I've posted about this before but I hoping that someonecan relate to this and has some new advice as I'm struggling. My jaw, neck, shoulders and upper back are so overwhelmingly painful. Its been relentless pain since January 2021. This all started 2 days after getting the 1st and only covid vaccine. The electric shock feeling in my teeth and jaw is awful and after a very long wait to see a myofascial specialist was told it TMJ dysfunction. Now, I wander would this be as bad if I didn't have fibromyalgia or is it as bad because of fibro?? Does anyone else suffer from this?? My muscles in my jaw burn and crunch all the time and the tight muscles jez Louise 😭. My neck muscles are so tight and crunchy also. Eating is so hard as the pain is so uncomfortable. I know sitting on a PC at work doesn't help but I need to work for my sanity. This is by far my worst symptoms of Fibro. I get so overwhelmed by it, it really gets me down. I just want to lessen the pain. Does anyone have any recommendations as I really can't keep on like this its sole destroying 😫. Thanks again in advance 🙏.
Jaw, neck and shoulder pain is horrif... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Jaw, neck and shoulder pain is horrific 😢

Hi Elle not sure about the pain but I do have crunching,grinding in my jaws it Is quite noisy when I eat or open my mouth wide.It seems we all have different side effects from fibromyalgia and I have a lot of them.I don't know if this is any help but good luck anyway.X
my wife has very similar problems to Elle.
Severe pain in the arms, shoulder neck and upper back.she takes numerous pain killers-all of little avail.still not certain if the problem is fibro or osteo. At present there just just isn’t medication to deal with the pain. My wife’s solution-is to sit as quietly as possible.it works but is probably the worst solution. I understand other new medications are being developed.has anyone information.
You could look into getting a Michigan Splint or other Occlusal splints, that's the only thing that have been suggested for me.
Heated bean/wheat bags help a bit with the neck and shoulders.
Yes l do. Pains since March on and off and now 10 days non stop pain. I have arthritis in my jaw as l have crooked teeth. I used to wear a bite on my bottom teeth but for ghe past 2 months can't no longer wear it as it gives me jaw pain and headache. This is the worst pain l have ever suffered from and l am almost house bound because if l get cold on my face my pains are terrible. I don't know what to do any more.
Heyy Anna65maria
I really can relate, its awful. I can't even enjoy food anymore as I live mostly on a liquid diet. The muscle tension in my shoulder, neck and jaw is terrible. I've tried so many things for relief but to no avail. Its sole destroying 😫. Its so hard to find joy with constant pain. Cant even go out for food socially because eating and talking agitates my jaw. I hope for something new to try to get some relief.
Thank you for replying. Take care and hope you find some relief 😊 🙏
I get severe neck and shoulder pain with terrible toothache throughout my entire mouth. This then usually causes a headache on top. I do grind my teeth and have a madison splint but I have bitten through it! The only thing that helps me is my chiropractor. She uses acupuncture needles and gentle manipulation (no harsh cracking). It does lessen the symptoms but have to go every week or 2.
Heyyy Elifant
Thanks for your reply. Its awful eh. Its by far the worst of all the fibromyalgia pain. I can't even enjoy food because the pain. I live on a liquid diet must of the time. I have tried most treatments but not a chiropractor I think it something I will look into. I will try anything to get some relief.
Thanks🙏 have a great day 😊
hi Elle247. I also can suffer like this with chronic headaches too, one which resulted in a lumbar puncture! No issues thankfully. I explained all this to my chiropractor, who I see for back issues and he did his magic on the pressure points on my head and shoulders and it was the only thing that made my head and shoulders better. When I go now he always checks my head and shoulders and either massages or ultrasounds the areas. He can feel where the problems are without me saying anything including my jaw. I also wear a guard at night as I grind my teeth resulting in 3 breaking.
He also gives me exercises to do as a lot is down to my poor posture and sitting at my desk badly!!
This may not be the answer for you but possibly something worth exploring??
Heyyy Chunky6 thank you for your reply.
Yeah I get the sore head also due to too much tension in my back neck and jaw. I think I have tried a everything apart from a chiropractor it may be worth checking out. If you don't mind me asking what type of exercises do you do?? Is it stretching?? I already wear a mouth guard at night to help with clenching when I sleep.
Thank you, hope you have a great day 😊.
hi, not exercising so much but small tips to help. I do Pilates which strengthens my core to help me sit better, I’m terrible for elbows on desk when I’m working which is the worse thing 🤦♀️ He doesn’t recommend stretching for me as I’m likely to do more damage but everyone is individual so best to ask.
I have to practice better posture and not having my head down to look at my phone or read so I have reading panes etc to help with this. He also recommends and uses himself, a hand held scalp massager to use in the evenings to help relax the tightness in my head. It’s quite good as I sit and do it watching tv. When things are bad I roll a rolling pin up my next into my head- sorry not the best description but this also alleviates pain,
Hi Elle247, don't know if this will be any good for you but I find movement is the only thing that really helps me. I have the crunching in the neck but my jaw pain isn't anywhere near as bad as yours.
Lying on your bed, place a rolled up towel under you going in line with the top part of your spine and relax your shoulders back. You can use a stick or brush handle to lift your arms up and down or you can just lie for 10 minutes or so, you should feel your shoulders touching the bed and everything beginning to loosen slightly.
Apply some magnesium oil or lotion on your neck, arms & shoulders. Do a couple of head rolls, Tilt your head to your shoulder both sides just little movements, turn to look over your shoulder again both sides as much as you feel comfortable. You should feel some heat coming into the area you're working.
Always little movements but regular throughout the day. Go online you'll find loads of free advice from physios.
Hope some of this helps x
Hi can you explain me the rolled up towel please? Thank you.