I went to Asda yesterday, I went for the elderly, disabled etc designated hour at shortly after 9am. we had to queue outside the shop, which wasn't really that bad, people were with the exception of one man respecting it, they were operating a one in one out system, I was 2 from the front of the queue, when 2 female police officers turned up, they stood just inside the door right next to the man on the door at a distance of probably no more that 6 inches away from him, they were also probably less than 1 metre away from people coming into and out of the store, this is the hour for vulnerable people to get the necessities they need. the virus can live on fabrics, as I went in they followed me into the store and walked across the store, there were queues at the checkouts and people walking about in the store as well, at no time did they even try to keep their distance from anybody. when Leicestershire police don't even respect the social distancing rules it is easy to see why other people don't, they could be carrying the virus on their uniforms. rant over.
Social distancing rules: I went to Asda... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Social distancing rules

Unbelievable!!! We all just need to listen to what we've been told!!! How are you feeling today? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘

bless you, I am fine thank you, it just makes me so angry that the people who are supposed to be making sure people follow the rules blatantly ignore them, esspecially when it is supposed to be an for the most vulnerable sector or our community
Not setting a good example there are they. ☺☺☺

they may not be setting a good example from what we think of the rules but they are putting their lives in danger every minute. And for us. They will have briefings and be aware of practices to follow to minimise their risk.
Its easy to judge from afar but they like our health professionals are continuing to do their job during this situation. And having to sort out problems caused by idiots.
there were no idiots, this was a dedicated elderly, disabled hour, vulnerable people, they couldn't have got any closer to the guy on the door, all 3 of them standing together in a space of no more than a meter, then following directly behind me into the store, before walking across the store, weaving in and out of people at the checkout. it was pure stupidity form these 2. I have total respect of those who have peoples safety in mind, the NHS workers through to the checkout operators, but when idiots like these 2 do this I dont
my comment about idiots was a generalisation as we have heard of them having to arrest people on the likes of the isle of wight etc
I just think it is easy to berate people from afar. Just like the tube workers are getting it in the neck when they are in the middle of a political storm and they again are putting themselves at risk when their colleagues are dropping like flies.
Better to support than berate IMHO.
That's terrible but all police ain't like it, you should of said something to them lol, then again when I tell people to stand 2 meters away I feel rude as I get a funny look, my sons girlfriends dad dropped her some food off last night as she's living with us during lockdown, and I said put it outside my window and when you leave I'll send her out
He looked at me like I'd asked him if he'd like a dog poop sandwich
I live in a block of flats and my neighbours ain't socially distancing either, they keep sending all 3 kids out to play in the small carpark/garden, they touch my cat, then their parents come out, then another neighbor stops to chat as they're going out, I had to come in yesterday once to many people had came out, I'd only been out there 20 minutes and them kids are always outside meaning I barely go out there, selfish or what, it's everyones carpark, they're out there now kicking a ball

I have a neighbour who has cancer, she is clearly having chemo as her hair is falling out, in the last 7 days she has been out shopping twice, with her partner, the week before the Hermes delivery driver told me she had seen her out shopping as well. the government said that anybody with something like cancer should be in their own houses for 12 weeks, yet hear we are, she is totally ignoring it. her partner keeps going out into the cul-de-sac talking to other neighbours, the day before yesterday he was standing next to one and patting him on the back.
That's disgusting behaviour, you do know you can report them to the police as of today, they have the right to first warn then fine people who don't socially distance or flout the rules of going out for no good reason
He could kill his wife, shamefull
My husband couldn't even get into the Sainsburys car park yesterday which was completely full with the queue to get in snaking round most of the (large) car park. So he gave up and went to the smaller local one and got enough to keep us going. He did manage to get in last week but trying to social distance in a supermarket is nigh impossible - fortunately he is smart shop so didn't have to queue at the tills. And this is supposed to be the hour for the vulnerable.! He has registered with Sainsbury's and Tesco for online deliveries but needless to say got nowhere.
My eldest son (who thankfully lives nearby) has added us into his delivery slot on Sunday (that only took four hours) but can't book any more. Hopefully though he will do some for us and we will try local shops.
It is a total mess and very stressful - no doubt by the time it is eventually sorted out we'll be allowed to go out again.
Once again the people who are supposed to set an example totally fail. It's unbelievable

We went out for some essential shopping yesterday, and while there was clearly marked 2 metre zones at checkout, staff were continually having to ask people to move back.
Yep same here, no ones reading signs, or even cares
I just had a right go at my neighbour from our block of flats, I've been fuming all day that I can't sit outside because another neighbours kids have been out there all day, so the neighbour asked why I'm not out there, when I was calling my cat in, so bit her head off saying has she not heard the governments rules about not letting your kids play with others and that she wasn't even stood 2 meters away from me, I was behind my gate and had to move back because she came up to me I'm livid,
The neighbour who's kids are always out there just let's them out while she gets drunk and stoned with her boyfriend, but she's the mouthy sort so I'm scared to say anything
Another neighbour has a kid too thats stuck in and she's abiding to the rules, but it's not fare on her kid hearing others play outside
So my daily exercise was a beach walk, as was every person in a 5 mile radius it seems, I've never seen so many people take up daily exercise in my life,
Groups of 5 on the beach, and deliveroo drivers in town stood in a group of 4
No one cares
This is disheartening to hear and does make me thankful I live near the top in a high rise, think some of my neighbours have went to family as its very quiet,I dont have my own outside space but can get a decent quiet walk:)unfortunately my brother saw similar behaviour at the supermarket and he said it will change for those people when someone they know becomes really ill,I thought harsh but really he's quite accurate sadly :((
Stay safe peeps x
My Dad used to say “don’t do as I do, do as I say”. He wasn’t a policeman tho,💁🏼 Some of the politicians do the same, no wonder they are all starting to get sick! Stay safe x