Good afternoon,
As some of you are aware my 29 yr. old daughter had a relapse a few months ago and overdosed, she has been in treatment for 104 days. I am very proud of her continued progress.
Today I got a text message from her, "Mum, I don't want you to worry but I may have been exposed to the virus..." I called her immediately.
One of the women who lives in the half way [recovery] house goes out to work each day and comes back to the house in the evening, she works with a man who recently returned from a trip to Italy. Yesterday he was diagnosed with coronavirus. Now everyone in the house is under a mandatory 2 week quarantine, my daughter said there are big yellow signs posted on the doors warning others to stay away and entry to or exit from the house is prohibited per order of the Dept. of Health
Massachusetts has declared a state of emergency.
If anyone in the house shows signs of illness or spikes a fever they are to call the dept. of health or local hospital if after hours. A response team will be dispatched to their location. They were told DO NOT go to hospital.
THIS is too close for comfort.