Turmeric? I have started taking a high dose turmeric supplement from Nature's Best and I am not sure if it is a placebo effect, but I am experiencing a reduction in pain. I didn't notice anything for the first week or so but today for the first time I managed to walk through the high street without a limp or chronic pain. Anyone's thoughts/experiences with turmeric would be much appreciated as I am way too cynical over the years to think that this can possibly work.
Turmeric - Placebo effect or not? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Turmeric - Placebo effect or not?

I use turmeric powder for making my tea with a very small amount of it in a hot cup of water. It’s same as the one I use for cooking. I cannot see any difference but it’s very good for overall health.
I don’t want to pay a fortune for those supplements 🙈
There are suppliers on line I use a company called Nuke, and have bought a years supply for £25 it came in monthly packed in self seal pouches. They are 600mg with black pepper. I have persodo Gout and take one with my breakfast and the second with the evening meal.

I tried it, but had to stop as it gave me terrible diarrhoea.
I had a similar experience on one occasion & I knew then is was because I was taking 2 capsules. Seemed to be ok with 1 capsule. But can’t be sure. it’s meant to be 3 a day with the ones I was taking. I may at a later date have another try and take one a day only.
Thanks. I break a 20000 mg tablet in half and take once daily with food. The full tablet kept me on the toilet!!
Thank you, Interesting, that amount of 10000 would still be too strong for me, my capsules are 700mg not including the Ginger & black pepper, So I can only risk the one capsule when I try them again. In the meantime I’ve sent for some Serrapeptase coated tablets to see if they will help for Bursitis in right hip.
I use capsules 600mg with black pepper taken with food breakfast and the evening meal. Great no flares up knee pain free. Bought mine on line from a company called Nuke a years supply was £25 came in monthly self sealing pouches.

Placebo or not ... If it's helping you then that's the main thing xxx
I am not on my medications but despite using it I still struggle with pain fatigue brain fog muscle spasm etc
Hi Maud-ie , have you checked with your doctor about taking these? If you are on blood thinners, & certain Heart Meds, Turmeric can cause serious side-effects.
Otherwise I believe some people get a lot of benefit from taking them.
Hi Maud-ie
My thoughts are keep taking it and if you can possibly afford buy a high quality liquid clean extracted on the market. It needs to be mixed with other things to help with absorption so check it out first. I’ve been taking turmeric for many years in tablet form and they helped, however, I have noticed a huge difference since I switched to liquid form. The main difference for me is in my energy levels have shot up and the fatigue has almost gone. This happened almost over night. The prep I currently take includes extracted black pepper and pineapple as well as vitamin D. It’s SO expensive but worth every penny!
Thanks. I am in the UK. is your wonder potion available here please?
truthorigins.co.ukThis is what I am currently using, but check with your Dr. As I am not a medic and not able to endorse. I am in UK also.
I have taken it for about 3+ years now am still in a lot of pain so thought il stop the turmeric , within 2 days my pain had increased 10 fold. So in answer to your it does work I went back on it and despite still been in chronic pain it still has a anti inflammatory affect on me. Hope this helps x
I am glad its helping you, whether its placebo or not the fact your feeling a lot better is great.
I used triple strength Tumeric from Lamberts - it was pretty expensive and it did reduce my pain but sadly the effects did not last long. I hate the taste of Turmeric - so do not use it in my cooking.
So glad its helping 😁
Good morning Maud-ie
In my opinion Turmeric with black pepper is truly the best medication that l have taken for my osteoarthritis and RA.
It has done more for me in the last two years than the medication that the doctor has prescribed.
Since starting Turmeric I have managed to stop taking, Prednisolone (last year) and Gabapentin (this year).
In my opinion you must start taking a low dose and gradually build up the dose. I was taking 1800mg a day and have recently dropped to 1200mg a day, one 600mg at breakfast and one 600mg with my evening meal. It is better taken with a oily or fatty meal l have read.
My CRP was 175!! I have had joint replacements etc and now my CRP is 15!!
If the dose is too high you will definitely suffer from a runny tummy!!
May the force of Turmeric with black pepper be with you!
Best wishes, Tim.
I read about the effects of turmeric a few years ago. I was sprinkling a teaspoon or two in my meals - stir fry, curries, soups, casseroles etc. I found that it had an effect on my joint stiffness and pain. My husband complained that he could taste it in everything so I bought supplements. Oddly, I found that the capsules were OK but the effect didn't last. Then when I trawled through the ingredients there was an ingredient ( I can't remember the name - but it began with a B) that builds up in the body and can become toxic, so I stopped it.
Hello, no your not being cynical, I have persodo gount and have been using turmeric 600 Mg tablets for over 9 months and since April I have not had any problems I bought mine on line from a UK company a years supply for £25 mine are 600mg with black pepper taken one in the morning with breakfast and the other with the evening meal.
India has forced the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to revoke a contentious patent it granted two years ago to researchers in the United States on the use of powdered turmeric (Curcuma longa) for wound healing. ...
My mother takes powdered tumeric in a glass of warm water (I know how disgusting! ) twice a day for arthritis and she swears by it.