Can anyone please recommend a painkiller that helps with acute nerve pain? I’m already taking Nortriptyline so I’m just after recommendation for helping ease the pain. I’ve had nearly 24hours of a bad attack and I really need to get some proper sleep tonight. Thanks.
Nerve pain: Can anyone please recommend... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Nerve pain

Hi there, pregablin or gabepentin , or amitriptyline are helpful I tried them all and found pregablin worked for me. Good luck.

Ok thanks, I thought Pregablin was something you take daily as a preventative? I was hoping for a painkiller to take just during attacks?
I take nortriptyline and Pregabalin so a combined approach might be helpful?
There is a drug that is very good if you can tolerate it and that is Duloxetine. It’s an anti depressant normally given to people with Diabetes neuropathy complications. I couldn’t tolerate it as it made me very sick but if you can try this, it is very good.
Hi Maya
Topirimate (Topamax) also a good preventative for migraine attacks, don't have as many as before & not nearly as bad & Amitriptyline calms everything down really quickly if you can tolerate them.
Usually it's anti seizure medication & older style antidepressants used off label for nerve pain, a 'cocktail' seems to work better but sometimes they will give a pain reliever for break out pain.
Phone call to GP to review your medication would be the best thing but meantime probably co-codomol would be the strongest you could get over the counter or maybe speak to the pharmacist, they might know of something better.
Hope you get some sleep & relief soon 🤞
Not a pain killer but so worth a try - Actipatch (Amazon link -
I had severe sciatica and could hardly walk, this was a godsend and worked better than any painkiller I’d tried. There’s a trial offer that you can normally get where you just pay postage and it’s £5 I think (similar offers are available in other countries).
You attach it to the area that’s causing pain using the tape provided and then ignore it. It doesn’t interfere with any drugs so can be used by anyone and can be used anywhere on the body. I can not recommend it enough!
Forgot to say, it can be worn 24/7 so is useful when trying to sleep
I use Gabapentin, 2700mg a day. It's not 100% but is pretty good. The side effects are pretty bad at times, though; I feel like an empty headed zombie much if the time.
Everyone will have a different experience so I guess getting it right takes time. I hope you can find something that will work for you.
Thank you, that looks interesting
I take co codamol and gabapentin. The gabapentin really helps with my nerve pain. Cold and stretches also help. I have a nerve release stretch that helps with my leg and back pain
Hi My doctor gave me Zapain. It worked very well, maybe too well as, after a few days it interfered with my urine flow. I found if I stopped it for a while and continued my regular pain killers, it works. So when your fibro begins to play up again, take Zapain. good luck.
This is your GP’s job! What’s right for someone may not be right for you especially if you’re on other medication.
Go ask/ phone for help at the doc’s.
Good luck
GPs job !!! Wow wish i had a GP That actually stayed the same for a start.then when you do go there hell bent on giving me nothing apart from 30/100mg cocodamol / paracetamol.take one and no pain relief take two slight pain relief but you dont get any thing done for feeling even more foggy headed.streatches and walking if you can.try for at least 3 times a week.walking 30 mins minimum and have a look on youtube and get some good stretches that work for you.walking for me is best by far a feel my body change if i can push to 45 mins more than 30 mins its like the last 15 mins that takes as to 45 do the most benefit for me steady away get a tredmill for your house honestly one of the best things i ever bought for fibro.there not as expensive as you might think nowadays.and mine just folds up.but a just leave it set up for easy ness.good luck👍

Thanks, yes I do actually get out and exercise even in lockdown. The nerve pain is down my left side (of my torso) and I’ve found nothing relieves it, not even worked out what triggers it, it just comes and goes on its own schedule! I think it could be to do with a trapped lump of tissue between my ribs (it’s not cancer - I have checked!)
Thanks again x
Muscle knot? They can be a pain in the behind.a feel your pain no rhym or reason for loads of us its a nightmare isnt it..a wish a cld just have a normal month like i used to be before this just one month break please well youve had it checked thats the main thing.keep strong it will probs ease off n hopefully not cme bk but if it does try not to worry to much because you know its not life threatening and the worry leads to worse sleep anxiety so on so forth.i have a lump in my shoulder blade its a muscle not and for some reason can just flare up nothing to do with the fibro.its so anoying dull ache.i also have lots of little lumps and bumps under my skin not visible but i know were they all are, apparently the doctor said we get these little lumps and bumps more as we age certain people especially a didnt understand that to be fair but now a just ignore them try not to play around with them as it agrivates them and can make them more tender.hope you get to the bottom of it soon.try not to worry 👍

Thanks! It’s a small roundish lump which is between my ribs which I can move around under the skin. It feels uncomfortable when I do that but it doesn’t trigger the nerve pain. I first noticed it about 15 years ago in my early 30’s and I saw doctors but never really got to the bottom of what the lump is. And I still don’t know if the lump is the cause of the nerve pain! It’s gone again now but it will be back..!
It could be chostochondritis

I don’t think it’s Costochondritis because I’ve had that recently and it’s not the same type of pain. The nerve pain I get I’ve had for over 12 years, a long time before I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. But thanks, it’s an idea I hadn’t considered.
Nefopam is good for nerve pain will need a prescription though
Hi, have you ever tried Naproxen? My doctor prescribed it for nerve pain in my left leg which becomes worse when I am sat & sometimes when I try to sleep . I also have restless leg syndrome. I take 500mg twice a day when needed. I take 1x500mg about one hour before bedtime & then I can sleep. I have also used cbd balm & rubbed it in to the pain site it works for me, the only downside is it’s quite expensive for a small amount. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1998 & have tried many painkillers some didn’t work & others made me ill especially Pregablin, Gabapentin & Amitriptyline.
Thank you yes I do already take Naproxen when needed but it wasn’t helping with this type of nerve pain. I ended up taking paracetamol and codeine which helped me also with sleep and the nerve pain calmed down the next day. I have short bouts of the nerve pain (down the left side of my body) normally lasting for a few hours but this time it lasted over 36 hours which is unusual. I’m glad you’ve found a drug that helps you. X