Please is there any advisers who could help with renew of PIP FORM REALLY SCARED ONLY GOT 3/ Weeks to do it!!!
PIP renewal : Please is there any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP renewal

as per pm
getting in touch with CAB or emailing would be my suggestion.
Citizens advice bureau did mine. They are used to the forms and do them quickly.
Try Benefits & Work website. I used their guides to help with filling form in and found them invaluable. Do a small section of the form at a time & you'll soon get there. Make a copy of your form before sending it recorded delivery. Good luck
Hi you can always use CAB I used them for my renewal and I got everything I needed. Sending hugs 🤗
Hi KateAl did they help you complete the form Booket! It seemed impossible to get through to them on Friday.
Hi, I know you've only 3 weeks and yes to all the above advice but also start noting things on a separate bit of paper because I found, for example, one day my back was sore to get dressed but next day would have sore hands lifting the kettle but i would have forgot (thanks to Fybro fog) about the day before. Hope that helped a wee bit. Very best of luck.
Thanks Ssue52
Hi fibroglow - firstly you can ring the DWP on their PIP enquiry line: 0800 121 4433 & ask for longer to complete your PIP review form. They automatically give you a further 14 days, but please be aware that it can take up to 10 days for them to receive your form, & with Christmas approaching, do be aware that the 28th December is also a Bank Holiday.
Secondly, if you can't get help from Citizens Advice, or a Welfare Rights officer, don't worry. After all you would have to give them info in order for them to complete the form on your behalf, & you are the best person to know about how your disability affects you.
So, the most important thing is to fill your review form in with as much detail as your initial claim form. PIP is about the functional problems you may face, & your anecdotal evidence is what may help you receive an appropriate award. For any of the activities that apply therefore, give a couple of recent, detailed, examples of the difficulty you have doing, or attempting the activity, e.g. say what happened, when, why, did anyone witness it, & how did it leave you feeling afterwards, if that applies?
As mentioned above, it is very useful to keep a diary, which will remind you of your problems, & could also be sent off with your review form. This form is much shorter than the initial PIP claim form, so just add extra pages at the end with your name & National Insurance number on each page.
Please have a look at the following link about the PIP 'descriptors' or activities in case you haven't seen similar elsewhere:
The notes at the end of this are also most useful as they mention the concept of reliability, so if any of this is an issue, please mention it, e.g. can you do an activity safely, to an acceptable standard, as often as you like, & does it take you more than twice as long as a person without your disability?
Get a free Certificate of Posting from the Post Office; you don't need send it Recorded Delivery. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much it is so helpful I did ask for an extension I have until the 16/1/21. I have a lot of Medical report. Which my Dr’s copied off for me. It’s the different Questions difficult to know what words etc to describe. Anyway trying my best but it is stressful & causing allot mother pain & Anxiety.
Pleased you've already got an extension. Yes, trying to complete the form causes stress, which increases pain, etc.
Your own words are fine; there are no 'right' words, just say how it is.....your own individual response is all that's needed, & do give a couple of recent real life examples of the difficulty you face. Do that, & that's all that's needed. Your anecdotal examples are more important than any medical reports. Over half the people who are successful with their PIP claim don't actually send any medical reports. Your GP or specialists don't eat with you, watch you bathe, dress, use the bathroom, etc. so remember less is more with any such reports unless they mention the difficulties you face with activities of daily living &/mobility.
These guides listed in my previous post will help you complete the forms