Hi again today I've woke up in agony it's like I've been plugged in and electric current r running around my body and I wanted to no if anyone else gets it I also had hold of a pan yesterday and my hand just let go it's happening more and more 😯😢😭
Has this happened to anyone else - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has this happened to anyone else

I've heard of going to sleep to recharge your batteries, but shouldn't you unplug before you get up?😁🤔
Bless you, fibro is a challenge hey? Can't imagine bothering the doc🤫 with that one. 🤣 They tend to think we are loopy enough already. But what do I know? Maybe those symptoms🤒 are just the ones to grab a weary docs imagination?😷 Likely🤔 it's the way you tell em, how it gets recieved?🤨
🤫I have something where I get waves of energy running through my bod. Esp at night😴 it feels like I'm gonna fall out of my body. I feel like I'm sliding and scraping out.😣 It catches on my shins as the energy pools in my feet. Is it stuck there, with no exit?🤔 I'm still here. 🤗Not actually fallen out but it is disconcerting. 😣
In my sleep stupor I'm trying to figure🤔 the feeling.🥱 What is happening?🙃 Should I wake up? Can I wake up?😩 Or go back to sleep even? All the while clinging on.😖
It's OK, I don't mind you 🤣giggling. It is quite funny. Only, it deprives me of the sleep I need. I get exhausted. I need proper sleep. We all do. And these weird symptoms just add to how I get run down. Night after night, trapped between waking and sleeping. It winds up the rest of my fibro.
Sometimes I imagine having symptoms the docs might take seriously. That they wouldn't roll their eyes and sigh. Or have to pretend they are choking instead of stifling a chortle. That they might understand and say, ooh, I have an answer to that! Or even understand how one symptom winds up the rest and that's why we need help.
My advice is to not worry over it. Likely it's nerves misfiring? Your brain misunderstanding? If you do worry, as with any new symptom that concerns you, then it's back to the doc for reassurance.😊
And be careful with the dropping of stuff, esp hot 🥵pans!!!
Hi, I recently had bloods done by rheumatologist to ascertain if I have polymyalgia,,he said negative but my ESR levels were raised slightly,that's for arthritic readings,,he says I have polyarthralgia ..if you Google symptoms you might find some or all of what you describe comes under this banner...treatment so far has been physio with a referral for more hydrotherapy when there is a space...
This sounds like a set of symptoms with multiple causes. Pressure on nerve roots in neck - chiropractor. Electric current could pressure on nerves. Chiropractor and or neurologist.
muscles are tightening on tendon sheaths in hand result lose of strength in fingers. brain could be deciding to switch off - gp then possible referral to neurologist.
Worth seeing a sports therapist. Muscles getting over tight causing problems with compressed nerves.
Blame fibro by all means, but see health specialists to see what symptoms can be eliminated by appropriate treatments.
What I have said is guesswork and could be wrong.
Hi Krista,
during my years long quest to getting a diagnosis of fibromyalgia one thing I was constantly trying to describe was "the electrical current running along my nerve pathways" This is a constant with me and has gone on for nearly 30 years, day in, day out, to the point that it is my 'normal' and I rarely even complain or comment on it anymore. No one really 'gets it'.
I am posting a link to wikipedia. Research Dysesthesia, I think this might give you some answers.