PIP ASSESSMENT: Hi all, I have a pip... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Macdoual profile image
33 Replies

Hi all, I have a pip telephone assessment next week, any tips are gratefully receieved x

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Macdoual profile image
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33 Replies
Dinkie profile image

I had one a while ago and would suggest you get all your paperwork together highlight anything you feel you need to expand on. Have someone with you and have phone on speaker so that they can hear the conversation and prompt you if necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat the question or explain the context if you are confused. Don’t let them interrupt you and politely ask them to let you finish. My assessor was fixed on the fact that I have a car so therefore I am fine!! Good luck

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Dinkie

Thanks Dinkie. That's just insane that she came to that conclusion. I too have a car however I have only managed to drive it twice this year. Sorry you didn't have the best of experiences. Thanks again foe the reply and take care.

SusieSquirrel profile image

I had my telephone assessment 6 weeks ago and received it plus disability benefit.

A few days before hand I placed all my notes out in order and read over them.

Be honest as they have multiple ways to ask the same question throughout the interview.

They are trained to make you feel at ease, which helps but for people who are lying to get PIP to is a way to trip you up.

The lady who I had was really nice and understanding.

Good luck and let us know how it goes

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to SusieSquirrel

Thank you, I'll get everything printed off and organised. Take care.

HappyHealthyGirl profile image

Have a look on Benefits and Work - there is a member's fee, but in my experience it is well worth it - they have guides for all assessments, & have recently done a lot of work on PIP & telephone assessments.

Hope it goes really well......

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to HappyHealthyGirl

Thank you, I'll have a look at that. Take care.

Tinkerbell1969 profile image

I had mine a month ago it lasted 2 hours thank god I had people with me I was getting really confused I agree have all the paper work together and be aware they ask you the same question but do it in a different way .i got another phone call off of her asking me more questions 4 days later so be prepared for that as well

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Tinkerbell1969

Thanks for that, I printed my claim form tonight. Hope you had a good outcome. Take care.

Yulduz profile image

Hope it goes well, good luck!

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Yulduz

Thank you

Lulu_Lollipop profile image

Hello Macdoual, how are you getting on? I'm following this thread of yours with interest as I have a PIP assessment over the phone on Friday. Not sure what to expect. I had a PIP assessment at home over 3 years ago following major brain surgery. I wasn't awarded anything then and I hadn't got the energy to appeal. This application is because I've since had a stroke and my issues added to. My problem is I do my best to appear how I used to. Unfortunately my issues aren't really visible to those that don't know me. Those that live with me do see the issues. Argh! How does one get those across in a phone assessment when one couldn't before when seen in person? I was in a right state - even visually - 3 years ago, but no. Seen as fit and well. Good luck with yours, Macdoual and do please let us know how you get on.

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

Hi, firstly I have to say I love your username, put a smile on my face. So sorry to hear of all that you've been through and I totally understand having that feeling of no energy or fight to appeal.

The pip assessment went really well, I was in such a state before it with nerves as I'm sure most people would be however the assessor I had couldn't have been nicer. I had been advised to have a copy of my claim form at hand but I didn't find that I needed it. I also had written down a few notes of points that I wanted to add as in changes to my health since I made the claim. She did say at end of call that I should do ok and be awarded something so fingers crossed the DWP agree with her. My main advice to you is just be totally honest I have seen others( family members) go through assessments in the past and lie about their condition/s. Part of my apprehension to the phone call was as you say how can they judge you when they can't see you, I think I maybe just got lucky and had an assessor who was knowledgeable and had empathy for the conditions I had.

I truly hope you get on well on Friday and please let me know how it goes.

Feel free to ask me any questions that you think might help.

Take care x

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

Got everything crossed for you today x

Tinacros profile image
Tinacros in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

We struggled when my husband had his stroke. Got refused at first but appealed. He was bad then too. Just reapplied and Royal Mail have lost our form🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband hasn’t got visual signs but he has been left with excruciating neuropathy, severe fatigue and awful depression. Our life has changed for the worse. He can’t work. His memory is shocking. But having to fight for this every two years makes me ill. Good luck xx

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Tinacros

I also have accute depression so I totally understand, i always say it's like a vicious circle, one thing sets off the next and it's just never ending. I hope all goes well for you and your husband. Take care x

Tinacros profile image
Tinacros in reply to Macdoual

Thankyou xxx

Lulu_Lollipop profile image

Thank you ever so much. I've had the assessment and I'm wiped out now. Eating toast. I have no idea what to expect, but the lady who assessed me said it'll take about 10 to 12 weeks before I hear back.

How are you doing? xx

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

I bet your relieved it's over for now. I was told 8 weeks so hopefully it'll be a bit sooner than what you were advised.

I'm doing ok, was paid off from my job of 29 years on Tuesday. I'm glad it's over as I'm just not mentally or physically fit to be working.

Take care

Allison x

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Macdoual

Ah, how are you feeling about that job situation? Hope you don't mind me asking, but I am coming up to a 3rd stage HR meeting as November 2 is when my sick leave runs out. I have applied twice for medical retirement. First time after brain surgery (2 years off sick). This time I've been off for a year so far since stroke last August. How did you end up paid off? I've been in my job for nearly 34 years. When I went back after brain surgery, the support wasn't understood or given. I went back out of desperation really. Then the stroke I had last year I was actually at work with the symptoms, yet not given a break or sent home. I'm not as desperate as last time to get back to work unless they understand and fully support me. Classed as unfit for work for the foreseeable by Occupational Health.

I hope you are OK with your job situation.

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

You can ask me anything, honestly I'm an open book lol. Since 2007 my sickness levels at work have just got worse. My latest sickness started 13 months ago, they tried for ill health retirement and occupational health said I was too young. Each time I've been off long term I've rushed back before I should have and then on return I'm hit with disciplinary proceedings. This time I just felt I can't keep doing this, I don't have the strength or energy and I suppose I just decided it's time to put myself first and take care of my health by not adding on the stress and pressure of work. Obviously big impact financially but I'll sort something out. I'm relieved it's all over and I know 100% I've done what's best for myself. I find this condition stressful in itself without the added pressures of constant disciplinary hearings at work. I have a few other conditions other than fibro and so always something going on and each illness having a knock on effect on the other. X

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Macdoual

Did you end up with medical retirement or did they work something else out for you because you were too young? I'm 56, btw, so over the 55 that I need to be to draw my pension.

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

I didn't get retirement, basically just ended my contract due to capability. Apparently I can try for ill health retirement in future directly through the pension scheme. I'm 46 so as far as they are concerned there's a chance my health could improve in the next 20 years. I get 3 months pay and that's it.

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Macdoual

So young. I wish you all the best. A good friend and (former) colleague of mine has been through similar situation to you. She's worked there 2 years longer than me and this summer decided to just hand in her notice while off sick (anxiety). She told me the other day that she felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders and she's now concentrating on resting up and getting better. She's going to start drawing her pension next year when she reaches 55.

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

I'll have my fingers crossed for us both to get a good outcome from the assessment. Take care x

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Macdoual

Oh yes. Fingers crossed here too. Good luck! xx

Tinacros profile image
Tinacros in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

How long was you on the phone? X

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Tinacros

Over an hour. I think an hour and 10 minutes x

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Tinacros

I was about the same. X

Lulu_Lollipop profile image

I've just received my PIP decision. Turned down. I could bluddy cry xx

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Will you appeal the decision? X

Lulu_Lollipop profile image
Lulu_Lollipop in reply to Macdoual

I will. I'll do the first thing of contacting them, but I'm not up to that today. Also got the big worry of stage 3 meeting at work next week so having to save my energy for that xx

Macdoual profile image
Macdoual in reply to Lulu_Lollipop

I saw this before message so replied to both lol xx

Lulu_Lollipop profile image

My health issues are not Fibro though. I had major brain surgery, resulting in cognitive function issues added to by a stroke I had last August.

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