Just got letter 're employment support allowance to say they are reducing it by nearly £65. Using tax year 1994-5 to assess my claim. I am totally confused. I was still at school then til the july. Anyone had similar
Benefits changes: Just got letter 're... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Benefits changes

Have looked at letter and they've basically cut the part that I'm severely disabled. Obviously i wasn't back then. Am going to speak to p3 tmrw. They are a support agency. Hopefully then it Bank house another charity for people with mental health probs will be able to advise . Not good at putting stuff across on phone. Thank you for replying. x
Will get advise. Still waiting for pip appeal tribunal date. Appealed back in January. It's just endless. I think they are trying to kill us all off.
That's taking a long time for pip on ďĺa start off I had change over end of March and fully approved by end April and money started coming through by May. I would ring them see what the delay is think they usually say a couple of months for it to go through the system. Call them.
Apparently it's v long wait in Derbyshire. Can be a year. Have got phone number and will try and ring sometime. Xx
We can all support you with opinions at the end of the day you’ll get the right reason if you phone them ASAP in case you need to appeal or anything then go for advice no point getting yourself in a tizzy although we all do it phone them tomorrow there the ones with the answers try not to worry good luck
Thank you. Xx
I have known several that have been reassessed and thay gone back to the date the claim started.
However thay send a form to complete first have you received anything to complete ?
And as you say you would have been at school that tax year .
Glad you have someone to get advice from
They have sent nothing previously. The letter was dated 28 Sept and said the change was made as from 22nd. Very back to front. Thanks for your response. Xx
let us know the outcome will be intreating to find out why
Wrote a letter at half four this morning as couldn't sleep. Am going to try to ring today. But whether I will get through to them is another question entirely. X
Don't worry, they are used to nutters. I ring em regularly!. Always find it difficult to say what I need to esp in making it fit their expectations. Many is the time the dear assistant has been busy thinking , got a right nutter here, only to discover, I'm making a serious point n they shouldn't have stopped listening. The system is insane n those working in it esp at lower levels, tend to believe it's us not them. How could a govt system be so twisted.? Further up i find you get better treatment. They treat me like an unexploded bomb. The lower end want to light the fuse, the upper ones seek to defuse the situation.
Hahaha nutters United! Rang and said it was cos my pip had stopped. So it's all a v nice waiting game for me to flip my lid in front of a judge in a court. Brill place to be locked up eh!! Oh well off with my fairies then. Today will be ok. It will be. I'll get through it somehow. Keep telling self to focus on little positives. . Doing a drawing, talking to someone. Anything to help me feel better. There's so many great people out there all with there own probs and traumas. We'll be ok. Somehow. Sorry seriously gone manic cos of all this panic. Think I need to breathe for I pass out. Xxxx