Heartbroken 😒: Hi everyone, i hope you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Heartbroken 😒

angiecxx profile image
β€’44 Replies

Hi everyone, i hope you are all well. My heart is broken, my 4 year old cat Mogwai passed away last night. 😭😭😭😭. I can't stop crying. 😭😭😭

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angiecxx profile image
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44 Replies
M0AL61 profile image

So sorry to hear about your cat. Our fur babies are so precious to us. I know it's not easy, but try and remember all the happy memories. (((Hugs))) xx

hen-house profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to you - i lost my girl on the 9th Feb 2018 and i still cry now when i think of her, she was 15 and was like one of my children - we have only recently got 2 kittens - they are my babies, they will never replace my Daisey but nothing ever could. I feel for you i really do. Here if you need me xx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to hen-house

Thank you. It was so unexpected and I will never find out what happened to mogwai because it costs 500 for the vets to find the cause of death. I don't know how to stop the crying. From head to toe feel so numb. 😭😭

hen-house profile image
hen-house in reply to angiecxx

I know exactly how you feel sweet and so sad being so young, i honestly dont know whats worse, knowing your spending your last days/weeks together and watching the decline or sudden tragedy - but i know its heart wrenching i really do, have you considered finding out if another vets can find out for less than that? I know from experience they all charge so differently and also might be worth checking with the Royal veterinary college. But i am truly sorry all i can advise is dont try not to cry - it helps and remember ignore anyone that doesnt understand how it feels to loose a fur baby xx

My heart aches for you. Had pets all my life. I’m 61. So had a few last one was my dog aged 17. What helped me

Was a lovely framed photo ( when you feel ready). And either light a candle in sadder moments or buy a little pot plant for indoors and put it near. So sorry. They are all so special. Sending u a hug πŸ€— x

I I also bought a cuddly toy that looked like my bryony. She was a Yorkshire terrier. It really helped to cuddle it. We do what we have to to cope. X

So sorry to hear this sad news the loss of a beloved pet is heartbreaking xx

Aww πŸ₯°

honeybug profile image

Hi angiecxx


I’m soooooo very very sorry for your loss sweetie.

My deepest heartfelt sympathies to you for the loss of your furbaby.


I too have gone through the torment the heartbreaking and gutted overwhelming range of emotions over my fur babies losses.


You were chosen to mother love nurture care for play with and make that strong bond you formed for your furbaby’s lifetime.

No one could ever do it as good as you.


Your baby loved you the same too. Needed you just as much. Never wanted anyone else but you and appreciated every moment together with you. If given the capability would have told you verbally I LOVE YOU MUMMY along with every purr and interaction.

Because Mogwai was to have a very short lifespan you were given the privilege of meeting every need in those precious 4 years.

Grieve as you must in your own way and your own timing but don’t forget to celebrate those glorious wonderful blissful 4 years of Mogwai’s life.


I just said a special prayer for you hun. Please know that I’m grieving with and for you too.

Please take care and know that I’m here if you need me sweetie.

Much love gentle hugs and prayers.

EvaJo xxx


Eleanortoo profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your los and the current situation makes this even harder to bear. I cried buckets when my cat died a couple of years ago.they are very much a part of us. It's fine to cry and normal to grieve but please don't make yourself ill with the grief. Rest in the knowledge that she was much loved and had a good life. After 18 moths we got another rescue cat. She is lovely but different from Smudge, as she should be and we are settling in well getting to know each other. Take heart.

diww1 profile image

I am so so sorry I lost my 16 month old British Shorthair cat in December and I am still so πŸ’” they are family and so special .. I know right now it's really hard and so painful ... It is at first ... And you feel that the raw pain will stay forever but in time the raw unbearable pain does change ... I was the same when we lost our dog in Nov 2018 that's one reason we got our beautiful British Shorthair ... The pain did ease with them both in time .. but it's a day by day thing ... I kept telling myself that the raw pain would change and just went with it and got through it one day at a time... Now I can think of my cat without as much pain .. although it's still only 4 months it has changed ... So just take a day at a time .. so sorry and I do understand xxx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to diww1


diww1 profile image
diww1 in reply to angiecxx


bobbybobb profile image

Oh I am very sad for you. She was only a very young cat. They are part of our families and it hit's us very much. It's only natural you will be grief stricken for a pet you loved. I'm sure you gave her the best life while she was with you. 🌹🌹

angiecxx profile image

Thank you everyone for the lovely kind word's it means alot to me. I think it's the fact that she just went and literally a minute before she was eating. That's what I'm finding so so hard to wrap my head around. I'm going to get mogwai from the vets this morning so we can bury her in the back garden. She was and will always be loved by me and my kids. My daughter has ordered a plaque with a picture of mogwai in it and it says a few word's plus we got some flowers to put next to her today. I have another cat gizmo and I know he knows something isn't right. He's been very clingy (and gizmo isn't a cat who likes people ) but he always sits next to me and lays with me . Thank you for your kind messages it means alot to know you all care πŸ’•πŸ’•

sunnysanie profile image

Angie my heart goes out to you it really does,I miss my cats all the time so I feel for you,times like these its a hard thing to lose something and u and yours will feel it more so.I hope your ur okay and its good to cry,human nature to do so xx hug

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to sunnysanie


justmai profile image

I’m really sorry to hear that I know what it’s like to lose a youngish cat suddenly we lost out 7 year old a few months ago he threw a blood clot and lost use from waist down one minute he was fine next min he was screaming trying to get to me vets said nothing they could do for him that would give him any quality of life he was my shadow and I miss him every day xx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to justmai


Yankeecandle34 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby. I know how u feel my fur baby got knocked down and killed and he got ran over a few times b4 any1 stopped to move his body so he didn't stand a chance he was only a year old aswell it broke my heart coz I kept thinking he must of been trying to get home to me when he got killed i thought I would never get over it i cried myself to sleep for months even though I got him cremated I have his ashes and my cat b4 that I have his ashes he was 15 years old he had a tumour in his mouth he had 2 get put 2 sleep but as the months went on I got another kitten she's now a year old but won't replace my felix & sparky but I still love her to bits she's housecat and in a few weeks I'm getting her a wee pal coz I feel she's lonely on her own. Sending hugs 2 you. Just try to remember all the good times u had with mogwai and maybe when u ready get new kitten but not to replace mogwai but it may help ease ur pain a little i know it helped me i felt like Felix had given me candy in a way candy is my new cat. Xxx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to Yankeecandle34

I'm so sorry to hear that. My other cat gizmo is out atm but I keep looking out for him. Maybe in time I will think about getting another cat, but not for a very long long time xx❀❀

in reply to Yankeecandle34

That’s so sad. The rule in Uk that we have to stop by law for dogs only is inhumane. It needs to be changed. I personally would stop for any creature if I had ran over it

Yankeecandle34 profile image
Yankeecandle34 in reply to

I agree I would stop too if I had ran over any animal but at my bit they obviously don't care cause I found out that my cat had been ran over by a few drivers it made me mad and very angry, I dont know how any1 could run over a poor animal and leave it for dead but I'm glad that one driver did stop and lift his body on to grass for me, he didn't stand a chance my poor wee soul, thank u people like u restore my faith in humans 😍 at least there is some decent human beings still out there πŸ₯°

ellj profile image

I am sad for your loss, as everyone above has said losing a pet is something only a pet lover understands. It is tough.

I am slightly concerned that no one has mentioned C19 as a possible cause of death. It sounds unlikely as you had seen no sign of illness but after they confirmed that a tiger in the US died from C19 I have to wonder. I hope that was not the cause of death but....

Flyby7 profile image

Sorry to hear the very sad news our pets are our part of our family once again sorry for your sad news πŸ˜”

Stay safe

Shana75 profile image

So sorry to hear that, it's so upsetting, do you have family around you or are you on your own? If you are then please don't deal with this all on your own, I'm sure there's lots of people on here that are happy to help or even just be a conversational support. I had my 12yr old Sid (Chihuahua) put to sleep just before Christmas so I do sympathise with you, so sorry this has happened our pets to some people are very much like family members and they are a great support especially if your alone. Everyone deals with grief differently but have you considered getting another cat or is it to soon for you? You can never replace the one you lost but another can help with the pain. Just a thought.

Hope you're OK please feel free to message me if you like

Take care and gentle hugs

Sarah xxx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to Shana75

Thank you. I have my kids here. They are 22 17 11 and 10 my other son who's 23 couldn't get home from university before the lock down. My 17 year old daughter is coming with me to pick mogwai up from the vets now. I never knew how hard it would be losing a pet. Mogwai was part of our family. I know gizmo my other cat knows something isn't right. I just keep hugging him. X

Patdoyle profile image

Oh I am so sorry. I have a 20 year old cat who we just adore. He has been getting very frail over the last few months and I know what’s coming.

Since being sick my cat has been my main comfort. He is with me all the time so I do so feel for you. I’ve had many animals over the years and when they go it’s heartbreaking. Only when you’ve loved an animal will you understand how painful it feels. Gentle hug over to you my friend.

Welshcatlady profile image

So sorry to hear about your cat. It's so hard when our fur babies pass away. Try to think of all the happy times you had with Mogwai, not easy I know. Lots of virtual hugs are coming your way. xxxx

angiecxx profile image

Thank you to everyone for all your kind words ❀❀xx

Kitten-whiskers profile image

I am so sorry to hear this Angie, fur babies are so precious and very much apart of the family. Its so important to grieve, let it all out, It must have been such a shock for u

Best wishes

Debs xx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to Kitten-whiskers

It was so unexpected. I can't stop thinking about the way she was looking when she took her last breath 😭😭😭xx

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskers in reply to angiecxx

I'm so sorry, must be awful for you. what a shock with her being so young

My thoughts are with you xx

So sorry for your loss xx

Tabby-Cat profile image

I'm so very sorry you're going through this. I lost one of my cats in a similar way, one minute he was perfectly fine and the next he wasn't. The vet thought he'd had either a stroke or an aneurism. I also woke up a couple of years ago to find my 3 year old dog had died in the night. It's a terrible shock when it happens so suddenly and unexpectedly, and it will take some time to come to terms with. I found it helped to focus on the fact that they had known how loved they were, and had never been hungry or without a warm and loving home. Their lives were much shorter than we had imagined they would be, but they were happy lives safe from cruelty and danger. No living creature can hope for more than that.

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to Tabby-Cat

Thank you my lovely. We have buried mogwai now and put some things around where she's buried. I know one day the tears will stop streaming down my face but for now they will just keep flowing. ❀❀xx

Topcat64 profile image

Bless you xxx

It's hard when we loose our fur babies x

Especially at a time like this,

Keep talking to friends and loved ones about your lovely cat..

Then also plan ahead as theres lots of unwanted cats that would love to be loved by you xx

There only here for a short time but you can offer so much xx

angiecxx profile image
angiecxx in reply to Topcat64

I don't really have anyone to talk to. I keep thinking people won't understand how it feels to lose a pet,i mean people who don't have animals. ❀❀😒😒xx

Topcat64 profile image
Topcat64 in reply to angiecxx

Groups like these are good,

See if you can volunteer for the cats protection league after this has ended? You can help them from home xx

I no the pain your going through I've said goodbye to many of my pets xxx

worried4me5 profile image

{{{HUGS}}} xx

Queenielot profile image

Sorry to hear about your cat i lost mine in December and i still miss him more so when i come in he always came running just think of all the good things about him hugs x

Mollycooper11 profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss. They are family and it just is heartbreaking. Be kind to yourself xx

Dear Heartbroken, the depth of your despair echoes the depths of your love. To me that sounds like Mogwai was a very special and very much loved cat. It will never feel fair that you have lost Mogwai so young but you will know and eventually you will find comfort in knowing how loved your cat was. So many cats are born and are never lucky enough to find a home let alone a home that will love and grieve for them the way you are doing now. The four years that Mogwai's had you in his/her life must have been pretty special - for you both. I'm sure your cat knew how loved it was and probably enjoyed every single day it was with you. Loosing a loved one is always difficult. The grief can be overwhelming. Eventually the love between you takes over and you realise how precious your time together on earth was - and that can never be erased. Every moment of love still exists, it happened and can never be taken away from you. I truly believe that you will be with Mogwai again in the future. Wherever Mogwai is at the moment he/she will be waiting for you.

Let the tears flow they are an expression of your love - but not for too long, you don't want to make yourself ill. Mogwai would not want that for you. One day gou will be able to celebrate your time together and your loss will not be so raw.

Big hugs. X

SweepSooty profile image

So sorry for your loss, as soon as I saw your post I had tears in my eyes. Losing a furry member of your family is devastating and at the moment your heart will be broken and your home will feel empty. I felt the same when I loss my cat of 13 years due to cancer, I was in bits and the house wasn't home anymore, that was until I got our two cats sooty and sweep who are now 2 years old. I have never forgot the cat we loss, she is still in my heart but having sooty and sweep have healed my life and home. I hope that you find healing too.

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