Does anyone know if these drugs will help with my nerve pain, fibro and ibs. I have been on amitriptyline for 25 years which helped but need a higher dose now and docs said its not good for over 65s so have to come off it
Gabapentin for fibromyalgia, ibs and ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Gabapentin for fibromyalgia, ibs and nerve pain

Gabapentin didn't work for me personally, but everyone is different, so worth a try if your doctor has recommended them! Just a heads up, if you start taking them and decide to come off them if they don't work, please please discuss with your doctor - they were physically really difficult for me to stop
Duloxetine is the only medication that has ever worked for my nerve pain. Have tried all the others.
Hi. Thanks for your reply. Yes my gp said if gabapentin doesn't work then duloxetine is next option. I didn't like pregabalin so we shall see. I have blood tests booked as I have chronic itchy head. It's driving me insane.
Hi Gingers
I'm on Pregablin for really intense, hot pokers in limbs pain and they do help me. I don't like taking them as they cause dry eyes & dry mouth for me but the pain is too bad to come off them. So yes they do work for me. I couldn't take Gabapentin as they made me too spaced out & dizzy. I have Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, old accident injuries, Low Thyroid too.
Good Luck 🍀💜
Hi gingers I'm on gabapentin also amitriptyline they work ok for awhile everyone reacts differently so I do hope they work for you good luck Hun n big hugs xxx
I am on Gabapentin and have been for about 12 years. I started with a low dose and it was increased over time. When I started the effect was wonderful - I was exchanging a faulty product at a large supermarket. The staff kept apologising that it was a mix up and taking so long - I was just in a very comfortable place and just beamed at them. The effects are different with everyone and this winter the cold weather is having a terrible toll on most Fibro suffers . I read somewhere that Amitryplene was linked with Alzheimer's disease. I still take it of a night to help with sleep. There are plenty more things that are supposed to trigger Alzheimer's disease and I do not want to live forever. Good luck with whatever you settle with
Thanks everyone for your response. I'm gonna give gabapentin a go. Hope you all have a merry Christmas x
I slowly titrated my dosage from 900 mg per day to 1800 mg per day as it didn't work. It did nothing for me except weight gain. During COVID I slowly titrated off of them to no ill effect.
Try baclofen. I use it for back pain but its also a neural blocker. Works for me but docs only give it as a anti spasm drug but it has so many other benefits. Very under used
hi there that’s interesting thank you, I take lorazepam for anxiety and it helps my pain a little but not enough, especially the burning, I wonder if I could try this - I will ask
Has anyone used a chiropractor or osteopath with beneficial outcome
I have been on Gabapentin for a few years now, i couldnt take amitriptyline. was given gabapentin by the pain clinic, after suffering severe nerve pain, I have osteo arthritis in my spine and my back gave way on me and ended up at A&E in an ambulance. I have gained weight with them, and have had stomach problems, unsure if that's down to the Gabapentin though, I would look into them closely before going on them. I'm currently back to having severe nerve pain again and trying to get an appointment with doctor. I'm currently taking 600mg Gab in the morning 600 in afternoon and 900mg in evening, I dont want to increase them any higher with the side effects. I was tonl to come off them i need to wean off before trying anything else so am dreading if they say I have to do this. Pain unbearable when I get up or need loo in night.
So sorry for you. Sounds like you've been through the mill. Have you tried Pregabalin instead. Might work better for you as its stronger
I have hun Didn't agree with me. Tried a few before gabapentin. Pain clinic said only other was Duloxetine but have to come off Gab completely before I could try them but no guarantee they will help so as they say I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Yes I tried duloxetine too. I looked like I was on cocaine! My pupils were huge! and I felt weird. Hope you find something that suits you as I seem to react to all meds. 😔 X
Hi Gingers
I found Gabapentin great for all the symptoms you mentioned with few side effects. It does take time to build up tolerance to it, initially a felt a bit tired. It's great for helping me sleep at night.
Gabapentin, pregabalin and duloxetine all made me a zombie even with prozac to wake me up on a morning
I ended up on venlafaxine which helps most of the time and keeps me fairly functional