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A little Health Thought If you going to shop and have coins to spend Boil them first

61 Replies

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61 Replies
desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

considering we have all been in fro a number of days and the shops have been demanding contactless and the virus seems not to persist on a metal surface for more than 2 days potentially and would be killed in sunlight then I wonder why.....

also hot water and soap would be better and also copper coins would be killing it naturally.

Lets have common sense again

in reply todesquinn

Hey why not is a better thought

As every little helps and the girl in the shop smiled so that made it worth doing nice clean shiny coins and perhaps ones card is maxed out

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Hot water and soap would not be better than boiling water,

2 days is along time coins do not get much sunlight

their is not allot of copper in silver coins

in reply to

silver and gold are better than copper and there is not allot of copper in copper coins either by the way

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

was covering all bases. The 2 days is not dependent on sunlight. The soap breaks the fat barrier in the cell. Copper was making the point that not all metals are the same and while my comments are from science and what we understand so far but by no means 100% yet. Just doing something like boiling coins or something else because it seems like a good idea is just like all the other great ideas doing the rounds on facebook like cleaning bins.

Also as far as I am aware it is only copper that is being used in hospitals prior to the virus due to its natural ability to combat things like this. My comments above are based on the early research study on the viruses persistence on certain surfaces.

in reply todesquinn

well if boiling surgical equipment works I would stake my life on it thats a fact boiling things is the oldest treatment in the book for sterilisation. that is science and it is an unquestionable scientifically based good idea.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

my point was there was no need to do any of them! Or strip everything down in the house and steam clean itm bin your wallet and clothes, shoes and anything else that has been outside. Steam clean the outside of the car. Bin all the reusable shopping bags as well.

or just follow the government advice and wash your hands :)

in reply todesquinn

Cleaning coins is a good idea the banks do it and i was thinking of suggesting it to the government health team as its simple

Bottom line every measure that is taken add up to a better result Statistically that is

Be Mello MaxV4 xx

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

like this then mirror.co.uk/news/weird-new...

statistically would suggest foundation but there is none just fear.

in reply todesquinn

I like that allot she at least was trying just little short of a general education

That is so funny Got to love that lady I hope Tesco replaced some of it thats at least a 12 of of 10 for effort

Be mello MaxV4

in reply todesquinn

There is good foundation for boiling to sterilise really their is its how they used to treat surgical equipment a pressure cooker even better but most living organisms develop to survive in the environment they were formed and it parameters take them outside their parameters they die like cold winters kill of germs

it is scientifically based

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

But no need. And if you need to boil coins the your wallet, your notes and everything else need done as well. Issue is not with the boiling.

in reply todesquinn

Hi don"t use a wallet did think you steam iron notes not sure about the plastic ones and sterilising coins has got be a good idea its not harmful its easy and you can pass them on with some added degree of confidence I felt better about it thats a fact and believe the banks are doing something about it.

every little helps being the premise

The big issue is we are simply in a holding pattern to relieve the pressur from health services

the virus will still be on going it need a vaccine . or added survival will be dependant on hospital treatment solely

Princess60 profile image
Princess60 in reply to

very true boiling things has been around as long as me whos nearly 60.why did they used to boil nappies and hankies to clean and kill germs thats a fact.stay safexx

in reply toPrincess60

To true and the punk makeup girls smile made it worth doing. if it dont work

Peace and healthy living to Princess

MaxV4 xxx

in reply to

I don't understand the connection between boiling nappies and punk makeup girls smiles, I know we used to have to boil nappies because before the days of disposes we had to kill the germs before putting the Terry towelling squares back on our babies delicate bums! Stay safe xx

in reply to

Hi Malmal

A very strange word for me

It was just the girl in shop had the heavy eye punk make up on and she smiled when i said i had boiled the change

It was lovely reaction to get xxx

in reply to

Got it thanks👍xx

in reply to

you are very welcome (☞゚ヮ゚)☞xx☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Whats Malmal about then if its not tto personal xx

in reply to

Not too personal atall my given names Marilyn (I know! It's a tough act to follow) 😍It's the way one of my eldest grandsons (a twin) has always said my name since he wa a little tot stay safe xx

in reply to

Sweet Miss Monroe

Thank you xxx

in reply to

Wouldn't wish my name sakes life on my worst enemy to be perfectly honest😔take care xx

in reply to

Much prefer Malmal 😂😂

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She had a harder life than she deserved from how i understood it and was just to vulnerable xx

Malamal had some kind of a Maasai image for me

Be good to yourself Malma

MaxV4 xx

in reply to

You too! Strange the way the mind can conjure up an entirely wrong impression 😳now you can imagine me as a beautiful red lipped blonde💋entirely wrong as well 😂😂

in reply to

If its in the mind It must be right xxxLLOL

Princess60 profile image
Princess60 in reply to

them were the days wernt they.punk rockers,mods on scooters.the world has gone crazy with all this tech stuff.hope everyone is signing these petitions regarding the wet food markets in wuhan etc.its inhumane what they do to innocent animals and the way they are kept in cages i cried when i so it.keep safe regards princess

bobbybobb profile image

That picture made me giggle though, I mean a cauliflower in a bubble bath. 🤔

YASMINTINA profile image

On my to do list hot soapy water , my question is what about paper notes ? (Don’t mean washing them too 😀) but they are saying about handling newspapers, magazines, I have been hanging my carrier bags on line for a couple of days after a food shop, washing my hands after opening the mail am I right in doing this ??

in reply toYASMINTINA

I think handwashing after touching anything from out side the home has got to be the most important precaution we can all take. Stay safe and as pain free as possible xx

in reply toYASMINTINA

Hi Yasminta

Very flower like image that paints

I did think that one could steam iron notes not sure if modern plastic ones will be ok though

It certainly made me feel better about the change I was using thats a fact xxx

oldgrumps profile image

No argument, just make sure you keep things clean, use hot or boiling water and soap, laundry should be washed at 60c for over 10 minutes! Just put some effort into being clean and you should be ok..9

in reply tooldgrumps

Hi cheery soul

I figure clean it has got to be helpful approach, even if only for the inner self

Be young gifted and happy

MaxV4 xx

they certainly do you an autoclave in this modern wold that is as do tattooist

the point being that we do not all have one of those to hand

If you think its a bad idea then do not bother its your conscious that hands over the cash.

just hope you don,t have to wait till it stops raining or there no are clouds that must be two days each side then their are all the edges to consider, it really can not be a bad idea. BOILING IT

It is most certainty better than washing it and a pressure cooker would most certainly improve the boiling process that,s simple physics

in reply to

Check out the survival rates of soldier in the Crimean war and take it up with Florence Nightingale.


Lighten up it is good for the soul.

Be mello

in reply to

Thanks Loony Z


desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

your mistaken. Putting them in the sun for a short time should do it so the UV light and air dispersal does its job.

Alternatively allowing them to sit for a couple of days in a drawer or pocket would also do it.

Talking about risk, you would need someone to potentially sneeze, lick them all and then for you to touch them and then for you to touch your ears, eyes, nose or mouth for there to be a significant risk.

But every minute they are becoming less of a risk. Just remember if you are boiling them to wash hands before starting and finishing as you may be recontaminating them once more.

best option as per the guidance is wash hands often as this stops things getting near your nose and mouth etc even if it is contaminated. Deal with actual risk and not the theoretical one.

in reply todesquinn

I believe money is an actual not a theoretical

If you do not want to boil yours then do not bother its simply a matter of choice to any precaution one may chose to avoid

You have to admire the lady with the bath for her fortitude and who knows weather Covid can swim or not

It is not lightly to swim far in boiling water, one could even add salt for an extra level of good conscious instead of waiting week for good weather and enough UV as that this the sun steriliser

in reply to

Their is also the question of how long will it survive in the sewers they are a warm wet incubator

Boiling is by far better than washing

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

but the advice does not say to boil anything. It says to use warm water and soap. As you may gather I will not be boiling any coins. Particularly as I have not handled any in 2 weeks.

in reply todesquinn

Thats ok for you then

Aany coins I may need to use are most not lightly to be contaminated but I will boil any before I use them as it feels polite if for no other reason than this person is there working for my good so why should i not bother when fact is it is a good steriliser

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

because it is not the advice being given and if you feel that this is a risk then you should be doing a lot more as per notes and wallet comments. You do what you feel you need to but this is not what is being advised Generally.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

not to have a language lesson but actual was applied to the word risk. Unless you were seeking to have a conversation about the fact the current money is an esoteric concept that is base on shared faith in an exchange system with an independant rate of exchange that we agree to rather than any real instricinc value.

in reply todesquinn

I thought it was as simple as passing the virus around

Would that be the environmental impact on energy use then

Be mello


However how much energy is converted " as we dont use energy only convert it " what is the materials cost and energy usage in soap production

What is the energy conversion and material cost of the water supplied as per the amount used in boiling compared to washing,

That,s a deep ocean to ponder with the added chlorine being dispersed into to the atmosphere.

in reply to

All these statistics and facts in this debate have made me feel truly blessed that I'm just a dumb broad 💋😂😂

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Hi Maasai Queen

Not so blond at all, i figure you are truly blessed with humour and╰(*°▽°*)╯ wisdom

Peace and many smiles to you xxx

in reply to

Thankyou MaxV4life at times like this we all need someone to talk to, disregarding levels of intelligence, levels of wealth, material possessions or anything else! When all's said and done we're all in the same boat aren't we? xx

in reply to

I really like you express such an excepting nature x

My in laws would say of me

Huh you will talk to anyone

My mum would say

Ahh you will talk to anyone wont lad.

And I like to think I will xx

Afrohair profile image

I can’t believe we are debating about someone boiling coins 🤣let people boil their coins if it makes them feel better and if they think it will make other people feel better everyone is doing things to tackle their anxiety for Coronavirus like I can’t stop cleaning more than I usually would it really Dosent matter.

in reply toAfrohair

Hi Afrohair

Nice name

To true if it make you feel good and it hurts no one why not do it,

Peace and Tranquillity you clean home soul

MaxV4 xx

in reply toAfrohair

I couldn't agree more Afro hair! Nice to meet you by the way hope we can become allies, even friends on here whilst we join the fight against this fiend that we're all dealing with in our own way! As MaxV4life pointed out, we can choose the way we cope with our own situation and its fine as long as long as we do no one any harm. The obsessive cleaning is hard going though isn't it? xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to

Well hell it makes me feel better so I’m fine with it!everything smells nice and bleachy and sparkling and hey I might even boil my coins later that will make me feel better too.and goodness I boil everything cause my mum taught me boiling gets rid of germs 🦠 cause of the hot temperature and I boil my daughters tights all the time and anything white or rancid and I don’t really care if they say boiling is expensive because it makes me feel better boiling something to get all those dam germs of it !

in reply toAfrohair

Boiling is the one😁when my kids were babies I had a galvanised bucket that I would put on the gas cooker with their vests, bibs then their nappies a little a bit of washing powder and a capful of thin bleach, water of course, nothing like the smell of the steam coming from that bucket 40 degrees just ain't the same! I must say that my hands are very sore these days from the strong bleach and viakal can't get along with any kind of cleaning gloves so just have to put up with I guess! Take care and be safe xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to

I’m not a big fan of bleach just this virus got me acting all kinds of ways .I started using it again as I don’t feel my other methods would kill germs effectively except boiling that is 😂I usually use vinegar but the bathroom needs bleach I always wears a mask around my face as it gets to my throat.my kids get muddy so I boil their face clothes under garments all sorts my fiancé goes mad cause I boil lots of things and have little bowls around the kitchen boiling.tea towels I boil those lol nothing wrong with boiling things lol and he’ll no if that water doesn’t burn my fingers it’s not good enough.my kids even complain I bath too hot lol .just lately I’ve been like wash your hands a little warmer get rid of those dam germs lol I guess I’m a germaphobe!just lately anyway it’s the thought of something being their I can’t see !

Hi Looony Z

I like the fact you will wash you coins they are nicer when they shine...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ😎😎😎😎

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I did wonder if you were sunbathing them 😎😎😎

I know Zoonie and I always come to you with my techie enquiries as you know! Stay safe everyone xx

Hi Afro Mal

Just a short name cut Shame about the travel I got loads you could clean If its not to hard going that is

Peace and good nature be the order of the Day xxx

Princess60 profile image

hiya MaxV4 seems like they are all having a go coz you are boiling coins if thats what you want to do yo do it.everything helps dont it.so you have no common sense either think thats a bit harsh.nobody has asked me to use contacless as desquinn has said.stay safe princessxxx

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