related illnesses; medication; dysautonomia; MS or peripheral neuropathies (see; or praps scleroderma (see a scleroderma page with the topic "Hot AND Cold at the same time?!")
Checks of hormones, nerves & skin would hopefully point more away from some of these and more towards others. So first stop would always be a doc that checks for all this, because until then everyone will be poking in the dark. If that doesn't help, above scleroderma page gives tips how best to clothe. And for any symptom to keep a diary of it and try to find and prevent its triggers or at least alleviate it.
Hello Thank you for your responseand suggestions. I have seen my local doctor, a geonocologist and an endocrinmologist who specialises in thyroid problems. Had several blood tests but no one can suggest a specialist who could diagnose. It isnt menopausal as I am 84 yrs old I keep a diary and always take it to the specialist but none can help me.
OK, now we're starting to get to the nitty-gritty. Docs can't help sounds familiar to me, but doesn't mean you can't get the symptoms improved or soothed.
But looking at my above suggestions you have only had the endocrine ones excluded by docs, so next would be neurology for MS or peripheral neuropathies, and unlikely dermatology.
Also you haven't said if you can exclude panic attacks / anxiety disorder; fatigue / migraines / flu-related illnesses; medication.
After all that is excluded, dysautonomia would then be next on the list, but this again is caused several conditions, like Parkinson's, so that would have to be sorted out.
In the following thread, Blearyeyed responded and explained quite a bit about her dysautonomia, co-morbid with FM, which would then not make you completely wrong on this forum.... :