Is nerve pain in buttocks, down leg normal with fibro? Been out of action since Monday. Off to Dr. later! Getting mixed up with different sorts of pain now! Anyone get this?, or is it something else.? Thanks everyone. Really fed up....
Nerve pain...: Is nerve pain in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Nerve pain...

Sorry if this posts twice. I am having trouble posting!
Sounds more like sciatica. Seeing your Dr is probably a good idea, especially if it is a new pain. Good luck

Thanks for replying. Maybe it is! Along with the normal fibro pain, it all gets too much, and i just feel confused. Have been recalled today to Dr. for vitamin D problem. So glad you are all here. Just needed someone to talk to....x
No worries, I find it difficult myself sometimes to work out what is fibro and what isn't A little bit of support goes a long way
Hope you get your vitamin D sorted
Sorry to tell you this, BUT; you have been struck by wild lightening, it is quick- powerful and deadly-comes out of no-where hurts like hell and leaves you wondering- the only cure is to stand on one leg with an umbrella clenched in your teeth and a silver spoon in your hand held up to the north star- this should be done for 12 hours and no more. AND NOW YOUR CURED...!!! HURRAHH

You've been talking to my consultant! Lol
Well, if i thought this would work, i would try it! As I'm that desperate!
That does sound like sciatica .
Yes, it's Sciatica. Pilled up etc. Vitamin D waS a bit low. So have calcachew. Also while i was there, the new Dr. Decided she would send me to the ruematologist for the fibromyalgia. Where as the last Dr. Said there's nothing the ruematologist can do that the Drs can't! Thanks for your support earlier, it's awful just being stuck in the house on your own, in pain! It is a tad less painful now, and i can sit down again for a😊
I have muscle pain in my bum and all down my legs but it's not my nerve. really horrible and my legs twitch could rls? But the pain in my bum is horrible and one of my main complaints. I do think it's fibro related in my opinion of course x
Mine was exactly like that for ages. Then it upped is game, and became Sciatica! Going to try and sleep now! Lol. ....x
I am so genuinely to read that you are suffering in this way and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution to this issue. I suffer with a compressed sciatic nerve and sciatica and what you have described is what I feel. I would definitely get this checked out with your GP just to get sciatica ruled out of the equation. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Sounds like sciatica, my husband is having a bad bout of this at the moment. He's been seeing the chiropractor and it is improving slowly. Hope you can find something to help your pain. MariLiz
Mariliz. How long does your husbands last? I can't take much more! X
Well, he's had it for about four weeks now, it began as we were going away for a few days. He was able to rest a bit while we were away. He did say the worst of the pain was when trying to walk, so laying down wasn't as sore. His calf muscle was going into spasm whenever he straightened his leg and his foot is partly numb. The chiropractor has told him the numbness in his foot could last eighteen months. We hope that won't be the case. The pain is easing gradually and he goes back to the chiropractor on Monday for his fourth treatment. They did suggest he took anti inflammatory meds, but as he suffers from diverticulitis he was reluctant to take those. So he relied on cocodamol. He was also told to use a cold pack, and found this helped too. MariLiz
Thanks Mariliz. I'm doing my pysio exercises best i can, this opens up the spine.hopefully then giving the nerve space to move back in! But as he knows, it's too painful to do! Have managed a walk through the pain barrier around the front important not to be horizontal for too long! I wish him good luck. May have to go back in mri scanner. No good popping pills all the time, if they can do something about it for us! Has he had one?
Do you have Fibromyalgia? As you're on this site? Hope you are ok too? 😊😊
Hi Maisy, yes I have Fibro, low B12 and underactive thyroid. I'm not too bad at the moment, but dreading the winter as it seems to make everything hurt more. My husband hasn't had an MRI for this yet, as it does seem to be getting better. He's got a hospital appointment next week for something else, so he should mention this to the consultant then. Hope you find things improve soon? 😌😀 incidently he thinks he trapped the sciatic nerve by doing Yoga!
That's the yoga out of the equation then!!!!!😲😲
Okay people, like I've said before- the pain is down to Fibro. And yes, Fibro does have side effects- Now next subject, a Numb Bum, yes its down to Fibro, normal feelings of just sitting down are twisted and the brain gets another message of large pain and discomfort- and those messages are so screwed up the brain can't cope, so you can't cope- the answer is not medication, that messes with other parts of the system and gets in the way of letting you be normal-
Go buy a tens machine off ebay or Boots, a tens machine puts small amounts of electrical pulses into the nerves to relieve you of pain and cramps, or other problems like this- and its only 9volts so NO, your not going to be electrocuted..!
put two pads on the very bottom of the spine one above the other 5 inches apart, put them right in the middle with two more pads either side, so they would be at 12 o'clock,6 and 3 and 9 o'clock, crank up the tingles and leave on for half hour, do same next day and next day for a week or so, rest for three or four days and repeat- this will sort out the damaged nerves and correct the messages to the brain- it took time to get where you are so it will take time to get back to normal- if you need more information please get in touch and I will be happy to explain more- regards and one seriously strong heavy crushing hug just to annoy you, K.

Can i just say kazzgirl. That i have a diagnosis now. It is Sciatica. I wasn't sure because one pain rolled into another! Nothing to do with Fibromyalgia. Separate issue, which some kind people on here were chatting to me about, as I've not had Sciatica before. The fibromyalgia type pain is nothing like this! This is nerve pain, down the leg from my back, as a nerve has come out from the spine. It will now take time to correct itself, no matter what i do! The fibro pain has now taken second place over this! A tens machine is not suggested for Sciatica. And at the moment the Codeine is certainly giving me some respite for a while!
yeah I know what its all about hun, I've got sacro-illuitis.. look it up.!!