Hi all I get some very severe tummy pains along with an upset tummy I’m on esomeprazole and have had camera down into my tummy and they couldnt find anything it happens randomly and I wondered if there is no known cause could this be another symptom of fibro ?
Stomach pains and very upset tummy (s... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Stomach pains and very upset tummy (sorry)

They put a camera inside my tummy and found out I suffer from Gerd, I also have fibromyalgia. I would ring 111 if I were you, it was 111 who asked me to go to hospital and the rest a history.
Also try to chew tiny bit of fresh ginger, it helps. Also mustard is good either I. The stew or sandwiches
Take care
I had camera down where they said I had GERD and hiatus hernia, I then had an op called fundoplication. My oesophagus muscles don't work properly so I have a drink next to me when I'm eating. Also I had camera down and was diagnosed with gastritis. I'm now waiting for another camera down as my stomach is sore all the time. I hope this helps. Sorry for rabbiting on!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️💜
Yeh, it could be a symptom of Fibro. but could quite easily be something else.
Have you had dietary advice concerning your Fibro., I am aware that, gluten, dairy, caffeine and sugar can cause issues. Perhaps keep a food diary for a while, see if there is any connection.
I hope you get some relief from your symptoms sooner rather than later.
Remember and be kind to yourself.
Stay safe, keep well & be strong.
Talk to pharmacy about side effects.
I had an endoscopy and found out I had a hiatus hernia and also gastritis. I have have GERD since I was a kid. Have you been diagnosed with IBS? It seems to quite often go hand in hand with fibro.
I wonderd this i am having lot of stomach pain i was referd to hospital to be check n then lock down happend so as of still dont no whats going on its fustrating
Get your appendix sorted out it could be that giving you all the problems
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This data suggests a strong link between GERD and appendicitis. GERD may trigger appendicitis episodes and these two diseases might share similar pathways to making people sick. The patient's diet, nervous system imbalance, or bacterial infections may trigger appendicitis in those with prior GERD
I wonder if it is as I am waiting for the camera but have terrible episodes of pain and upset stomach.
I was diagnosed with its years ago but never been as bad as it is now.i also am now type 2 diabetic, and have underactive thyroid so I dont know whats the best to eat at the moment, even though I have upset stomach all the time I do not loose any weight? It is so hard.x
Oh I feel your pain with weight and I have recently been told I am pre diabetic so lifestyle changes are needed to stop it going to diabetes it’s hard to exercise as of pain and swimming is the only thing I can really manage anyway as it’s less pressure on the body as for food it’s a constant battle