Has anyone qualified for pip and other benefits due to fibromyalgia and hypermobility?
Benefits : Has anyone qualified for pip... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Fabchaz97
Whether or not PIP is awarded has nothing to do with the label or diagnosis it is purely down to how your mobility/daily living is affected and what you can and can't do on a regular basis. If you wish to know whether or not you will qualify there are lots of on-line sites with the questions which will show you the possible outcome of a claim.
The PIP forms are quite lengthy and it is worth getting help completing them as it is sometimes not what you say but how you say it that can gain or lose points.
Thank you
You could always try contacting the benefits advisor on here for help.
How do I do that?
look on the righthand side of the site on the pinned posts where it says FAQ benefits information that should put you on the right track, or you can use your local authority's wellfare rights or Turn2Us or one of the many other charities available to assist.
Hi i have fibromyalgia and urinary retention and received standard rate care for PIP, as said its not the condition but the help you require for every day activities. I would advise you get professional help and make sure you answer the questions using examples from your worst day, adding examples for the help need. Photo copy the form for reference and if you have a face to face assessment remember they will also judge you on what they see from your arrival to departure. If you are turned down then ask for a mandatory reconsideration. It is also worth keeping a diary of your difficulties for reference including the help you could do with even if you don’t get that help. Good luck, ring for the form straight away as payment will start that day, as long as it is returned in time.
Isn't it so sad that genuinely ill people are compelled to seek professional help to receive what is rightfully theirs, with forms so lengthy and complicated! So sad that they have to 'watch' how they phrase how illness affects them and that when 'all said and done' it really depends on the 'examiner' and how they perceive the situation. Even worse it is really down to individual 'examiners' who may decide 100% differently to a colleague! How can this be still happening? (I've been there and had to go through the stressful, lengthy, time consuming appeal system to reinstate what was removed!). Good luck.
The answer is and should be NO. Why , PIP is a benefit to help with your daily activities and mobility issues, PIP is not awarded on a disability, diagnosis or an illness but on your inabilities to preform the PIP descriptors safely, repeatedly and in a timely manner. Look on the benefits and work site and take a self test snd see how you fair remembering that the answers given in your application form will have to be justified at your assessment. Read each descriptor and give examples of why you can’t preform the activities, the why’s and what happens and the length of time it takes keep a dairy if this helps get enough medical evidence and OT report getting a letter from your GP sounds good but he or she can only confirm your diagnosis and the medications your prescribed. The GP won’t know how your condition effects your live only from what you tell them unless they shadow you 24/7.
Yes quite rightly so! it is how you perform your daily activities. Not what you have been diagnosed with but how it affects your ability to do your normal daily activities. I would suggest getting help with the forms.
Hi how is everyone doing I was wondering does anyone know how long it takes to receive pip from I being waiting like almost four weeks. Thanks
8 months for my friend I helped complete the forms. Depends on region, number of staff etc. Have you had your face to face assessment yet? Decisions may be is few weeks after that.